The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 2
T7Tw"niraftiMi y- rine EvaLriL Telephone 199 327 1ST. l;2tl-L St. 'X Company 'TTTTrnrnrrnrrrrrrnrnr JADIES' FINE SHOES We beg to call your special attention to our Shoe Department. We do not carry men's shoes and can therefore devote more time and attention to Ladies' goods. We make a specialty of Ladies' Fine Shoes at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 and guarantee that, no matter how much more you pay elsewhere, you cannot procure newer and more up-to-date styles or better values. These lines comprise the very best School Shoes and Fine Dress Shoes manufactured, and our prices represent a saving of from 50c to $1.50 on every pair. to See Ui-j-to-IDeite IDei.rT.cMii S3 lip pears DRESS GOODS. This is u topic of which wo never tiro, because wo know tlint every time wo speak of our assort monts we aro touching on a subject of special interest to womankind. People know that hero thoy can obtain the BEST the market affords, and that no immense outlay of money is neces sary to do it. MILLINERY of the leading Uaris XT, and productions of Now York's best Modistes milliners at Department Store Prices. That's the secret of our success in the Millinery Department. Then our WALKING HATS, for .style, variety and alue are unequalled. Come and see. $LznJMUaAiirna& m JLOJLUUUUUUUUUUUJUUU 3 ftvr r 3ocyjc:e oa k orrr a errr"i n ex? rr n rzMncifvnoi i- i'c'y(iuv.'(V.r'(McJ.fn "-iir 1. -Aita'sNvj.f'-'AT;3rvr- u.i ,J0 tyOOONJUUfOUTO .1jjjujjv w ,,, w ysv w - iUt-OCCC0UCiVC2Ijrjl TLJraiveirity Book Store Agont for the L. E. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN History and Theme Paper and Covers. College Text Books and Students' Supplies, H. W, BROWN, DRUGGIST and BOOKSELLER PHONE 68 . . 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 1 3 7 "jm 1 $ w A 1 1