The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 21, 1898, Image 4

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Oapt. Kennedy of tho Chicago University team, is an old dar date, November 5th. In consoquonco of this men may
Tnlrin nlnim nnf.n nM! fir. TT1 ntl SiltlirdilV. OctOOOr 29. TllO fOllOW- !
JLUiALV UKHUlt OUtUl Up UUHi v . w. rw,-- j ,
Tarkio took defeat most gracefully, chsoring our boys lustily iuB outrios ha b,00n f "'l
as they loft tho field.
Burr f, Heartt s,-
Tho bleachers treated both teams alike. Tarkio was cheered
as much as Nebraska.
The position of quarter back doesn't seem to bo in such a
u lamentable condition" after all.
Hanson was missed from tho lino. He was on the field
acting as reporter for tho Evening News.
Tho ex-Wesleyans are all of them all right. They came in
time of need, and their services are appreciated.
Tho Tarkio team had a game scheduled with tho Hastings on
Monday, but tho sovority of tho weather prevented it.
Wonder why Goaclr Crawford didn't boo tho game? Prob
ably had urgent business elsewhere. O, yes! No doubt!
The two brothers, F. and 0. Waugh, on tho Tarkio eleven,
are " crackor-jacks." But they should bo with Nebraska if
they desire to bo with a winning crowd.
100 Yard Dash Walker f, Weston,
Popoon f.
220 Yard Bun Walker, Warner f, Heartt, Popoon, Moritz b,
Stull f,
440 Yard "Run Moritz, Mauck f, Popoon.
880 i'ard Run Moritz. Clinton s, Mauck, Stull.
1 Mile Run Moritz, Clinton, Stull.
120 Yard Hurdles Burr, Heartt.
220 Yard Hurdles Warner, Popoon, Heartt.
Running High Jump Hewitt f, Swallow s, Heartt.
Broad Jump Hewitt, Lester, Popoon, Warner.
Putting 10 lb. Shot DaBoubrockf, Lester, Stull, Wallacos.
Hammer Throw Dasonbrock, Burr, Wallace.
Polo Vault Berry s, Burr, Mauck, Hoard f.
Discus Throw Dasonbrock, Hoard.
There have been no entries for the foot-ball kick and base
ball throw. It is probable that several now men will enter
before the entries close.
In their last regular meeting the Athletic Board called the
attention of tho football committee to tho rules adopted by tho
Athletic Board of last year. Those rules are on pages 303 and
i 304 in tho University Calendar. Rule 1 defines "a bona fide
&&&&&&&&&& &&&.JJk.& 8tdont doinS ul1 work" na aatudont carrying at least fourteen
hourBi Suchn 8tudont must have boon doing this work up
jl. tt until tho first game in which he participates. Attention was
ju A.Tl HL-EXIC lOTrlBv a called to rule 6 also, which has beon observed by tho Uni-
$L versity in previous years. It deals with those wht aro do-
ft'fr linquont in their studies. Tho foot ball committee was directed
to strictly onforco this rule. Tho board wishes to maintain
Appointments for physical examination aro now opon for all athletics within strict' bounds of honor. The finances have
men in the University. boon put on a strictly business baBiB and the board intends that
Owing to tho docoaBO of tho faculty class, Mr. Clements the mako-up of tho teams shall bo on a basis fair and impartial.
Places on teams belong to Btrong students and their right is to
be maintained. The board intends that University honor
shall not bo tainted with professionalism. Sporty, lounging
triilors with University work will find hard work to get places
on the teams.
will work with tho athletic classes.
Tho class in advanced gymnastics is showing up in good
form this year. Thoro aro twolvo or more in tho clasB, among
whom aro Stobbins, Hastie, McDonald, Wilson, McCroory
and Hunt.
Gymnastic classes in physical training began this week in
throo sections:
First section -8:00, M., T., W., Th., F. Mr. Pryco.
Second section 3:00, M., T., W., Th., F. Mr. Stobbins.
Third soction 1:00, T., Th., S., M. 12.
Over thirty mon aro in tho athlotic sections. Many more
would havo ontorod but for tho faculty restrictions on tho num
ber of hours. It would soom that mon mfght bo allowed to
carry tho regular number of hours and also tako thoso athlotic goants, Paul Weeks, F. H. Woodland, F. Von Valin and A.
classos. Most mon can carry twenty hours with athletics bot- Collott. Sergeants, LW. Korsmoyer, W. ;L. Hill, A. B.
tnr Hum nnvnnronn wiHimiK Tf tlin fiimiltv wnnlri mnkn Hii'b ",11JW, " "'m " j. j."vi ii, it . n. u.. iuuuiu, j? . w .
The following are the appointments in the Cadet battalion:
Captains, J. D. Hastie, Jool Stobbins, Otis Whipple and Orlo
Brown; Cadet First Lieutenant and Adjutant, J. H. Sumner;
Cadot First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, J. F. Boomer; First
Lieutenants, F. S. Rain, B. W. Christie, J. B. Cleland, E. H.
Clark, G. K. Bartlott, W. T. Strock, E. A. McOreory and
Claud Wilson. Second Lieutenants, J. S. Smoyor, O. H.
Meier, C. H. Von Mansfield and A. Hanson. Sorgoant-Ma-
jor, Don J. Adams. Drum-Major, B. B. Avry. FirBt Sor-
RiMimi. T, W Ponrnnn fl. V. Willinmn fl M Tlnmmnl T? 1
allowance thoro would bo no danger of studios being slighted 0 wminra8 j. j, Piowhoad, O. H. Rooto.A. Davis 'and J
rt k-k 1 n4-IaI-t4.aA XB1 rt l w Unit I tr r 4t fr tr 1 V A T"i A t 11 A
u. a. xirmoii jffu
and athletics would bo much benefited.
Owing to tho threatening weathor and slippery field, tho
Fresh-Soph coutost will not tako place until tho regular calon-
Wo want your second hand books at tho Students' Supply
Store. Thoro is a groat demand for thom.
8.G0, UNI. $8 00 MEN'S SHOES, 1080 O ST.