The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 5

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Ganne With Hastings Tomorrow.
Since the. revised schedule of gaines 1ms 'beem published in the Hes
perian two mono excellent gaines lmve bcon arranged 'to 'lo played' on
our campus. The two games 'being' with Tarklo college and' Drake
University, nie full schedule how stands us follows:
OCtkber 1 University of Nebraska vs. Hastings College at Lincoln.
October 8. U. of N. vs. Ames College at Lincoln.
October 15. IT. of N. vs. Tarklo College at. Lincoln,
October 22. IT. of N. vs. Win, Jewell College, Kansas City, Mo.
October 24. IT. of N. vs. "Missouri State University at Coluniibia, Mo.
October 29. U. of N. 7. Griunell College at Lincoln.
November B. IT. of N. vs. Kansas State University at La.wrence, Kns.
Novemiber 7. U. of N. vs. Kansas City Medics at Kansas City. Mo.
November 12. U. or N. vs. Drake University nt Lincoln.
November 24. IT. of N. vs. Iowa State University at Omaha.
It wM 'be sedn from t.he above that five gamies are to be played on
our limine giroumls. All of these gamies will lie good1 ones, and two of
thorn, nt 'least, will be as good as any games ever played' on' our
campus. Season tickets for the five games are now on sale, tihe price
of tlhc same being- $1.7.r).
MiiirmosioKa writes that the management of flier team has chWnged
hands n.nd the new manager has decided to schedule no more gaiincs.
The schedule of Wisconsin is iiv bad shape. The manager of tlh'e team
wrote t'hnt he had arranged matters so as to play us at Lincoln' on
November 10, but owing -to two of the colleges, with wliSWh he had
scheduled gn.nies, throwing up 'tlheir contracts, he wis clbligedi to ar
range new games for his home grounds, and eonsvequentlly did not
think lie could make n western trip.
The faet Hint we piny neither of the nibovc tenuis this season is
due to no fault of our manager, nis be 'has laiborcd hard and diligently
to piny one or t.he other of the two teams.
A force of mew "have been at workelenring the Held. The ground' litis
been thoroughly scraped and the weeds nnkl lose dirt removed'. By
the time oif t.hie first gnnie everything will be ready nnkl the students
will le given nn opportunity to see what has been done within the past
two weeks.
have 'been under 'his instructions. No educator in the state haivo I con
sidered n safer man in institute work than 'he. We will missli'im. Wo
must go forth and act on the lines that lie followed'.
The Chancellor then offered the following resolutions,, which wore
unanimously adopted1:
Resolved, That in the death of Wells Haiwkes Skinner, A, B. in: 1800,
A. M. in 1898, from this university, the 'institution mourns itJhe. loss of
rtne of the most beloved of its alumni; Mint t'he school mens rf the state
will miss one of tlieir most generous and able leaders; that Uho world
of educational literature already enriched by Mr. Skinner's contribu
tions will iicver know what further treasures it would have possessed
from his pen; that the youth of the state lose one of tlieir most be
loved n.nkl inspiring teachers.
Resolved, That we extend to his 'bereaved family out heartfelt sym
pathy. Resolved, That we commend to all good citizens of Nebraska his ex
ample of unselfishness, in which, like that of the Master of men, he
saved others, himself he could' not save.
Dr. Triggs of ha University of Chicago, formerly a student under
(.iianecMor Jinehean in '.Minnesota, delivered a. lecture In. the- chhpel
Wednesday morning on the subject "Willim Morris, Poet and' Social
ist." Dr. Trig'gs has a very youthful nimearanee. hut his leefcnr. wMMx
he read from manuscript clearly indicates a highly developed; mind.
His dilinention of Mo'rris Character wn superb, 'Morris believed
that liberty is attained through work. Labor is not preioimtioni for
living, but is our very life.
Morris' socialistic Ideas are very apparent in the opinion ho ex
presses of nuich'inery. He believes it has been used to impoverish the
manly anU enrich the few.
'He is sometimes compared to Chaucer. He had at his commanHi ev
ery poetic meant? known to In other ways they were as dif
feient as day and night. Chancer was inclined to 'look at things ioy
ous.y, Morris sadly. To 'Morris death and old' age with its failing
memory and faltering- steps were so mbhorent that he believed1 every
moment should be improved. Be maintained that the industriail war
.ih .nii, waged ior i retrain ironi labor, but freedom In labour.
Next Saturday, October 1. is the opening game. Every student n ttho As a pojhet of new industrialism, Morris is one of the most signi-
ndverwity sluould make it his duty to attend the game and show, by fleam men of the century. To the cmw of humanity he sulbordinated
! presence and support, that lie is ready to encourage the players on ' his whole poetic genius. ,
iit; iTvcifii
to victory ngixin this yea.r. T-t everybody turn out and shove for tUie
First Convocation Held in. Memory of the Noted Educator. Address
of Dr. Sherman.
The first regular convocation of the University occurred last. Friday
morning after 'chapel a.ud was a memorial in memory of Superin
tendent W. IT. Skinner of Nebraska City. Dr. Sherman' spoke briefly
concerning Mr. Skinner. It was clearly a difficult taKk for the dean.
His voice fa-Mered many times while talking of this gome by, liis
earnest pupil, lujiloved friend, nnd respected' nssoeiate in educational
lines. lie said, in part This will 1e a day of mourninig in Nebnask.a
from the Common school up to the University. Superintendent Skin
ner died in Omaha last night at the home of .Superintendent Pearse
after an illness of three weeks with typhoid fever. Superintendent
Skinner was born in Virginia in 1855. He secured his secondary ed
ucation in neighboring schools and spent two years in Bethany college,
He came to Nclbraska in If 8 1. He was superintendent of school's at
David City for two years an'd at Crete for many years and at Nebraska
City for four years. While at Crete he spent his Saturday at the Uni
versity doing college work in botany, chemistry, zoology.
Ills motive was not to pull himself up alone. His heart went out to
the, grades and the high school. He taught the child how to use the
miciY)sclope;heputtihe fruits of his university work in every grade up to
the high school. He wns a mnn without self-seeking His devotion to
his profession wns great; his zeal was great. He was so aceessable,
so gen'inl, so simple.
care was for his nigetl fat her and mother. He worked fifty-two weeks
In the year. T ougflit, perhaps, to try to say somelving nliout, the
thinlgs he created. There was no department in the school but he
mastered. He took and kept and and used 'the importnnt methods in
science, in history, in literature. He wns fu'M of faith in the youiifr
minkl. The sentiment of the hour is how to do without him. ft will
be 1wl Indeed if no one i's found cnpahle of taking up' his work as he
left it.
So, the sentiment of the hour is hard one to expmss. His last
State Superintendent W. B. Jackson spoke briefly for the school
men of Uo state. He said' T feel that in the loss of Superintendent
Skinner. Nebraska, has lost one of her greatest educators rond- chief
niein. Thousands of school teachers voice this senitimemt. Thousands
I wish it were possible for me to tell each one personally h'ow deep
is my appreciation' of your thoughtful nnd kindly remlbrance of me
lhore is .nothing I hold in higflier esteem than the regard! and' loyalty
of tihe students. The most pleasant Avork I have known was thWb of
cndenirvoring to serve you all in every way possible.
'Hie splendid volumes of Buskin and Irving -luring me a wealthi of
thought in themselve that will 'be inspiring- and helpful always. But
T especially prize the message they bring of your sincere friend&hSu
nnd' remenilbrance. MABEL TUTTLE
Saituid'ay eventing- the IV.lladian hoys' debating club discussedi tho
queatiioiK "KescHved, That an Amglo-Anierieaiv all ,-i.nce would be 'bene
ficial to the United' States'." The dobators presented much good argu
ment, oiv both sides. The club fluid a, discussion in- regard to inter-College
debates, and a standing committee was appointed to arrange a
series of contests wi'th' other clubs.
The. Union boys' debating club debated the topic, "Besolved, That
am offensive ami defensive alliance -should be formed between tJlie
United Sates and England," at their meeting last Saturday evening.
The dis'cu'sision was quite lively.
The momentous question, "What shall be done with the Philippines'?"
occupied the attention of the Delian boys' debating club Saturday
might. The sentimen't of the club was for the retention of the island,
but some very strong reasons were given by the minority agaiinfelt the
poliby of expansion, which the United States is about to assume.
Prof. Miller has charge of the classes in public speaiang this year.
He is nrr'nmging tihe work very systematically. The number of ribu
dents registered for the ecurse is larger than ever before, and many
more wouHd en'ter upon the work did it not conflict with other studies.
The 0 o'clock division last MondLiy discussed the question, "BesolvexL
Thalt the advantages of tiiie present jury system outweighs its ad(vnn
tnge and profit. Piof. Miller, in criticising the speakers, brougihit out
some good thoughts ns to the proper manner of presenting argument.
At the close of the hour the announcement wns made that Mrs. Manr
ning wns arranging her work so that she could take charge of the
class an Fridays for drill in elocution. She, hopes to be able to Co-operate
Ayitfli Mr. Miller so as to give the boys the advantage of tflii course
in voice culture,