The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 23, 1898, Image 8
h THE HESPERIAN r 1 Winter Garments for Men and Women. FOR WOMEN- We have ready-to-wear garments of every description, Cloaks, Suits, Hats, Furs, Gloves, Underwear, etc. FOR MEN- We have everything in the line of Fur nishing Goods, Underwear, Hosiery. Gloves, Shirts, Neckwear, Immense Assortment., Correct Styles and Low i ii.c i(ru wnai we promise you Tn mienfa fink) dunes wc toad. Webster & logons, 1043 0 6K Oiiip $3.00 nliMli $3.B0 shoes arc tlife best, Webster & Rogers, 1043 0 St fJmilih'ilw' t,,'",7,1,?rs "" "'W'y "" Jlt HonwitHi' lor uiwIIIkm- dlA'ilsioni Sat.imliay morning nit 10 o'clock,. ilV sinvtmud riNi'l, Mio Kcgo-inte' Fallow tunMicvi 1030 0 street nnVli H.m. fa iihb bt $3.00 sW an tho mnrlA li"S Dr. 'I'lte wf tOic University of Chicago is n, immilwir of lfl. Arts Art, nkK.AvJ',oni. Ho is n Icrtiiror n,t i.ic nrt ShiMi-Mito, Ohachgo Dr. TtoIrks will ff:ve tho wfrhwiitnl lortaiw on, democratic n.nL n.1. lllio ll'itfi fliol oflidrtttivnm MomlUy evening, September 20, isos. Atltaito 'ii S.i ortillK. PmwKlfc for nrt vvonk hi Mw public scfliooln. TW1 011 MILLER & PAINE e Students Supply Store, Wisdom Whitout Expori ence can be acquired by those who are willing to profit by the experience of others. Those whose eyesight has become permanently injured, say: "It might have been. "Be wise n time, and don't neglect your sight when it begins to fail, or it may be come permanently injured. We will test and fit it with proper glasses at a reasonable cost. E. HALLETT, 114-3 O Street. 1 129 R Street. KOPEK & FUNK, Proprietors. Sloro open at all hours. Text Books, Histoiy Note Paper and Ci vers, etc. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS. Typewriting and Mimeographing done at store. Second-Hand Books sold on small commission. Agency for CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY Wabn calls four times a day. Leave bundles at Store. Solicitors for BRICK BLOCK BOARDING CLUB, 320-322 North J 1th Street. Call and see us. ROPER & FUNK;. B. S. KINO Fine... Scientific Watch Refracting Repairing. Optician. ..., Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted, No atrophine, head ache or lost time 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Should be UP-DATE in ALL RE SPECTS. A neatly printed envelope and letter head will repay its cost in many ways. Come up and see me, I will talk it over with you and show you something neat. J3BOBLL, Printer... Ewing Clothing Co., FINE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING BOODS. CAMERAS and PHOTO SUPPIES ml OF AXEj 3CI1TDS. 77 BROWNELL BLOCK, l5 ,117 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. Northwestern University Medical School. The regular course is four years with condi tions for advanced standing. This school claims superiority in the extent and thoroughness of laboratory courses, and in the great variety of its clinical material and the methods by which it is utihhzed in teaching. For circulars of information address tho sec retary. DR. N.S.DAVIS. Jr., 2431 Deaborn Stroot, Chicago. ' bi Room 5, 1041 O St., Lincoln, Nob. When you write To your friends Who are coming west to visit you just add a postscript like this: "Be sure to take the Burlington Route. It's much the best " You are quite safe in doing this because our service frnm Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis. Kan sas City, in fact all eastern, south eastern and southern cities is just as good as our service to those points. And that, as everyone who is acauainted with it uiii testify, is the best there is. Tickets and time tables on ap plication at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. BONNELL, C P. & T. A. Lincoln, Neb. DR. F. D. SHERWIN. iDEIsTTISTg Room 17, Burr Bl.k, 2nd Floor.