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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1898)
THE HESPERIAN Lynn Lylc, Loyd Killion, Edward Holbrook nnd Howard Cowgill were initiated into the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity recently. Nearly all the Sigma Alpha Epsilon boys went to Omaha Wednesday to see the President, who is a member of their fraternity. Leonard H. Robbins has been elected as one of the board of managers of the Princeton Tiger. Harry Gage will do some drawing for the paper during the year. The Matthew Piano Co. 's stock of sheet music at 2c per copy this week. Mandolins 1.48 each. Guitars $2.48. Banjos S2.4S. A special lot of 50c music while it lasts at 10c per copy. Music & Picture Dept., Herpolsiieimek & Co.. Miss Cora Elmore has returned to Lincoln to complete her course in music and take some University work. The Dolian society is always glad to welcome back an old member, and hopes to see Miss Elmore very soon. A large consignment of elegant University stationery, such as is used at Harvard, Yale and Princeton, has just been re ceived at the Students' Co-operative Book Store, 225 N. 11th St. It is richly embossed with a U. of N. pennant in scarlet and cream. It is the only swell, up-to date University station ery in the city. The Seniors met Tuesday afternoon and elected the follow ing board for their Senior Annual: R. C. Lansing, Geo. Shedd, editors-in-chief; C. S. Wilson, Edgar Cramb, business managers; Cliff Piatt, subscription manager; Harriot Cook, Grace MacMillian, J. T. Sumner, Geo. Bartlctt, F. G. Ilawx by, John H. Boose, associate editors. Winter . Garments for Men and Women. FOR WOMEN We have ready-to-wear garments of every description, Cloaks, Suits, Hats, Furs, Gloves, Underwear, etc. FOR MEN We have everything in the line of Fur nishing Geods, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Neckwear, Immense Assortment., Correct Styles and Low Prices are what we promise you. MILLER & PAINE GUESS! It is difficult to guess where the eye of your needle is, or any object that you wish to locate, when your eyesight is defective, unless it is fitted with the proper lenses to suit your particular defect of vision. We will test your eyesight scien tifically, free of charge, and fit it with eye glasses or spectacles that will give you new eyesight. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 G Street, B. S. KING Fine... Scientific Watch Refracting Repairing. Optician, Society Programs .... Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted, No atrophine, head ache or lost time. 300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. How about that program t It cost no moro to havo it printed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed lo place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety "will bo judged quite largely by the style of its printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Brownell Block. Ewing Clothing Co., FINE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. 1115 1117 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IHiMIJInllgUi .A.O? THE Trade Marks Designs RnavmnuTA 1p.. hah . akt jQImm kli r.l .1 n4 A Aw4 ! I nt vn i w njnnv iMJMUiiiK Mini n mm ui-rn.i ii'inm mnj quickly riiicortflln our opinion frco whether nn lllvnmuii in wniimuiT miifiimmu tiiuiiniiiirn ini. tlonnatrlcti confident sont froo. OMfent mi tin 4 tilrsin t trtitttt t it f il Mr tpecial notice, without ctmruo, In tiio Handbook on I'ntcnta hithiii'V ful Hiiiirinir imLitMlit. tiirotiuh Munn (c Co. rccclvo Scientific American. A Imndaomolr Hliwtriitmt wcckljr. I.nrrot Dr. culntlon of Any nrlcntlllo Journal. Term, f3 a roar: lour monuie, fi. om ujran TKurnceaiorn. no36iBro.d,wBwYork Brunch Offlco, C25 V BU, Washington, D. C. 'THE FASTEST TIME' "THE SHORTEST LINE," "THE BEST SERVICE." Lincoln to Denver, Lincoln to Kansas City, Lincoln to St. Joe, Lincoln to Omaha, Lincoln to Chicago. THE BURLINGTON. Tldkot ofllcc 11. &M. dapol, 7th unci P BU olllco corner 10th und O BtH., Lincoln, Nob. Lincoln News Agency 111) No. 12th Street, Students will find Daily Papers, Magazines, News, Etc CIGARS AND TOBACCO city G. W. BONNELL, C. P. A. and T., Lincoln, Neb. DR. F. D. SHERWIN. DB1TTIST Room 17, Burr Blk., 2nd Floor. ?vi V J. -? A. m