BBWpMByl THE .HESPERIAN .1 TT Tp T T TTT' OJ T TTl T ") T A TV T iieCessitntnlc a revision of tlliki course he had' previously hutvmtlViti 1o JLi 1 ' jLl . ' 0 JL l"" ' JTV. J. JLJL JCN ,li,,1, 'ril ,,JW umlaut ime nit -vVaH looked ii'pon by old Kt-iuUMiltw inv, the HgWb of mi ex inject facto law, although no crime c-a.ii' be detected on IuonwI V,vUK- hv 1ik HeKnmiiiin, Assrwinitlmi, of lllilo UiiKvclrttlt.v nt the lNWb of the defense. v . , ' There are many good points, however, im favor of the new system oj courses as set forth by our University. The ivew plain is n good com? TEIIMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, promuse 'between the elective nnd prescribed systems of collej Mm. . . tm I i . .. I A lfetaaha4 4 - .4 ll . I n..UH ilktl I m Im m I I ! t f t I tt J m M ViM lJ fMfl T One copy, per cKililegc year, iin advance $1.00 ,,, . , . .. . , . . l .. . , . ..' . ., , .. D, , Wl ' .i ul?aw freedom to the student in selecting bis studies, while nit the same One copy, one semester 00 j j,ne ilt g.llimis ugHinstt rashness and good judgment oiv the pairt of the AdvcrTisinlg Unites on Application. student, in the mapping out of his course. It combines freedom wit'h Alumni! and Ex-Students. L'oniservntiive restriction, and this cannot prove othcir than bemullcinil SpedWl enkleavor will be made to make the Heserlian inlhenxisting . ? ihc "fividmul student. If 'he desires to take work along a, certain . ,,,,, , , . ,. ,,,..,,. line, as for nnslawe, political science, he can easily do so, but lie to fomdr studionHs. Please send us your .subsonKptnons. ( onltmibutions mst lt tl)k, finlm, .',,,, Mu!r studies ulnich ai-e usvful and neccs- lilftihukfully .lvcxiiwd. wiry to curry tihlrouli t'he li-ne of work he especially wxui'ts. Subswriptlioin.s on our Inyoks will be continued unitil oi-dleixvl stopped. Atldiiebs nill eonimunficaltiionh Ho 'Hie, Uniiwa-Ni't'y of Ne- Am 'J'he Hesiwrian is bcjrimiinK' aniot'her year of ikseftil work, it de- bitnlca LfneoHi) Nebraska.. i',YS CM'l t'he'aitteivtlion of .Mtudemits, and especially of new Htiuklenits, ,!-' u .l i i' i ,t 4V! it i . i , , . li .t.. ikl... ' Ilit; work of the open li tiara rv soeiet,ics. The IIcperia.n brieves uDnttcixMl in the PositolTiee ut h neohn as seeoinkl clatS' mnltMr. ... ti , '., . . . , , . .. ..,,', ,i. .. In them. It endoivos the prniciple for whiuh they tand. 1 he socie- IJOAlll) OF ED1T011S. l'tvs satisfy a need, a wamt of many stmleiitB who come to the t TaitiveJr- V. E. mgavboix Aliuittgintr lMfitor s,13' t'1,";t en,,ot h siKtlsllert m any of. liter way. I'hey stand for democ- , , .... ., ?. . .. iviey; they sitaaid for lnduvidiiality. A li.tera.ry stKiiety places e'ory j. ,i. i iowinxstti rtHsiHuanui uuMiiber on his own reHonsi'bHMy. K aid, but don't eanry a single ' Ij. . I'eairaou isiu'-Jnieiss liimtigHM' memilrar. ASnfTVI'FQ Literary Kocicities rfUnid for literary and sodiail de'elopmcnt, for eul- .u inv m the broader a.nd 1nue sanise. They neither go to 'the exiivme on U. G. Ifopar Ivdilon.U ,j)e s0i:a sCf nor (0 t:iity produce exitramistwS, but they turn to sltiuike F. G. Hawxby Nwk happy medliuni. If a tudent desires trainiiug; amd oxiwrienice in G. V. Kl'i'ne Llte.mry appearing: lefoix; audienee.s, he will 11ml just what he inlt inn the IV n O'Clomiiu-l ' IMrtitie's 1P1"" societiies. ff 'he desires to become acq unbilled with a small body ,. ,. ,, . .., of students amd enioy t'heir conrpany, the open soeieities cam simmy amn n. aioiw ' ''""". his lweAt lf ll0 (itv,iTeSi aftor n week's hcurd work, to lake nlifrhlt ott for recix'tition. and social enjoyment, tlhere is no better place than. Hie The lfiteratry societies- should endeavor to euitiva.te e.Kvr n' ,u.nillir iJVhii.iv eveiviii"- niectiivir In thc soeietv hall. If lie d-csirea this year witHi one anothen They are all workini"; for sthe sarnie pur- to' have a gox til me. yet nWt tK much of it, while a.t the Uniivonsilty, jiose. T-liey all have the Hime end in view. There is wtlhintf tlmit earn (he WX!;1.t15e.s ,K. ,,'blo'to furnish it. Fimallv, if a Ntudent den'jres r-kkxI prodiioe lietter results amd make l:he ocn Htcrmry sockicw Mtron-er tlM0) wliolcJlii-riited friendis, to make his stay t rtihe Univcilty more amd bettnir nlble to mci't Hie tudent&' wuiits tllitnu a. close un'.ton of the yicasanlt and iirolltuible, he win find no oianizaitioms more filled with thave soeieties. Wi'th a common jmrpose and eoimnon interests bucked 1)?in t.lia, liK x.Hnn, Umion or I'alladian societies. Every nW stu- by a. eonvnioiv projieK'ing- force, liicre is no rea&on Wiiy the literary (Um,., vmifi oomsider well amd vii-h carefully any org-antizartioiv le- soeieties can itot lie filleil with life and spirit amd eifciiy that wiM add r()ru w, joil)t, imX umdeiitands thonoug-hly t'hc gtuyil he expects to llavor and fervor to 11 UniXMTsity wpirit. Let each society amd every reCei,ve from it. The societies arc always wUlhur to Htrmwl the teric. iiwlividuail member mamnfesit a strong mel-Jiiation to emp JihmaU an eo- 01)(.y ,1(lve H,wl lt fop t.wen'ty-seien yesirs in. the University of Ne- Kjwraaiion ami gooo results win ioikiw. ftraska. The plmn lias iMien tni guested that eaeli society invite some ineniber eaeh week fixan one of 'the oilier soeietlies to take xviu. oiniitM piximni. This is a good idea. He titer programs wili le rendered 'by so doing. - The U of N. still conitimmeis to grow. It grows lotih. laiigcr immI Ixjtter. Ait the cmd of t'hc t'hird day of registration mm week, t'here iis an ineniais'e of over '20 jier cenil owr tlic registration' on' the sarnie dlay laist yciir. lTp to Hie jirefcenit time there 'has been nlxaiit five hund dretl new students registered, iwid the InspectHir of Higli Schools 'n forms u that tlhis means at least twemty-one hundred students foi lie preisent year. We may well rejoice at the bright prospects the Uni versity joseis?ses. We know how high in the siale of state universi ties tlie University of Nebraska ranks, but we are not sa'tlsfled1. From the rank of fourth among- all the state universities of the comi'try we wamt. to transfer it to flit-st place. Nothing short of thta rtmr wtiiisfy our amttiition. Nebraska, with Ms least per een't of illiteracy of any s-tate in the union, is aible to accomplish this end. We have the una ieriai; Toi us irpply i't. Thl's Htate, -with all its endless resVunvvs, willi mil its na'tural gifts amd gifts of man, x-sefrhes nothinig of which M should h more proud tlitim I'll is great inHtitution of lesinniiug. Txt us make i't the object of more pride nnd more earnest endeavor on- the part, of all loynli Nebraska citizens. The llesiierian hopes mild I'xpwta thait the legislature which meets this winter will Ik' (lllel witlh- this t-iriii'e spirit of adminiition for our uivi verity and amiibMloir for its wefl fare and success, aind Hint abunlanit resource.s, more than ever lie fore, will 1c apinxypria'ted for its supjMirt. Students, old and new, have experienced no little trouble this year tr "getltimg- sctticl," as tlie apply tenn tiie iml.ricn.te tawTt of iH'gister ing. Tlie new catalogue was incomprehensible, at first, to many, even of tllic older staideivts, but it was all made clearer wflien tlhe avgistnxia poi'nrtcd out. so foix'ibly-how fb'e revised couiws nlTected tiie okl stm denltes Inflow tlie senior yenr, ns weW as neiw; liow, for insUiinee, ni stu dent registered in 'tlie literary or classical groups would to take more or less of eheimistry, botany, physics and zoology, wli'i'dli. would Lincoln, Neb., .May IW, 1898. Editor of the Hesperian: May I have KlKiee in which to say a word to subscribers of the Kiote? I ant. tk senkl every old subsiwilK.-r a copy of tllie fortldiconiSng iswuc Will you, if you have changed your address during the summer, please iwiltify me alt owe. AT.-o inemilKns of lasJt ynar's cHats, cMK"jl;illiliy tho.M' of you who have already paid your subscription), let. me know where to' address you. If is almost iinjKissiblc to make an accurate suibseUipl'ion lint ait prcMint on accouiiit of tlie many flita'ingek during (hV; Hiiuriner but as soon as potl:.ble the li-rt will lie statilillemed out. The prit'e of the Kiolc has been reduced lo fifty cents a year or five cents a copy. All subscribers who paid one dollar last year will re ceive the Kiote during the present school yenr to balance tlie account N. C. AHHOTT, Hnsine; MaiiAiger. lle'baites to s on watehes, jewvlry and repairing, 1110 O sU, 11. T. SniM'h. '.Mrs. 'Mamninlg whs not able to meet her elapses during tiiic lawt week om acwHint of iMn'ohs. Wedniesdny was tilib flnsjt day of drill. The aitfendmnce Was not ns lau-gx as wals expected. ., A. .T. WeaJr, '95, law 90, will run for the state legisla.t mre Mi'is fkill ' in lliehiiiixllifii' counity on tlie fusion ticket. Framlk Gustlin, hnv '97, c'ame inv from Kearney Tuwwrfny flor a. litoft visit. He cximVIs to practice law inv Sinlt Lake City. Tlie commill'trt' in charge of Fresh-Sopli thlci conltests met tihifc week t aritvingtJ tlhe details of tlie mvet. The date was set. nt Novem ber 5. All .Tuinior wild Senfiors wisihing do take Emgliish (it.liixae.) n-kiitlinig to 'tliie old MflMfoile, one hour n week, met "v'rooin 008, N, Tudsxlia.y, vSejutcmlier 27. altl SAVE YOUIt MONEY HY BUYING M EN'S SHOES FROM FACT0HY, AGENCY 1030 0 STREET. 12:1 i