The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 9

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Clyde Hays, Phi Kappa Psi, spent Sunday at Ms home ii Beatrice.
Itav. Mr. Mnn'ss of tdie First Ckm-fi-regnttionnl chlurdh, addressed the Y.
M. C. A. Sunday on Bible study.
OhninfoeMor MnoLean went -to Town City to atltend' tfhe- funeral of Pres
ident SchafTer of the University of Iowa the first of the week.
The Beta Theta 1'si are located' again Wins year in the First National
Hnrtk 'block. During1 the gummier their tooths have leen completely
ronorateds so Hint they have quarters of which tihey are very proud.
The Hcsierian wishes to call attention to a typographical' error In
tihe advertisemeutt of Uerpols'heimer & Co.'s book department in
which we advertised Waterman's Pens at $2.00 -when it should hare
been $2.50.
Miss Louise Pound has won several valuable trophies Ihis summer in
tennis tournament. She won two silver cups and a beautiful pm. lhe
pin is a four-lealfed clover of green' enamel with1 a diamond cenlter anVl
edged -witHi pearls.
Edwin. Farmer, '90, teacher in the Era plantation school near Hono
lulu, Hawaii, -recently received Uie medal offered -for the best examina
tion for -tealclhers, certificate. He is saidi to have had the best papers
ccr (presented in the islands.
One cvcmtinlg last week the Phi DeMai Theta fraternity intitiatcld! the
following" men: Balpli Sobin, Dicdrich Lau, John Hill and' Chester
Summer. The 1oy are located this year at 1522 S street, and aire de
lighted witOi their new chapter house.
Prof. Hill has somewhat changed tflie course in psychology from
that given last year. The work will be condensed and tflie class di
vided into a1out fifteen dhisions, placet! under the head of assistants
Who -will give quizzes from tstne to time.
Somo of the Y. M. C. A. 'boys now wear (red and others blue ribbons
in tihleir ibuttxwi holes. "The two sides are in competition witJh eadh
other to secure the most menVbers. Mr. Moore, the new general sec
retary, devised ihe scheme.
Andrew Wilson of the preparatory medical school, is obliged to- leave
school on. account of the illness of his sister. The other momlbeirs of
t'he family are JitlWo reported sick witih typhoid fever. He left for his
home in Dunbar, Neb., jesterday aflennoon,
StudieMlt? ran have t'ho'ir ph'oitographs enCarged during the following
week nit Herpolsheiimeir & Co.'s Music DepL by paying- 98c for each
photo. The work is equal to amy tMrtg of its kind in the eouinlt-ry tod
usually sells at Phoho-gnlt'iCries ibr $5.00 each. The offer is good for
tHiiis week only.
There will be a mass meeting of the students- next Tuesday morn
ing to elect four students to act on the college settlement boardl for
this year. The members from the faculty were elected last Sunday at
a meeting at Chancellor MhcLean'o They are Professors Sweezy,
Caldwell and Hill. (
The Bimetafflic eluib 7net Monday and elected officers as follows: H.
A. Mcder, president; F. G. Hatwx'by, vice president- and J. S. -Smoyer,
secretary. The memliers arc making mmiingements with the. fusion
committee to have a meeting ujujcr the auspices of the club, "with
some prominent speakers from outside the state
Emtast It. Ho".mes. '90, M. A. '98, city editor of tlie State Journal,
a-nd Mrs. Holmes, i7,, left Septemlber 20 for Washington, D. C, and
other eastern points. They will sail October 15 from New York for
France and go to Paris. Mr. Holmes will enter for the new doctorate
of the. University of Paris, specializing in Romance languages and
lhilolbgy4 Mm Hol'mes will devote herself largelj" to French and
Telephone 313,
tingles' Pharmacy.
Orchestra and Band
Any Number of Men. From Piano up to
Full Orchestra furniahed.
Okfick nouns: 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Over Theutre Building.
Does the best work.
2249 O ST.
Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which al
supplies were sold. This year, whilst lower than ever in price commensurate with qual
ity we have materially increased our stock, We are prepared to supply text books of all
kinds at lower rates than were ever made before in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below
We are cleaners of Linen. Bring
your laundry to us, or we
will call for It.
Telephoni 579-
WesBley's German-English Dictionary. . . . 60c
Grench- " " 60c
Cassell's German-Eng.isb " .... $1.15
" French-English " 1.15
" Latin-English " .... 1.15
Bessey's Brief Botany. x.00
Remsen's Element. Chemistry 60c
Graphic Algebra ; x.44
Tichener's Outlines Psycology 1.45
Lauglin's Mill 2 80
Le Conte's Geology 3.25
Rolf e's Shakespeare, per vol 50c
Students' Standard Dictionary 2.50
Standard Dictionary 10-50
Webster's International Dictionary 8.75
History Paper, per 100 sheets 5
History Covers, leather back I5C
" cloth sides l2c
" " board sides 10c
Fountaia Pens. 14 kt. gold 69c, 89c, 98c
Each pen warranted.
Waterman's "Ideal" Fountain Pen 2.50
and upwards.
Ler-d Pencils, polished, rubver tipped, ea. zc
Black Ink, per 2 oz. bottle 2jc
Fountain Pen Pockets, each 8c, 10c, 15c
Students' Note Books, each 4c
University of Nebraska Tablets I5C
Ink Tablets, 80 cents each 5c
Soft Paper Tablets, 300 pages 5c
George Constanccr's
1010 O Street. '
39-All First-Class Workmen.. Five Chairs.
Book Bindery is thoroughly equipped for all classes of
Magazine and General Binding. Best v'-', -r--tifss
and unusually low prices. Special Rates to students and
faculty of University of Nebraska. Makers of the Per
fection Note Book Covers.
127 North I2th Street, Lincoln, Nebr. .