The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 3

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No. 5.
Good Clean Game With Ames Williams and Benedict
Make Good Runs Iowa Futs Up a Plucky
Game Notes on the Game.
NEBRASKA BOYS PLAY WELL. The firat half was nearly gone when Captain Molford kicked
goal, much to the encouragement of Nebraska spectators, who
had begun to think that the University had mot its match.
Score, 6 0.
After the next kick-off, Eckles, Iowa's loft tackle, has one
A cool beautiful day, two thousand applauding spectators, log badly injured and retires. Benedict skirts loft end for
huge megaphones and yards of gay ribbon led our brawny twenty yards, but is called back on a foul, and the ball is
boys to the first real struggle of the foot-ball year. . Iowa's for a moment only since ono of her players is de-
From the time Benedict's' blunt too Bent the pumpkin col- looted in a foul. An exchange of kicks follows, in which
ored sphere forty yards into Iowa's territory, until throe hours Iowa's attempt is blocked by Pillsbury, and Melford falls on
later when the time-keeper snapped shut his watch, the old the ball. Again Iowaiiolds our men on the ten yard line for
University Hall echoed back the cheers and hoarse megaphone throo downs, takes the ball and punts out of danger, as well as
notes which greeted each brilliant play. out of bounds. Hero Nebraska makes the prettiest team play
Now Williams skirts right end for twenty yards; Pillsbury of rho day. Captain Molford gave his men a tip, and as the
bursts through the opposing lino; Turner measures forward his ball was carried into bounds, by a quick formation sends
full seven feet and roaches for more; then Benedict, the swift- Williams across the field, with Iowa's men much mystified,
footed, dodging like a shadow follows his nose full fifty yards except the full-back who makes a good tacklo and saves their
to the goal lino. goal for a moment. The noxt play, however, puts Pillsbury
It was a big day. It is hard to toll you about it. In fact, over the lino. Molford kicked goal. Score, 120.
you don't deserve being told. You should have been there. Only a few minutes of the first half romains. After an ox
Iowa's team camo up strong and snappy. The mon wore change of kicks, and each team losing the ball a couple of
not over largo, yot well built, agile and with that appoaranco times on fouls, the struggle moves very close to the danger
of self-confidence which comes from long practice and previous point for Nebraska. Despite brilliant tackles by Oowgill, Bono
successes, diet, Hansen and others, Iowa, by terrific battering, which
Nebraska appeared to bo a rather heavier lot of follows, yot seems to demoralize tho right of our lino, makes throe yards,
not so evenly built as their opponents. As an Iowa man ton yards, three, four, six, ono, and goeB over for her first
observed, ".You've got 'om all sizes and shapoe." score. Fails at goal. Score, Nebraska 12, Iowa 5. Excopt
Iowa won tho toss and took tho south goal with their backs for tho fatal moment of wavering in our lino, when Iowa
to tho sun. Nebraska kicks forty yards; carried back ton pushed thoir man over, Nebraska had played good ball, bar
yards, whore she holds Iowa for throo downs and takes tho ring frequent carelessness which cost us tho ball, which in
ball. Irwin wont through for-three yards; Hanson two; Wil- itself would have boon fatal had not Iowa boon equally caro
liams fails to gain, being tackled five yards back of tho lino by loss. Iowa had played a cool, steady gamo, and with tho ex
Griffith. Iowa losos tho ball on a quarter kick. On a foul ception of the quick formation play, had not boon out-gonoraled.
Iowa takes tho ball and rushes toward Nebraska's goal. Throo Now comes tho second half. Roasonor, a now tacklo, who
downs gain thorn nine yards; round tho loft end for six yards, had bocomo winded for lack of practice, gave way to Kings
whore a fumble gives Nebraska tho ball. Iowa holds tho lino bury. Some punting is done by each side, Elliott, Stringer
and take tho ball, only to lose it for a too free use of hands, and Williams show some good tackling and Benedict goes on
After some shuttling about Nebraska kicks to Iowa's ton yard a fifty-five yard stroll for Iowa's goal. Molford fails to kick
lino. Hero Iowa losos tho ball by tho carelessness of ono goal. Sc8ro, 17-5.
man, whom tho umpiro dotocts holding. With only nino yards Tho struggle begins again. Iowa opens out and rushes the
from defeat Iowa gives our mon such an exhibition of a solid ball along, but is twico boautifully chocked by Tumor landing
"hine as they had not soon, and it is only after torrific plunging "amidships" of tho man who has tho ball. Iowa kicks, Opw-
that tho ball is carried over by Pillsbury. gill, playing back, fumbles tho punt, but is oxcnsablo sincohis