The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 10
j'B- mj. wjw wBjJll" '" ' WWWH WASEfitil HE HESPERIAN "- T3?Wr "r rTw jwr? i .J i?l d ' vf Garments In mente fine eihoes we lead. Webster & Rogers, 1043 0 8b. U-niivcrsiity" letter paper ami antvclopes at Uniivexsilty Book Store. Af int! Our $3.00 alidj $3.50 shoes .re tine best, Webster & ltogcrs, 1043 O St. die sure uvnid visit the Hegcnts' Factory og-encyi, 103G 0 street, ami1 sec some tfo tSite best $3.00 shoes on tiho market. Fully wainnaairtJed. The election of officers of tlhe Semior Class was postponed' until half pnfct one TOursfclny, on account of the funeral of T. D. Lunu. Mandolin and Guitar music 5c per sheet A large assortment of vo cal and instrumemtal folios, 5c each. Vocal duett folio, baritone and folios, etc. The latest collection of war music published at 50c. Our price 15c per vol'. Special prices oiv pictures "this week. Music and Picture Dept., .Herpolshehner & Co. The Students Supply Store, 1 129 R Street. ROPER & FUNK, Proprietors. Store open at all hours. Text Books, History Note Paper and Cc vers, etc. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS. Typewriting and Mimeographing done at store. Second-Hand Books sold on small commission. for Men and Women. FOR WOMEN We have ready-to-wear garments of every description, Cloaks, Suits, Hats, Furs, Gloves, Underwear, etc. FOR MEN We have everything in the line of Fur nishing Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Neckwear, Immense Assortment., Correct Styles and Low Prices are what we promise you. MILLER & PAINE Agency for CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY. Wagon calls four times a day. Leave bundles at Store. Solicitors for BRICK BLOCK BOARDING CLUB, 320-322 North I lth Street. Call and see us. ROPER & funk. 4 .(V -"' B. S. KINO Fine... Scientific Watch Refracting Repairing. Opticia n . Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted, No atrophine, head ache or lost time. 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program ? It costs no more to have it printed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed to place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will be judged quite largely by the style of Its printed stationer'. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Browsed Block. CAMERAS PHOTO SUPPIES OF J&.XiXj 2CI1TJDS- W hen you write AND n e nc B9M Hal Ufa 0 0Ulfn f ' f Room 5, 1041 O St., Lincoln, Nob. To your friends Who are coming west to visit you just add a postscript like this: "Be sure to take the Burlington Route. It's much the best " You are quite safe in doing this because our service from Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, Kan sas City, in fact all eastern, south eastern and southern cities is just as good as our service to those points. And that, as everyone who is acquainted with it will testify, is the best there is. Tickets and time tables on ap plication at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A. Lincoln, Neb. Two Things Uucle Sam Has Learned from his experience in ''the late unpleasantness" is to build the Nicarauga Canal antl u larger Navy. Two things the people of Lincoln have learned from exper ience, when their eyesight fails or is defective, is that we are the best opticians in thiscity, and that we can fit the eyes in the most perfect manner, and adjust glasses that will give them new sight. Eyes examined free E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Ewing Clothing Co., FINE CLOTHING -AND FURNISHING GOODS. 1115 1117 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. Northwestern University Medical School. The regular course is four years with condi tions for advanced standing. This school claims superiority in the extent and thoroughness of jaboratory courses, and in the great variety of its clinical material and the methods by which it is utililized in teaching. For circulars of information address the sec rctary. DR. N.S.DAVIS, Jr., 2431 Deaborn Street, Chicago. DR. F. D.SHERWIN, DBUTIST Boom 17, Burr Bl.k, 2nd Floor. .'. f it