The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 4

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right eye is growing shut from a bruise, though that doesn't
keep an Iowa sprinter from tripping around our goal post with -
the pig skin. Iowa fails at goal. Score, 17-10. $ a. t-cxy trnnTO Tjrr"'"r,Trvc2i i
A little later Oowgill and Williams try a place kick from " ' r
Iowa's thirty yard lino. The ball sails neatly over, but the "w f"
umpire quiets "the cheering crowd by declaring an off side play, W'W'V''W'''W'7'
which gives the ball to Iowa at tho place tho kick was made.
The struggle remains hot. Erwin, Stringer, Pillsbury and
Kingsbury distinguish themselves as tho opportunity presents
itself. Tho ball goes out of bounds twice with slow playing
for a moment. Oowgill gets the ball on a block kick from
Iowa and covers tho thirty yards to the goal. Molford kicks
goal. Scoro, Nebraska 23, Iowa TO. This is the last scoring;
the game is up.
The megaphone glee club was a hummer. Doit some moro.
Eckles had his leg fixed up and then came back to see tho
game out.
Wosloyan has appointed Mr. Roberts to represent her inter
ests in tho basket-ball league. He came in to see Dr. Hast
ings to complete arrangements, but tho plan has not been
definitely decided upon. Doano has signified that she is
favorable to tho project.
Tho Athletic board mot Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. Tho
main thing that came bofore tho board vas the reports of the
finance and foot-ball committees. A now method of handling
tho finance of Athletics was adopted. This is tho vouchor
system that has boon used successfully by Harvard, Yale,
Princeton and other universities. A sub-finance foot-ball
committee was appointed consisting of Dr. Lees as chairman;
Olark, secretary; Van Vnlin, Stebbins and Story. Max Wcst-
Ex-Ooach Thomas saw the game, and says Nebraska 'has a ormann was elected financial secretary, and will keep all of
winning team.
"Got down, Nobraska," and they did got down. While
Iowa simply push their, 'men right over on top of them.
Ey-Oaptain Shodd, reporting for the Journal, got so closo
for notes that ho became involvod in a scrimmage, and was
Iowa's team is composed of nervy follows; oac'h one is a
.gentleman. They took dofoat and victory alike without losing
their heads. Not an oath was hoard from an Iowa man's lips.
Captain Molford is full of two things which make a good
captain good nature and determination to follow his own
judgment. Ho accepts an adverse decision like a 'philosopher
and says "Play ball Nobraska" at onco.
tho books. Foot ball, base-ball and track athletics will each
have a fund of its own. This committee will order all bills
and the Athletic association is responsible for all of its bills.
It is notrosponsiblo for debts contracted by tho individual
Tho training for tho Fresh-Soph contest has begun in dead
earnost. About ton Freshmen and eight or ton Sophs have
alroady entered. Managor McDonald of the Froshman class
is pushing things, and he intends to have tho class we'll
represented in tho entries and along the side lines during tho
contost. Thoro are many Freshmen this year and it seems
probable that with good training they may win. Lester, War
nor and Popoon will, without doubt, got the throe places on
broad-jump. Lester and Noilson are doing good work in the
Tho Amos' toam was well pleased with thoir treatment by hammer-throw and shot-put. Lantz, who has had training at
the management of tho "University toam. Managor Bischof s- u- i will probably enter tho mile, half and quarter runs,
did everything in his powor to make thoir stay in Lincoln 0tl'01' Freshmen are Mauck, Hermon, Hoard, Smith, Morton,
pleasant. Several of tho Amos' boys attended tho rocoption Oortolyou, Walker and Olark. Tho Sophs are not so numor-
at tho home of Ohancollor MacLoan and wore charmed with 0,1B- Swallow's ankle is still lama, but ho is learning to jump
'tho cordial greeting that they rocoivod.
Princoton 58, Franklin and Marshall f0.
Yale 28, Williams 0.
Pennsylvania 18, Brown 0.
Harvard 21, Dartmouth 0.
Oonoll 23, Carlisle 6.
Ann Arbor 20, Konyon Oollogo 0.
Notro Dame 5, U. of Illinois 0.
Chicago Athletic Association 38, St. OharloB 0.
Northwestern IT, Boloit 11.
'Chicago 88, Iowa 0.
from the other foot, so ho may bo able to enter for high-jump.
Hoartt will ontor the hurdlos and tho 100, 220 and 440 yard
runs. Hoartt and Shane will probably ontor for tho shot put
and hammer-throw. Irwin and Stringer, who would havo had
a sharp contost in thoBO, will be absent on the day of tho con
gest. Thoy will be at Lawrence contending with tho Tay
HawkerB on tho gridiron. Watorman will probably 'bo in (the
'hurdles, and, if he outers, will got running high jump and pole
vault. Berry Will also be in tho polo-vault.
At tho rogular mooting last Sabbath, tho Y. W. C. A. re
ceived Mrs. Kymball, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. Hodgman, Mrs.
IHJinman, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Barbour, Mtb. 'Oandy, and MrBr
Poters as 'faculty mombors of 'tho 'association.