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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1898)
v THE HESPERIAN the organization, tiho athletic insiuinknn.iw ,,,.ji j u L lJ af S"o Bjeowp (by those wfl.b had! claims tafirft t.lite association; n. u0m was muut to oak the- 'treasurer to gin a txnd, but it u n !fV . 9M tgwa;n organization and no menus : Jfor conveying the instructions iO the trustees was stipulated. OEfRAflRTNTG NOTES. f - The DcfMnii -boys' ddbntlng club Saturday evening discussed' Hie qucs- : 1oii: "Resolved; That, the Unite States, Oreat Hritain and' Japan should enter into an, alVnnbc and invite other powers to join with- xf them in furn.Miinjrn Iftnnl of aroitrtxtfon for the settlement of interna- , ; tionad difficuMtai." The debate was iKuWcipated in "by every One prcs- enk J The- RiMadian club debated t3A? topic, "Resolved, 'mint Dreyf us should haw another trial." The Oxys (had, n lively discussion. The Union libys took for their text, Saturday evenii ng one of the prol h?m growing out of t!he late war, and debated the question, "Resolved,, That thte onny and unvy should lie greatly increased." Tho debating , eltilbs of the University keWp in, close ttauoh with college affairs, and , when unytMi-ng tltoes mot. meet, their opprovai, they quickly condemn it. The Union drib adoptedi tlhe followiuig resolutions ait their meet ' . ing- Saturday evening in, regard- to tfhe reeenlt action, of the. athletic aewociatloah. He it, resolved, TiM iihe following deelanation lie passed by tiho Union dl iyoyti' wlwHnff l"u mxl' reported for publication: f TOie recent events in the meeting of the Athletic association tihlis , v first day of Ootolwr, 1898, demand attention of all true and' upright sim- denfts. We heartily endorse tlie weutiincnits of the Chancellor in his statement th'at we must have clean atlhleties or mbne ait mil. Tmlmed with 1Hi5fl idiiin we eomHmn. tllie action1 of tOie reevsnt athletic nsKOcintHon for tHie Wsolutito.n of it orjpiinznitiionM anfl ito rejMidiate its honetst deMs. We coiildemni such a movement, a fraudiilent degrading, and disgraceful to tQite Uh-raffty of Nebraska, and' Qiold tihkitt it. should! not be quietly tolemiteidi 1j tlhe student Ixxly. We further denounce tQie coWeetnoiv of membership fees' under falwe 1 pretiemses for tOie corruipt purpose of thlis fraudiulenlt intstatutioiv a ma JS I'lCious in tlie extreme amd hoH .thialti KiicJh tactics cannot, Hx iiirtBfio1 in moTuCtj nor hv lanv. Tlie Union -boys' delbatDni elub -us always bean, an anient, friend of all aitihletic fcnajnesi eunVll Kptxrts dediguied to supilment edi&wtaonlal work liiikl ia enfojx-ei intelledtuail girowtai'. We point w5tili pridte to the reeoTxl1 wv have made in- our efforts5 io elevate the lone of colileg-e Vjv- .fftwiuw wQiieHi i well known, tb ihl&ve resulted1 in Jiiudli good to Univer- j lax icw of tflieise fectts we ak the co-operait5on of enxsry inaanly Btru- denlfyainirtl all ftnden.t orlttinu7aiWons 5ni ojyoini rruipt mainagement of "ailUetac, and wilful rejrudiataon' of IfiaibHitaes. We solicit yO-ur aid, uind '1j efljrn-ftM ijii tQie Kii,jj)art of true and) noWe inetlnodK in atdrMiic jwlitjcw ami wdibleBOine, wpW Wing- sjiortis- ante.ndu'd1 to cultivate maiuQiood. ? I! ' s J. RHSOIAJTION6 OF SYMPATHY. Mlioroas, God in His wfodotm libis callled to H'imwlf our brotQieir, flTJioa 1). Lnnm, after a life, brief, yet full of wen-lee unki Tliereaw, We, his ibiKniUicTB in. 'lru Delta. Omkiroiii, deejay mouiw our Iokm, yet low In HuibmJKlkiin to our -Mather's will, therefoiv le it HevtaQwd, TQiat we exteaikl tto tllie Borrowing fuiinlly pur heartfelt ysn jmtlliy in, tihlis, their hour of betneaveaneaiii, anid be it ItaraQved-, 'lTliut tJie fnatfenniity roojnsi be drwpttd in nio-unid-ngi; le it fnrt3neir , Rewolved, 'Jlliat a copy of these resolutions be Kent, to the fainiilyamd thwt copies be Rent to tfhe college pajiens: for publication. lUssoTutjionis adopted Iby ekiisLs of '98, Ujidveavsiity of Nebraisku: W-hiereas, H has pleased, (3odi in Ilia infinite wJdbm to cadi to His etemjM nxKit, our dOHS-mhrte, Th'oanns D. Jjanva; he it Jledolved,, That we, tQie menntbctrH of the cflaias of '98, UnaerJ3ity od ",$p&v&lia, mouTU' the deatQi of one who was . faJtM ul friend, am hon- v C. "Au MSIliEIjL, EISLB 'W1LIONSON, A. L. KDa.!1!!, Com mi Wee. Y. il. C. A. NOTES One th'ing been evinced dnxiner the J8t few weeks and that that, the loin Mente Chriam, Mwolirtlofn could ... iMM. Til in j.Tir nn. .,,,, ,... ... .. 1 """"' w ' '"io a, 1B "l"''u'' " w,c unwiwt' effort of a;ll the members as- the memberdliip has more than doufbled in tfliat time. About fifty men 3un-e reffisterecl in. Bibe elasses. Tb iH holed 4Jbut the mimlber may reach, 100 in. a few days. Air. Sa,m Anderson, took charge of t-lite ,TOrk at t,he iGs-on Sunday alf crnooi,. lweniing services will ln, next Sunday n-irfit. Con,ttee.s have never -been in as good riliape as they are ait the present time. Vacancies am bedng- filled miL The noonwlay prayer meeting Is- proving tto be one of Che popular ser- V1 r T ' e!,C,h Rfl,Wl at 12:15 aml conh. ten, minutes. The fimt mionary meetnng- AMas JiWd- Sundlay, as is customary. This witis- a umotiv meetlimg.wnd. was wellr attended. The state convention isOieikl tihb first weeic of Novemiber at Hastings. Kidh association is aMbived. twenty deiegjes. Tlie hoys fire ptoiimiiwr io end tlie full n-ujiiber. One of the fmtaires of tlhb Surokiy nestings is to Am Uite iiiHtrinncntuO iiuwic furnlished by cornertats, etc SiK-eial imisic is beinlg provided caeOi Sunday. Tlie concert 63bses Saturday nJgQit. All mem are requested to hand im tJlieir carls by that time to their respective c-aptauis. COLLEGE OP LAW NOTES. Law work began ronda-'. Registration has not as yet rcaeheU the Inrnidred' mark. The old- dtudeirts ore debidedOy low Jr rot-urnang. Aanong the former aeadomic students nknv studying law are: Abbott Lise3iOn JiurJeigh, Ilumiphirey andl EHrarti X. II. Kemp, '98, i pmcticimg at Fullcrtoni, Neb. J. II. G,ros"ienor, '98, has formckll a law pntrtwerehip ait Atirora, Neb. C. W. Ileal, formerly '99, i tilie iroiiocratae coaiklSdatje for the state Minute out in Custer county. ' , ,1. 1). .Denison, '98, is located at Clarioni, Iowa. He is the popocratv ic noinlnee for county attorney. U R Winslbw, E, (X Folsohi onkli 0. H. Umlitoff, uM' of '98, are in- Lin cohu H. E. Taeke'tti, '98, is im Miiwaooiri looking for ai location1. .7. C Lynklcs, 98, andi C. C. Hurley, '98, are located, in Idahb. O. HeldeiH '8, is waid' to Wave a lucrative practice at LewJstonv ilonlt. M. O. Cunminighaim; '98, is witai'mn Omuilia. law Jirnr. W. Au Hansen) is also prueticijig in Omtahai. 1i. W. Wiilson; '98, is wtudying- at Amu Arbor. JbOni GraQiam, '99, waH in tlhel'ife InisiiiraiKte busiuetw? during vacation. Jj. li. Unfltfer and John, Steuteville, foaMnealy 98, w-Jio have ee.n teaching dmring the past year, have returned to graduate with '99. (i. B. Tobey, '99, and, h. R Ewart,, 00, aav the librarians. The work of 'iius'truletarsi leanain1 the same as last year. Jfem'bejrw of '99 aae already discussing plans for iwsuinig a senior di- Eu H. Perry of Heweiriani funne, arriA-ed1 Tuesday morning- prepared for n year in wen'iar law. Mr. Perry Knewt life vacation, in overseeing a lumlber yaav3, at FarnQioan and' anotiher at EustJe, Neb. gest. All tflie Mtea-ury MocSeties of the University have uimttKl in an.- etroit to iiave the mantiigena of tllifei Traaiis-'JlJKslssiiipi exposition set aixtrt a day for literary diay. Tlie llock Island1 offieiaJH here have promiseni tb d all tfluey can to t urther the monniment. It is "believed ttot a cheap i oretd sltudent, amd' who gave flils life to his eouuntry and to Din's GokI'; be it one day rate csun beofb taiaied1 and a Juirge nuianber of the tudentti will J'Ps- funttlikw mi;n. 4ftwwnnvi f rflh rvrivfilftoie tHius ofTered to see the "exrxx" fuiitSier avalil tHieniseilveH of tflie privfllege tlhus offeretl to see tflne DON'T PAIL TO SEE THEM. REGENTS' $3.60 UNI. $3.00. 1030 0 ST REET. expo."