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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1898)
y I V rirxe Eqltls Teleplione 199 i ft ISLXJL jn ci 3T r 327 rc. latiiL t. Comp siriy m m m m m m m HPta rkCC iTfifftc Selling At this store speaks volumes for our assortments, it is convincing 1 llC LrCoS JOOi! evidence that the kind of goods the people want are hero, and that the ZZ prices named on these goods meet with their entire approval. The present season has brought forth many entirely now weaves and color combina tions, as well as many vast improvements in the staple lines. Our assort ment comprises every now and fashionable novelty, every conceivable color, all the styles, weaves and shades, and many exclusive lines shown nowhere else. Having carried no goods from the spring selling we were compelled to purchase liberally for the present season, hence these vast assortments. shoe sunrmna "ManiSh StlOCS for Gentlewomen ' are tho order of the day; they are t a woman's shoe made on a man's last and finished in every way like a man's shoe. For comfort, stylo and wear they cannot be equalled. We show this shoo in all the new styles and assure you that our prices are from 50c to $1.50 lower than those of exclusive houses. We carry Ladies'. Boy's and Childrens' Shoes only, and make a specialty of Ladies' Fine Goods, we are therefore in a position to show the most complete assortment of fashionable women's shoes in Lincoln. ' wjmst&&2&'smsiSsmm3inmis( ILJrai'V'errtry Book StcDire: i Agent for the L. E. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN History and Theme Paper and Covers. College Text Books and Students' Supplies. THl. w. brown, DRUGGIST and BOOKSELLER PHONE 68 . . 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Fjyou wish your Refreshments of the . BEST, at reasonable prices, for your receptions, parties, etc., you should call on HYHTT St HYHTT, Confoctlonors and Caterers. .wJrffiKutt. 135 South 12th Street. THE IVY PRESS BOOK BINDERY is thoroughly equipped for all classes of magueum aim uenerai winning, uest work, promptness, and unusually low prices. Special Rates to students and faculty of University of Nebraska. Makers of the Per fection Note Book Covers. I27 North I2th Street, Lincoln, Neb.. iwk M J