The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 23, 1898, Image 7
MPHanMrals THE HESPERIAN BIXBY'S RETREAT. fc NO PLACE LIKE THE UNI. Of course they say "Wlrtit is is right," That, nil wuys lend to Rome, And sonic one litis found wiith deep insights There Is no plnc'c like home. They boast who dwell in lire shades of Ynlc Or Hau-vard by the en There's anotlhor shadow of growing length Tlmt's good emougJi for nic. There may le man on those sunless stonvee And nn uncioivt ffrcy but then There's less of inflated notliang'nesis, In the shkidc of -tilie U. of N. Diplomacy (?) is a force best played with puppets moved ny n single ring;. Make them characters, give them manhood, ooiuscieiice nnd r. will, nnd flic player rends Ids hoir. Tlie player sometimes forgets Ms mask. AN INQUIRER. 'An iniquiining Ktmdwnt witih more observation Ifli'nn money, wendte t8i fallowing qu eat Un(s to tihiis deparlm'en't which we re far to tllie regentts' convmititee: 1. Wais tllne use which, uccvmlinig to tlhe executiive wntnoiiiiivceimcmit In our Woii-Ui coivUdmponury, the Students' Co-op, has cciused to sub serve, a service to tlhe llegent, he committee, the Chliiweeiltor, or -tihe s'tudenit? 2. Whh tlhe ebnnge suggie'xl to imike lxoks chenpeir? Tf so, wliy do I jxiy more for 'book's th yvvnir Mian lnwt? Or weis it jwst to get n lett:ter looking- ,ml more windy knowni business iimn I'm the base men id.? The most pitinble attribute of falsehood is the hnlhicinntiiom that .!c trnnsforms it. Deck a lie with gray Iwvir and it verily -believes telf to be trut'li and dies a cheerful myrtr. Many a well has a gli'tk-iriiig surface, but the first bucket bnimga up .mid. 1'Ti & b & m Hi Telephone 313, Ungles Pharmacy. hjAGENOW'S Orchestra and Band Any Number of Men. From Piano up to "" Full Orchestra furniahed. THE. SPECIAL RATES TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. ? Okfick Uouhs: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 137 N. I3TH STREET, Over Tboatto Building. BEST LAUNDRY Does the best work. 2249 O ST. We are cleaners of Linen. Bring your laundry to us, or we will call for it. Telephone 579. TOWNSEND & PL0MAND0N Prop's. BOOK DEPARTMENT of HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which al supplies were sold. This year, whilst lower than ever in price commensurate with qual ity we have materially increased our stock, We are prepared to supply text books of all kinds at lower rates than were ever made before in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below Wesaley's German-English Dictionary. , Grench- " " ... Cassell's German-Eng.ish " . . " French-English " ... " Latin-English " .. Bessey's Brief Botany Remsen's Element. Chemistry Graphic Algebra Tichener's Outlines Psycology Lauglin's Mill Le Cc-nte's Geology Rolfe's Shakespeare, per vol Students' Standard Dictionary Standard Dictionary Webster's International Dictionary.... 60c 60c $1.15 MS x.15 1.00 60c 1.44 1.45 280 3.25 50c 2.50 10-50 875 '. History Paper, per 100 sheets 5: History Covers, leather back I5C " " cloth sides lJc " " board sides 10c Fountaia Pens, 14 kt. gold 69c, 89c, 98c Each pen warranted. Waterman's "Ideal" Fountain Pen 2.00 and upwards. Lecd Pencils, polished, rubver tipped, ea. ic Black Ink, per 2 oz. bottle 2c Fountain Pen Pockets, each 8c, 10c, 15c Students' Note Books, each 4c University of Nebraska Tablets I5C Ink Tablets, 80 cents each 5C Soft Paper Tablets, 500 pages 5c George Constancer's JBei:rfce:r S1riLOp THE IVY PRESS 1010 0 Street. ft l 51 ' .All First-Class Workmen. Five Chairs. Book Bindery is thoroughly equipped for all classes o Magazine and General Binding. Best vr-'c, -ir""-t "ss and unusually low prices. Special Rates to students and faculty of University of Nebraska. Makers of the Per fection Note Book Covers. 127 North 12th Street, Lincoln, Nebr.-