THE HESPERIAN r .!?-.' In menfo finle dhoes we lead. Webster & ILogxjns,' 1043 0 St. Our $3.00 nlnd) $3.50 shoes arc thfc best, Webster & Rogers, 1043 0 Si. Leave bundles for ClwrkEom Launtfry nt tltoe Students' Supply Store, 1129 R St. Board redoiced to $2.50, 320-322 N lltih) St, Koper & Funk, dolicitore, ut tflic Student's Supply Store. piano, .guitar, mandolin, etc. AL-to a line oi copyrigM 50c riligihrtly soilcdl llerpolshtaimer & Co. (Be sure and- visit the Ilegdnts' Fadtxyry agency, 103G 0 street, and' sec some fo the best $3.00 slices on tilie market. Fully wamuittJed. 'Dlite Union Literary society is very proud over the acquisition, to its mcniiberdhip in the person, of Mr. Thomas Maxwell, nw ex-student of thto Nebraska school of oratory and a tn.lon.tedi clocutioivisU The classes in public speaking have discussed several qucefttono 1Hns week, among' tihem tlie questions: "Are .tilie classics essential io a liberal edutaitfion?" and "Should prison' contract laibor 'be allowed?" We have purchased tilie entire Stock of -tT:e Mutltfhews Plmnb Co.'s line of 10c music. We -will put tllil Vi ak orl Monday morning at 8 o'clock at 2c per copy. The lino V -. ol o'crat 2,000 pieces vocal, TJto "boys of tho Pilii Kappa, VsR ihsive- heard frequently from Mr. J. 1 Itowe, last year an instructor in geology, audi now assistant principal in the liigh sohool at Bu'bte, Mon'tantu 'ire is getting along well and 5s pleased with Hi is new Work. The sen'ior class 'held n meeting Thursday nt which tlhe following ofTieers were dcdicdl: .1. S. vSmOyer, presidonlt.; a S. Wilson, vliee. pres. denlt; Uugenlie Mackiu, secretary; P. L. Jtain, treasurer; E. F. Turner, sergeant at arms snAl Hertiha. Qirintance, his'torian. A conmvitltec was iipKinlcd to see alout Caps and1 gowns and caps and cartas. The new college settlement board wna elected in cliapel Tuesday morning; in. mas; mteellng', 'by tke students. They are: Mr R. C. Lnn t&ng, W. C. Hells, from llhc boys, and Ednti Polk and Editih Henry from tflie Jndy ritudenltK, Profa Hill and. CaldSvoll succeed' Protfs. Fos ler and IIbdginb.ii and I'rof. Seliweezy was Te-elccted members from the faculty. l,aM Friday evening Uio memJbers of the Delta Gamma fraternity unra a dinner at Uie home of Miss Helen Wcltoli in honor of Misses Alice Fuller, Fldta Haccker, Alzerta .Taynes, TA'tOi .Inckson, Mary JohiuJon, mml Gertrude Macomber, wlio were pGedgedi to became mcmlien of the fraternity. They were joined after dinner by a number of young men a nil' tlie rest of the evening wis Kiion'b in dancing-. The Pending Kifles met TOurriday evening nnd organized. Major Perilling was present and made a tiluntb talk. The officers for the cuniiito year are: F. Van. Vailing president; G. W. Kline, vice president; Paul Weeks, secretary; Wm. Hall, treasurer; H. C. Pannclee, captajn; A. L. Hrownv first (lieutenant; Orlb Hrown, second lieu'tenant; IanJ Ad ams, first sergeant; Joel SteWins, tfeccmu sergeauu ,.m ,(.iimii a A Watcrman'H Fountain Pens, Guaranteed to give .atutton Callit ' ANNA'S DRUG STOKE, Cor Mth and 0 its. Tailors are Making nY nuxri Vfc. J B3ACH 111' More Heavy Weight Serge Suits This Season Copyright 1898 by Tbc Steln-BIoch Co. Than anything else. Wo know that Serges would have a big call long before they did and bought accord ingly. "We are therefore able to show many styleB and qualities in this fachionable fabric in ROUND CUT SACK DOUBLE BREASTED SACKS SQUARE OUT SACKS AND FROCKS Some of these Suits are silk faced, others faced to to the button hole, others perfectly plain, while some have double breasted vest. Suits are made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Stein Bloch Co., which is a guarantee of thoir goodness. Prices, $12.50, $18.00, $20.00. ftmsTRonG Clothing (.. 1013 to IOIQ O Street. J. H. PETTIT THE SHOEMAKER, Has moved his shop to 1439 O, on south side of street, and will be glad to see. old customers, also new ones. BIVB US' A TRIAL. CAMERAS AND TURKISH. j Capital Cafe suppies 121 North llth Street. OPEN ALL NIGHT. OF AXjXj KCWD3. Candy Kitchen, For Pine, Homc.Made tljf tr IpJ U B S3 W1 1 I5G HEALS OUR SPECIALTY. n ic Ms bo &V0 rVDBBQJ'nB Room 5, 1041 O St., Lincoln, Nob. 1321 O Stroot.