The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 21, 1898, Image 6

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Issued Weekly by m Hesperian, Assoelaitioni of tQite UnEvdrbity of
One copy, per cdbleg-o year, i)n advance $1.00
Orae copy, one seniels'ber CO
AdtcrTlslnlg Rates on Application.
AQuminH and Ex-Studewts.
SpedM ontfcuivor will be made 'to make the HesperJian linlbarelsttng
to iomar studionlts. Please send us your mibsontptiions. Conlbnlbut'ion'a
Uliamkfuily irooaived.
Subsarlptlioms om our books will be continued ututil ordlcred tfliopped.
Addaieiss nQl commun'ica'tionb Ho TQwj Hesperian, Univeirsilby of Ne
braska, Lincoln), Nebraska.
(Dntberod in the PostofElee at Lincoln as secomd class- nin'tiUur.
F. E. Edg-er-bon Managingi MtLtor
J. J. Plbwflwa)d Alssflstmnlt
R. C. Ropor '. Editorial
F. O. Howxby Nowb
Bortha Johnston Nows
Frank Miller .News
Q. W. Kl'ilne LLbemmy
W. II. O'Oowinel Debates
Bam B. Sloan .- Frabernlitlies
Nebraska plays foot-ball.
The truth always hurts. Road tho ru'a editorials.
A much nooded improvement hi tho shape of a bicycle rack
has been located near tho library. Improvements aro always
Tho debating association has held a mooting and work on tho
preliminaries is under way. Old time debaters and would-bo
debaters aro taking up the work with intorost. Lot us make a
bettor record this year in our intor-state debates. Wo have
tho material, it only needs developing.
Tho University of Chicago has just conferred tho dogreo of
doctor of laws upon President McKinloy. This is tho first de
gree of the kind which tho University of Chicago has ever
granted. It may bo that tho Chicago institution of learning
has been waiting for just such an opportunity of conferring its
first degree of honor of this kind upon such an illustrous per
sonage as President McKinloy. At any rate, tho opportunity
was offered, (as it has been in tho cases of other presidents,)
and now Mr. McKinloy may woar tho doctor's hooded mantle
and attach to his name tho honored title of LL. D.
As UBual, thoro is a groat doal of discontont about tho ap
pointments in' tho Cadet battalion, and it scorns moro propor
this year than before. Any ono who is familiar with tho drill
and tho men who havo drilled will readily soo that injuatico
has boon done. Mon who havo drilled two and throe years
faithfully find othors passod over them who havo drilled loss
and havo moro demerits. In ono case, a man becomes a
sorgoant who has novor drilled except this year. It has boon
common talk in tho University, that to bean officer ono must
havo a pull, and appointmonts this year do not, in any way,
dispel that idea. It is admitted that fair and impartial ap
pointments aro difficult to make, but tho Hesperian believes
that tho con .mutant should make an offort in that lino.
The studontfl and faculty of tho University do not support
tho collogo papors as thoy should. Tho studonts and faculty at
largo must necessarily shnro part of tho resbonsibility of a pa
per. It cannot bo oxpoctod that studonts can run a college
papor simply for tho fun thoro is in it. Financial support is in
diaponsiblo. Tho editor must at least get tho money back which
ho puts into it. Tho loss tho receipts, tho pooror tho papor.
Another thing. Studont's and faculty should patronize those
business mon who seek tho University trade through tho medi
um of a collogo organ. Thoy should not neglect to mention in
so doing, that thoy saw tho nd. in tho Hesperian. This is a
very good, indirect way of helping a collogo papor. Adver
tisers like to know just what good thoir advertisement is doing
thorn, aud tho best way to let them know is through thoir
Moral: Subscribe for tho Hesperian. Patronize its advertisers.
Friday, Octobor 28th, has been sot aside for tho dedication
of tho now Mechanical Arts building. Classes will bo suspended
for the day and appropriate exorcises will bo hold. Tho Uni
versity of Nebraska is glad to welcome another largo building
into its service. This makes tho seventh building (not includ
ing tho largo astronomical observatory) now located on tho
campus. The new structure is tho most firmly built building
on tho campus. It will relievo tho over crowded condition of
tho University, and make it possible for those classes which
aro without permanent rooms to do much better work.
Tho frequent letters published in tho city papors from Uni
versity boys now at Manilla havo been of intorost to many
studonts. Tho boys aro evidently having a good time and ex
perience, porhaps moro of tho oxporlonco than of tho good
time. Tho University boys havo organized a debating club
which meets once a week, Thoy aro debating such questions
as: "Resolved that tho United States should assnmo porma
nont control of tho Pilippincs." It iB pleasing to noto tho in
fluence of tho training received at tho University has had upon
those who havo gono out from its hills to debate and fight for
thoir country. This plan adopted by tho boys to conduct a
debating club cannot be too highly commondod. It shows tho
good influonco which our debating clubs have, and tho worth
ono can rocoivo from active membership in them. Tho influ
onco thoy rocefvo is something novor to bo lost Mr. 0. Wil
liam Meier's description of Manila and the surrounding coun
try is very cloar and effective. Tho University, from the
Chancellor to first Prop., appreciates the interest of Mr. Moier
in his alma mater, and humbly "petition" him to continue his
instructive service as tho Journal's correspondent. "
Tho Regent Shoo Store is giving away a neat stamp case to