THE HESPERIAN Gardtfier'e Tailoring Co. tiTC n.lil righft. Cor. llfch nnd' 0. Remember -tlhc Slnidenltss' Supply Store is open at. all hours.' ., j-j Mis Clnm. Vlt.lcins, wim ihfts been visiting- in Wisoowsini, 5s u't borne IX S tifl-Sy jig-miiK Regents' Shoes for men direct from fnCtory; one profits $3.00 band welter. TtolKtitee 1x rttmdentts on watches, jewelry wnd' rcpnirin'g, 1J.40 O kU, D. T. &mfoih. " Delta 'Del tai Delt.-i fra'temi'ty rttiteaided tilie. foot ball game im a Inxly lat Snrtnirdny. Gaptoin Melford of tflic foot 'Ixall tkxvm, is jiow mennber Of Kwppa Sigtma fraiternity. -StuttonXsT Oo-oponalb'vc Book Co., removed f nom basamontt of Uuitiver riX.y to 225 Noitfh llth st. Free use oft bicycle foot pump at the Students' Supply Store, Bicy cle suplies ait reduced prices. The Gardner Tailoring- Co. -will close tflieir men's FurnisMng Good's out at cost to mnlcc room for cffiotih. Studerotfc will do well to rememiber tfliat Westexfield is yet in busi ness, at Ms old stand, 117 No. 13tih. Latest styles in Mair cut. We keep only high gatade goods for suppIics to all Uniie,nsity dc pwrtanewte. It pays to buy only tihe best. Students' Oo-opcraiUVc Book Co. The Phi Kappn Psi fra'tcrnlity entertained Dr. Trigw dinner one evening ltadt week. Dr. Trigg-s- fa a member of the fraternity!, being- an mlumn'us of tho chkipter 'MM is eonneetett' withMbe 'Varsity of Jrin'newo ta. ' TJie Soplunore class will give w hop in Patriarch hold, Fiftccnttlh) mnd O, on Friday eventrng-, Oetdlr 21. The committee wJricli bos tihe affair in dinrge wre 'tlie Misses TuUcy mid CunliSuig-hntm niikl AfeHsrs. TIarrv McKiMp, F. Carter nn'di Claude Itottk All was stdlLas still as dealih', Tn 1ihe office off the registrar! The victims thler Rcarec drew Ms breath, As lie gtaucd passive o'er the bar, Those ritccl grey eyes no pity foeW He trembles lilce am Aspen leaf, A knock "Come in!" He fairy reels Agtiiti "Come in;" you're surely deaf!" "I bcg- you for" 'but now be stops, "'T(s hwger in Kliose eyes be sees, 'Please Miss Sinitli" Ms lieart now drojs , "ThkDt's just me; I mean' my knees.' TITO USUAL DhlFT, The yearly tidelms come again, iAmfl1 drifted to our shore, About two ifhouind itmidw and men' And ri'ud'tofo "by the wcore. NOTHING NEW UNDER TUB SUN. Inl every age limit yet liath1 nun', They way tberc liavc 'beou Hntra Anil men for sale lMmMaiihi the sun' But never wHihout buyers. NOT A CRITERION. DoiM -measure n man by 1lhc prayens He pniys, ,Nor ibe louigb of bis princely coat, For iiuiny a lian'd tlhey naise, Who frtand on a ntaiglhlwr'w tlhrbufU SIIiEDD ON TIIIE PLATFORM. I would aJwy go 4o cIitvpcfl', i ''If I .eoulkl but bow tJlic Qilcud, YMfli t3ic braves upon) tlie rostrum, IH5 Awsocwvte ClHameelloT Shedd. To be satisfied when you come to U3 to buy. When you put on a suit of our clothes you don't feel as though something had gone wrong or going to happen with you or the clothes. A splendid place th get good clothes. PAINE & WARFEL. OUH STUDENT 3.00 ft V r$& SHOES Are the Best on earth for the money. ,-SEE them before buying. ana $3.50 gtfff 1213 O STREET. ffiMmM 8 "" "B-I.urf k ' ;..flTi l;y J 1213 o STREET OdS?l5 ' The Brand Hotel. W. C. FLEURY, Prop. Exceptional accommodations for Banquets. Parties and Dancing. Special Rates to Students and their Friends of $1.50 Per Day. COR. TWELFTH AND Q, LINCOLN, For good SHOES and Low Prices, see ANSESiSON. A. & F. J. 1236 O Street. Student Trade Solicited, AVE SELL MEN'S HOES DIRECT FItOM THE FACTORY TO YOU. 10 35 0 6TIBEET. -wf six