The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 4

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, our bamboo frames to raise our tents off the ground. Our camp was
on f peanut flclkls, but now, nlns, we h'nvc left it before Ibe plants ripen
ed. We waited somo time Siv Cnmp Dewey, drilling and trying to yet
the natives to well us fruit nt reasonable prices. They doublekli pvtiees
on us, 1ut we finally got them n little reduced and bouglvt things
whetlher or no, just so lonig ns we could peel the fruity far it gives
a innm a very vivid string ot imaginings to try anything he't peel.
Things nrc not just tidy among these lit llipp'i noes; (Here comes Tell
sen with some b.i tin urns, so 1 must pause niWhilo to help Mm.) Bananas
tnken cnire df uml some reflect ioiils inklulgcd in, during- which C. C.
hns been wondering if we will ever be goodc for ainyMiing again;
so listless, so dull, and so tiresome to lie around 'herein these ware
houses for Iwirracks, audi so little of interest to do. If we had some
figh'Mn'g to do, or wo ge'llin'g rendy to pull for hotne we would feel
a whole lot better; and yet, lighting means Mint some brave fellow
must fall, nnkl going h'oine is a thing to do only when the whole 'tnsk
hns been accomplished and the full purpose carried 011U so 1 nm will
ing to do police work in old Manila, keep the natives and' front
killing- eaieih other, guartl against a possible attack from the- nsur
gen'ts nnkl sleep nnkl eait a.s best we can iiv our present situation,
Jhit my reveries bave snapped the badly stretohekl thread of
my tJtory. We took up entren'Cking work about the 1st of August,
nndbegan our post duty. Then things became interesting. We wnnit
ed Dewey to open up and Mien "turn loose." I'll copy from my note
book n little account of my first experience on out .post work.
"July DO, 1898. On out post duty a few liumlred yawls front the
vSXMiiish line. 1 just had' my first (bullet whiz psust my henkl ns,! emne
over froim an oldl house across tihe road, Volley fining .had beew goini"
on bofore I went over, bur had lulled. Then it began again: nnd 1
started back as soon, ais 1 finished my work there. 1 had' just come in
sigflit of the seiKtry when 1 beard tlhmt wicked buz, as if atv insect of
great size were buzzhvg pa. I. Tlie seiKtinels shouted to me. T dodged
nn'd smilleti, or started' to, and then, began to realize Mint it wis no
smiling" mmtter, -Mint a. Spanish bullet lm'd passed pretty close. It
struck iiv the brushes behind me on the road side. I walked on to the
protection of an old house where our post is, feeling a. little Stirred up
Shells lilave "been exploring over bnck of our post, antt' bullets- cuttinjr
t '" ---' -w...j', mmiivimii JU (.Fill III
luiuve siuung .nere Desitle me with a bullet wound in bis foot. There
goes n cannon, nnd now a series of volleys are roaring out ngwin. Well
we will vt some dinner now. We get bunigry just Mte same as though
K SS T'T ."' J -Viiiff .m.uittl. 'Jliere wm ot a ninn. hurt Mint dny
thoug'h .bullets fell thick. J
JS'S tini,CS we wp,n,'t " ol,i V1' n,Ml ,hc ,s,st time wis tlite day
flrbTl? Tn1 n, X.ra,lrfI,n: rri,es13- Alfft 3. Nebraska wis i,ni the
beS SJ? f-f1 1" 1N, Rli",,l?h- A"8-"st 3 "' - morning- tiling
began to look like busmess Ifeginicnt a.fter regiment came tin 'to the
fromt yip comiKiny wis chtosen, to escort the Third regiment battery.
Dewey opened up and gave the fort nearest our line'hnil ColumSta
and then cnanc the aiince all along Mte line. We were u.uler fire
seN-eral times as we urged the oW water builaloes an, witl, 2 m, ts
or helped push tbem ov.v dilohes, breastworks nnd everrta, 15r t hi
in refiin. Part of the road for a. quarter of a mile norfinTw w-ih
S ?"irr?mlQt am1 WC P"1 nnrt lvanceTaaoS
t mo to get to the scenes ns soon possibla After we trot into tihw o,
ricirte oY the town. party of men opened fire o, ttf ftS a Lusi
We wvnted for a rfinnee to get at then, but dared not si too S
white flag" btikl been run up some time before. While we were entering
StStl? 'M hnck of 1,s st'fck I "Star S,n?S-itan5S?"
With Old Glor.v flv nc froim lil.o i,nti f-i- ... A :1CU MmlCT'
i tiini (hhitj music nv our
ears we wi4 in nnl I know we could have swept n regi o t o it 6f
ZA:r"S"L!!" T ? tnwnpcd tbrough its X
1T1 w"w '"'"'""K "hi nmgjes, looketl at its magnificent dhurches
nnld palnces, peepwl into its thousands of dirty holes wl i we tin
All Huweess to old1 Putll sceietn- this cominir vMr t ci,m,
- ' wi. tiv.4 tri -v iiiiircnTiininp lotftwv i-j, r -i
iam feier, but lack of space compel
Tellesotii, and' one from Otto Will
tnetr onussion.
Thbinns D. Tiunfn, corporal of company K, Secoml rcglmenit, Nebraska
National giKi,rlw, 0. 0. of tUiis uuiveivsity, '08, (Wert of typhoid, fever
hist SuiVdmy aiflernoou a',t the home of his sister, Mrsi F. Shnrie, ngenl
2.1 years JJ3 dltyw. Funeral services wore 'held in Mte First Presbyterian
ifliuKeh, Dr. Sexton, GhnneililorMsicLenn and' Dr. Uindinan officiating
iii llhe services. He wis buried in Wyukn cemetery.
Mr. burnt or Tommy, as the boys loved to call limn, was born at
Lenox, Iowa, September Ji. J87r. 'LMtere he received jKtrt of .hfis early
edtie'ation nnkl di'plnyed so-nie tn-nits of tlhe energy and' will wibich
characterized his life and marked his dying moments. In 1891 he en
tered Mte University nnkl took work in the first preparatory olhssv, Al
thkmgh onily 10 yea'rs of age nnkl of slight frame, .he carried full work
ami made liis expenses in various Wiys, doing" the most humble work
in order nuo't to be u butxlen uon his parents, W'hile engaged in such
work lie enjoyed nhe coiiwideratiioin and respect of all with wham he
came in eknitoet. Tbotse friends were enduring friends and mhniniister
ikl comfort to hint up to the end. In 1S95 he was sent ns a deiegnlte
from the Vouuig Men's Cthristinn, assK-iatioiii to the Diible conferertce
at bake tteivtnn, Wluile theix under sjtcred influences hils life A-n
broug'h't in closer sympathy with the high life, and he realized limit
his life niusit be spent in the Ohristitin ministry, in the service of Hi m
who has so albunkiu n'My crowned ihis ettonts with success. Since Mint
time .he Utrns Inlbored at'liberty, Firth anjd Stnplehurst. lie was univer
sally loved by his people. Not u single borne in these towns but felt
the spiritual' radiance of 'Ills diameter, lie wns tlie instrument in
britvging over 100 people to 'the Christian fmitih. Thus he uceomplishekl
more in his fcltort life tHinn 'flic majority who fill out the allotlted spate
of man's dnys, Miiiih score years nnkl ten.
When Mie cnIM came for volun'teers to enlist in the cause of humanduy
he responded with enthusiasm. His motive in enlisting wis niot ac
tuated alone by patriotism for Ins country, but by a, sense of duty to
Cod. He. realiv.ed Mint annong so many men there win an unltounded
field for Ohiristiaiii work.
lleemlisted in company K.Seeonkl regiment., which wns sent to Olvick
aimauga. While there he was one of live men who were not at some
time on the sock list, lie returned to Lincoln nb'out three weeks ago
on a fur!oug'h. ll'is first irltention was to take a light course in. tllie
University for n yenr and do also ministerial work, ami tliCiv enlter
Princeton's tht'ological seitiinnry. He however, received his llselinrge
fiMin the army, which left 'hint free to go i in mediately to the sem'innry.
lie planned to start Friday, but on. Mint day was taken sick wiMi ty
phoids During Iris short sickness he bad every care wliich could be be
stowed by loving relatives nnkl friends. All tlie members of the family
were present except Wis oMeSt brother, a member of the regular army,
and Ceorge, who is now sick at lMncetom, N. il. He wns patient and
kind during bis sickness. About mi liour before h'.s death he called
his friends to his bedside and bade them good bye. He died, without
pain or fear. . His parents and sisters were at his sikle.
No more fitting- tribute ran 'be rendered to- any man than to "Tam
my." He gave up his life for his country, Cod and his fellownieni.
The fallow-ling resolutions were adopted by the Y. M, C. A. on Mte
death of Thomas D. Dunn:
Whereas, As Cod in His Higher Province litis seen best to call unto
Himself one of our most (beloved members ami coiifceeraitekl1 memSiers
in tihe extension of Zion's kingdom; therefore we, the incumbers of
the Young Men's Christ hi iv association, of the University of Ne'brnskn,
humbly submitting to Cod in His ontnipivsen't wisdom", offer the fol
lowing resolution:
We recognize in the life of our departed broUher the highest tpye at
Christian mnuliood, true devotion, ami consecrated sen-ice; nnd we
co'inmenkl his life as an example to our fellow students'.
We ad'mire the expression of his patriotism in 'heeding his eounltiry'n
call; and it gives us Infinite satisf notion to know Mint be wns nctuntekl
in volunteering not nlone by a sense of duty to his country, but also
by a desire to serve his Cod in personal Christian work ninontr litis
eouvriides. B
We evtetul to those ib heM him dear our deej) sympatlhy in, tilms
hour of their bereavement ami commend Miem to Him wb'o is -er a
fiieivd to Miowe tllmt mourn.
The elnss of '08 met Monldny nfternoon nnd Adopted resolutions
cermnig-M.elctvMi of their classmate, Corporal T. D. Lunn of com
ti wiiiHKiy. -jijiese rere orderel iyrlnl ?., i,
nak An npproprinte floral design was also nrrnmged
im ui vim. regard in wlibcli tihe deceased' tis lield.-uv
K. wlrkfl, n.m,wl ft.wwHn .- nM--.IT..1 -.--V - - uo",Iwin'7
" - MiiMMit J'JT MT3I1T tkl IliaifUl lVTin1 !. 1 . .1
nnvnk! of 1,i .Tn -.1 ..' , .,.,. . . 'V 1"""" '" "lie CVI-
for as n tesMmoni
Jliis fellows.