raas THE HESPERIAN mi- tenni Inst year. Ho will play full back in. place of Garret who warn injured hi' the Hasting gama. Though' lie will go into tlhe game with little training, much! 5s exported of Qilhm Elliot played' art tlhe Lincoln High' school team last year. He is a. sWift anmiier an.d- a good, tackier. He wit be iu Hie gome. Captain Melford expresses iLuuselif as well satisfied' with thb stowing of iflie team, and altliouglh 1flie lutein were, short ora wind, and' some of the men; werto in jural, tlhey .showed good teami work in last Saturday's gaimc. "We will have a liaird1 garni with Ames, but wiitili' faithful prac tice and, ihard work, I think we cairn wins" -lite said. Coatfli Yost speaks oncouirageingly. "Ames has a sfcrongi teami, and libs the ndrantag'c in training. But t.he boys have trained' faithful and. hard1 Mis week, ho by Saturday tlhey wilt be in- fairly good comdiiton. We Wave tlie advan tage of playing- ani our own ground, and. will have Hie crowd om our side, so we may win, by a small score." This game will surely be the most exeitiiing game tliat will be played on tlhe campus this j-ear. Every student should be out in 'his colons and bring "his t.ini -horni to ihelp cheer the "boys on to victory. SONGS AiND YEIJS FOB TOMORROW. YELL. tMusih amd milk audi sunflower seed; That's- rfHie stuff on which, we feed, We're the hot stuff of creattiioni, We're tlhe Nelbraslrti aggavgaltion. SONG AND YEUL. Mary fliad, a little lamb, It's fleece was Avlhitc as snow, A'nd Qverywhic-re that Mary won't, Tlie lamb was sure 'to go. IMbblc! Gobble! Hassle! Dazzle! Varsityl Varsity 1 Rah! Ralh! Bali! SONG. AlLr Marching Thirougih Georgia. Onice again we're on. the tiurif, lAmkl' ready for tlhe limy, Once aga!Liu Ave've dormfe- to eihow, The farmers how to play, Once againi we f otraaedi our line, We're bound to win the day, Wib.ile we go marching to viestory. CHORUS Himmilh! Hurralh! for tlie N. S. U., Hirr-ralto! Huainali! for tQiie loyal, brave amd) true, Never late, 1ut up to dalte, We'll pujJh tllie pigskin tttirougflii, Wliile we go muiirchlLiig to victory!. If you tlilitnlk we're lialf asleep, Or altogether tonne, That is wlicre we'l'i fool you, For -we'll get there just the warne, Every muni' J wide awake, A'nd always in Tin-", game, Wihile we go nwnrdhing to victory. CHORUS .-. There, steady, boys, along itliie lime, lu't. icjt those farmers Wuxwiglhi, Wts'1'1 ibix-ak their tackles, run tih'eir endn, A'nd liuclc tlieir eonltw, rtoo. We'll rihow tlie royal muscle of the N. S. U. WJiiki avc go mwwo'hlnig to vkjtoryi. SONG. . Ali'-(MjjiGlil,s a Corlwr, My gild's too gookl for you, She'n from tlie N. B. IT. Gce to aiW tilie Jlortfc biM gtaimie, Wlio tMi you wo.? TlHillRW ARK JW..BErnaiBR.SIIOES' FOR She is so fair and sweaty lAmd' tihis j-oai nnisit conbotle, How in the world d'you find1 fcrut? She tokL me so. A ATHJjETIC NOTES. TCtue FreJliSoilii conltest thSs year promises to "be very close and' in terest img-. More nwro Qiave eavteredt tlia,iD 3md' ait this time hist year. New men, are reminded of tUiie followhig conditioaiss: 1. Tlie contfipsiti will be held' Octlolber 22, ut 3 p, m. 2. AJil meuv w3io enittor must Qiave passed a physical cxaminationi. 3. All mem' sOioill be regiyteredl for regular iiysical traiailiin'g for tllne semester in wihioh' the coivtest occurrs'. 4. All jneai shall ibe entered, for tllitei evenrtsi on or before October 15, 6 p, m., in1 tlie physical director's office. OlUss manjagers see to it that every available mam is gotteni out to compeite for his classt Classes in gymttinstacs will 'begia Monday, October 17. 4 p. m. Aifter aext week, forty or fifty- exaimliiiations will be given each, (Plhytdoal examinaitionls will (be given) thki coining week froon 8 a. m. to week ilnirhig the weelc. Studentw wishing a clhoice of hours sQiould cuU unkl make their da'ties with Dr. Husitingsi belfore October 15. B. M. laSalle wusi an, aiteres-ted, spectattior on; the atMetic field latt weeQ. He -as one of the most promnsiing uttihJetes otf tliie Frestonan class, last year. He wil'L begim traini-ng again in tQiie seconul semester. JXwine has writte'a- Hr. Hastings to recommend some one to coadh her ilxisket b;i!ll team. He Qia5 dioseii R. D. Aaulresoa, wliose excellent work as gucurd last yesiir well fitted1 lilhn for 'tflie place. "Bob" will go down' Friday or Saturday. Mir. W. M. l'ryce wild have- cQiorgo of aitlliP.ert.ic tnaining in Wesleyau three a-fternoonb eacli week. Since Wesleyan does ubt ilay foot ball t)h is year, sflie will dbvote all of 1ier ememgy to trade aHWletics. Nelbaiaslka miiMt exiK-e-t to work horder thnni! ever if she holds tlhle sliBeld. Better all 4i rotund aHMet ie will be itlic result. We have tlhe mem ankl' Uiis neeessiiiry Htlirmilus to practice will make tlie recordfci. AJbQe ussistaiiilts in tlhe dejumtmenit gire Br. llasltings more taane to devote to athletics. Ailready he has -Trougfht a wonderful cDiange in university atlhMics amVl Ktilu he is fair from satGsfit-td. Sance Qds connection Aith t3ie umBversiity, he lisiis beti indefntigtiible in Qiiisi zeal tfor honest athletics. TJiere is under cxmsidertiHtlioni the fonniation of i triangular league in luawket lxtlll lKttt,eeni JXxinte, Wcsleyami auul Nt'H)ras-ka. TJi plain lifla been Ibroacihed' fnvonibly reeeiwd 'llhiiiu -nnymfc!, tit iminpil'!! firi lw)niiTi'n'i,tir rvf ivnurfni'f fri ISid 'ViimsaMv - " -.-.... . .-..... - ..C1-......r, A.. .. . j -, nidboTM mikll oulr. Notiliring toiugiliensi iiaid give kihii 1o mem hike a Mittfe judiidous out oif doors work im (braiding weatttiea'. TJie mmbeirs1 of liaist yeair'H teami aire all back exceipt Hill. Cortelyou, one of OmaQilu's best men- a,nld, swne rxyniising new mem f ii'nn'Wh a very utJtiille re-iiiiiforce-men't. 1 in.H't:7iii jawr, vmujMim uuiil iHiutiin.ui, jljiv jjitiai xiua r I to tihe other two colleges by lr. Hastings andl Qihs been H eiiixl. They will prucMce out of doors or two montliB. JV :ie immed'isite Ixgiinviiig of pructat'e for taic 'Vjiinsi'ty team, "L DISSOLUTION OF 'Jill-: ATUllJ-yriC ASSOCJArnON. The Athletic asfaocialilojii met Satnwtluy fforenioon audi iasHed' ret-olu-t,ioiiH, wliidh dissolved tli ubMoclult'kwi, tiurning tho setliejueait of ail debts audi accountH into tlite lianklti of a bou'iVl' oif trustwH. But thp avtlutions )mvide for five student anembeins! of itiv 4itftBrJtile Hxiaal, to bie elitc-JUuli by tlhe tudem1iK in nuis meeting. Se'tnrsil oif 1Qo KtiidejilM, itlliiLmkiing tlie meeUiaig- wuh to Quiive- lbtsni nt 10 au an. came im Ikntc But n lairgo niumlber teiivi pnemiuilt on timet Tiio twjiwiwvu' wti tlln Jin. JiKsisitanit coMecltedi tlie usiwill; 50 eeaiiti fee of each one vrio -vvainltied 'to Ik h mieinilMsr and1 gave u tniemiberJiSi receiit, AHsOoniawtflie jvJolnitioiiHi of diswoOlutiiom paHsfcill, Mm Ml Hnintry cnUd t'he mVisisi meeting to order unwl Otisi Wiiiljiiiple was electied! cLuinniin. 'J'hie five Htiiidtonit 3iiem!lensi for tflitei 4iitMetJe IxkwxI weine- eleotedl iih fol- lnuw Mors. Sloi-v. -StelnbliiK. Wlllitunw. V4iiii VaJiw and Olarlc Tine board of .tiniHik1 r-eUedt!' aire Mewsuvs. Roweoe Poanld, Geo. Hlliedd, 'JoniKi, Wlhllpple and Biscllioff. TJie rtwoauitibiiH were disf ussed oamefiullly by Dr. Pound, wio urgtitd I'Jiteir 4idb.ptiioim, 4is a protecltionl for tQita pwwemt mnmuigemtenlt. He eonitiendled tlikilt maniy 'Invalid' eloiiBsi weaxs madb aguiin!wt tlhe asebcIaitioT n nd one wise misiai nkl by a lower court. He 'bttlfc?v45d ly diwwolitiibn oW MIEN' THAN REGOONTSr $3.50. 1080 O. STREET.