THE HESPERIAN V i i -j :-i i f ! til tel F m -i &: : :? T'. i f.ii 1 THE HESPERIAN' Issued Weekly by he Hesperian. Association of Nebra&lcrv. tJhle Unl'vctrisity of TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year, in advance $1.00 One copy, one semester 60 Advertising Rates on- Application. AUnnrnS and Ex-Stud ents. Special endeavor -will be made lo make the Hesperian Sntasrelstliig to fomer tudantt& Please send us your subscriptions. Conitrabutions UhlamMully received. Subscriplnoms on our books will be continued unitol ordiered stopped. Address aHl communlcartjonfe to The Hesperian, University of Ne braska, liincoln, Nebraska. " JEmltemJ in the Posrtoilice aft, Inncoln as second class mntrttar. BOARD OP EDITORS. F. E. Edgerkm Managing" Editor J. J. Plowlhead ABtlstenlt L. TV. Pearson Busfns Manager ASSOCIATES. R. C. Roper Editorial F. G. Hawxby . News G. TV. KHinc literary W. H. O'Oomtnel Ddbaies Bam B. Sfloam. FnaeraiLtJies The, same old complaint of last year is heard every Saturday at the Library. Old and new students join in asldng "why the Library cannot be opened at S o'clock, but no satisfactory answer has ever been given. Many -students desire to put in a good days work every Saturday, and no better time can be found for hard work than early in the day. Sliced Tomatoes 15c Asparagus on Toast 10c Fried Soft Shell Crabs, Tartar Sauce 25c Strawberries 10c ' Strawberry Shortcake 50c each Strawberry Shortcake 15c par order fcK? ifljwW(lj&aMfcJii' Jl if jyw'wiii)iiyiapfcaM '"YtpM CW'JSV jlftw College of aiD Xloks Again our foot-ball eleven is victorious. The Ames game was well played, well attended and well enjoyed. It seems apparent that our team is to be the pennant winner again this year. Wiley Woodruff and his Jay Hawlers will have the greater honor of being defeated by a still stronger team than that which so thoroughly cooled off their ardor in the memor able .Kansas-Nebraska game of '97. Our learn deserves praise and loyal support. be ableto answer. Let us do something. Wky wait until the eleventh hour and then rush through withont half preparation, and when everyone is complaining of the enormous amount of work on his hands? At the Maxwell club tomorrow evening J. Ii. Burleigh and Miss Bertha Stull will urge that women should be allowed to vote. G. D. Talbot and J. 0. Moore will speak on the negative. Rates of board at Harvard University are nearly double The Maxwell club election last Saturday evening did not what they are at the University of Nebraska. At one student's develop the "scrap" which some had prophesied. In fact the club, Memorial hall, where eleven hundred students or there- lub showed itself to be a very happy family. The officers abouts board, the rateB range from $4v0U to $4.20 per week, elected were: President, E. B. Perry; vice-president, T. E. and at private houses no board can be secured less than $5.00 Boys; secretary, Sidles; critic, G E. Tobey; sergeant at arms per week. At Memorial hall a contract is imade with the man H. Balderson. who nuns it, whereby the rate can never run above SSO nor ' Telow S&.00. 'The proprietor of ihe -club lneceBBarily has to Gardner Tailoring Go. are all right, Gor. ll&i and O. AS GOOD AS ANY MONEY WILL BUY, EEGENT MEN'S vSHOES, :8iM)0. 103 OiSTllEET. keep the quality of the .board up or the students will leave and ne win oe rue loser. ij The followinc is a bill of faro at Memorial hall, which ourY Professor Caldwell states ho triumphantly combated with and bravely exterminated on June 6, 1898, although grave doubts exist as to his capacity in this line: Scotch Broth Boiled Calf's Head, a la Yenaigrette Roast Ribs of Beef, iMsh Gravy Boiled and Mashed Potatoes String Beans Macaroni lEickles Chow Chow , Halliord Sauce Tomato Ketchup Cocoanut Pudding, ?Lemon Sauce Apples Oranges Cheese Crackers Tea Coffee C(coa It is full time that arrangements for the preliminary debates be in progress. What has become of the debating associa tion? Has it had a meeting? What is going to be done this year? Who are thinking of entering? All these questions are one half as badly as it does to see John Longfellow once asked now and then by interested parties, but no one seems to more. Peace. Even the Maxwell club knows its meaning. Vice-President Halderson returned in time to lend dignity .to the first Maxwell club meeting. "English as She is Spoke" by Laremen, is a recent addition to the law library- The Dean is his old self again this week, with the result that the Juniors no longer consider Blackstone a dry subject. Three instructors and their three hobbies Wilson, Webster and Bobbins Evidence, Equity and Common Law Pleading. The class of '99 does not desire to see Colonel Bryan return i - Y: