THE HESPERIAN rW THE HOYS OF Till-: SECOND KKU1MKNT. lMnj writer lhas been nskwl to give a brief sketch of wimp Hfo lit Chuekaunnuga and how our bojy fared while there. It 'is presumed that no one and especially our Unheraity men went, into the service wiibhout 4i ffixwb deal of thought tuid debate wrluiM, In Mome caw's it lasted tiwx or three, weeks, so when Mic question was once decided it Was 11. great rellief. Most oX our boys felit more free lihaln w1e in se airnl mutinied Wn to army life quite mini' without amy fniiisc notions as to the life hi the army. It wtiH-n hkippy day in one way when we 'were ordered' to Ohlickaunn u ya it, was a long step toward the front, Very fow were not disuip jwmted with the first glimpses of OhioktMiinuga, but no djssa'tisraotion was apjNiixsuit uti'Hil Dhe nidi began to get wick. The Second Nebraska reached Ca.inp Thomas un Sunday morning, after a lonlg march overfhe dusty roadw. The men were enliledtoa limit, jut on 'tlhe edige of w piece of wodlnnkl. U was in woods tlhlat the camp was finally located. We were located on a Ninai'l hill, with the ("hiekamauga creek aibout a quarter or a m toe to llhe enub. The Second Nebraska, was very fortunate in the selection of a eamping ground ivaviiiig a welt drained camp and one that was ireiitllter too shady nor tdo sunmy., while the crock afforded an. exceiNent place, for batihhug. Sergeant Ohntrles Weeks laid out t'he t'aimp amd it is meed less to say that our camp was excelled by none in arrainigement amd beau ty. Scngeant Week's, or as we know iuim at the University, Ma.jor Weeks m r raiivd and carried out h'is wwk so well that when Stksiinnierg hkwpita'. was being planned, he was willed on to take charge, of t'h work. ThVv days it Caimp Th'omus were all t'he same and were weill tilled up wvll'a drills nihid work. The men arose 4it f:20 a. up, and' to bed at 9:15 p. m. Drill uils of eoure dhe important part of the day's work. They came from 7: lfl 'to :.'!) a. in.; from 10 to 11:110 i. in. and from :i to 4:110 p. m., wil'h d)ress parade at 0 p. in. This schedule was omliy carried out Jirst miontih t'he drill from 10 to 11:30 was discontinued after that time, inueh to tlhe deligihtof the men. A fat Germain voJeed tihe fccntimewt when .he said, aid he mopped h'is brow after driH, "Mein Gottl This life will kill me ye.t." Two men were given 'ixie&vs every day. Thin gave evdry main n chamce to visit places of historical interest such as Lookout mountain, flue national Cemetery, Orchard Knob and .Missionary Ridlge. losses were quite u curiosity at fii-at, they were written oiv loivg wlrps ol papijT1 and were sjgned by the eaptiiiin, olonel, brigadier general!; and diivision comm-aindler, and it toolt just a half day for one to make tthVj rounds and gwt faickto t.hvapplieaat. OliEUtitanogii was twefh-k; miles iiwaiy Hnd 'tilWre was but one tfuFlroad from it to camp. The evimp dieimti was guaaxled so tlrtut no woldier witihout a inis.s could board tire 'traiiii', f-o tlhe necessity of a ikiks beooiivew very aimarenit. Many questions hiinv ibeon asked whether we wero proier!y rationed and whether t-he wmnp a healthy place. In our regiment enough rations were tamed to more than feed the men. Many of tlhe. quurter maiatens didn't liOix the business ability to manage well; stall 'their fat pork and extim coffee and use the pioeeedw to get other articles of food; and it was in companies who Iwul wnc'li quartermasters thut tlhe menv sutfered for food. In iniuny companies the men subseribed CO eenitts per inon'tlli and lived in ixyynl sty'e. As far as Camp Thomas being a healthy p'uice, 1 tihin'k every one knowxs tlmt it wm uivhtialt'h fnV, 'besides WiBs, was a bud year in 1ihe south and there was much more: malania tlha.n usual. Ait C4imp Thomas there aire a n'umber of large sinks these in some eases cover a large a.rea they aire fmunel nhaped, t'he kind s'loping to a common cemter. There is nevor any wxiteir in t'hetse, even afler t'he (hardest lviins, and it is probable tflievt such a place is not very lieaC'tlhy. Most of the men were careful ol lluemiNcllJves, MlejVt an cots and iiikuny had ImmmxI floors in 'lieiir tenlts, so jilftit thto sickness eaimiot 'be tnieed to neigligence of the indiividiial. 5foiJt of tlhe men feel that tlheir experience was a g'ood one to 1inVe and would not part with it, yet none have amy desire for another i.i at Chickamnuga. '"118." THE Y. W. AND Y. M. C. A. KHCICI'TION. The aiivnual Y. W. and Y. M. C. A reception to t'he new students and acuity wits given, last Thursday nig'h't. " The first port of the eveming was spent hi the chapel, liak'ninig to f an enjoyaible pixgram. The meeting was to have been led by .Mrs. 11 11. Wilh"on, the Dean of Women, but owing to some misarraiagciment slic w not there and Mihs Uouton presided. In honor of the re turn of Home of tlhe woki'ier 'l)oy.s tihe meetinlg was opened by tlhe sonig "A'meriwi," in whiih all li'on.nt I ly jNirtiei parted, Miss llouto1!! theiii made a few apixyjn'iate remarks in which she em pHiasized the invjortanee of Qionosty and cliaitieter-buildin in tht com ing sfchobl yea'r. tt Ohanecllor JfaeLean then made a very impressive talk of welcome to 4 '. mi.u ,l... iwTnfK. Tlk ilovtd witli tJie vorv arairoonratc fhoiwifli.t of toyally rto Hue UmiversWy." He was we'll received. Air. Alai In of Mic Con-scrui'tory School of .Music them rdndieml' a very plvjirturot. Mo. '.Mr. .lolhni II. lioose in hclui'lT of the Y. M. C. A. then made an eloquent! talk and appeal to the new wtudentts. 1'rof. Iliodiinaii, (tun ax'otiii,t of .Iris good looks amd imiiMwhiig wtniliure) was NiH'ted -to glive 'the address of welcome in. belir of Mi facuKtft', Aftw (pnliitf 11 detailed code or jiroeetluiv as how bwL to approaeh or salute -the ditTewnt meimliers of the faculty, .he made a statcmemt which is worthy to be remembered and much tli'oii'g'lit of, namely "Ay you conkKudt yourself diuring these four yeais of Univensitiy life wo you will inuiriaibly be hi a Her life." Ji Kowlanids, pastor of flic l-'irst llaptist church of Li'iicoUn ini be liaLfof t'heeiity c'hu relies, then gine a very warm inviUiitJon to the stlat deintH, now and old, to a.tknid he denloiniilnatioin of tlieiir owm cihwiee and iKMisuasio'ii, liut aittcnd some elrureh, and give itsi members a Chuniee to get ncquainited with you. This ended t'he program and aW were in.ited to proceed to tlie O011 'Crvmtory where tihe reception proper took place, a,nd wli'ere TigM ix freslhlmenllh wx-re .eved. Thee was a big Mimiv ouit a,ud' all seiiined to enjoy 'tilienvNc'h cs iunmuncly. This wms 'tihe fiust public, gtitfliorhiig1 ol the student body, and we fee'l that it was quite a success. A GOOD IUiXJIl NINO. Tilts Young .Men's Gluriwtlan Assoeiatw..! of the University hal litis brighller prowpiM-ts 'I'li-is year than eer 'before. At the fiiteit meet inig forty-three applications were made for membership. The mem bership committee has j-oit as their mark for the week one 'hundred ntmii'is. Hut as tweinty-two men ,plunteeii-ed to secure tiwo more, each togx'thwr with tlhe earnest etfortis or the committee it is very reason able to suppose that the 'hundred mark will be passed before' Sat uilday eivenOng. The comimiittee intends to ask pvvscir.uilll'y, eaeh' mam in the iiislii'tut.ion to become a meniber or the association. However, sliiidienls are urged to see Air. Garrett or s'ome meniber or his com mittee at oiive, aw it may lie some time before they can reaclv all the men' now enrolled. Nvvt Saturday eveniivg a men's social -will be given. MonVbera nd filie'nds are invited to 'be 'present, Hefa-ehments will be served. IvaWt Sunday, C. L. Giites or St. Louis addressed' Ji'bout 250 or our young men on "The First Thing in Lire." His clear, earnest discourse leU itis impression on the minds or many present. Next Sunday llev. (Manse has bee ii' seen red to atldi-Hss the association n't 4 p. in. All yonimgi men are cordiuMy invited tohepres enlt. DKIUTIXG NOTES. The Union boys' delitinig club held a lively sc&staiii nb 'Lfas llnst aneet i'ii(g laeJt Satirrdiay night. Five new men agned, the Conytii'tutiion. The foCloiwiinig nitfn wxuv elected as officeis for the lirst time: Presidcmt Huniry A. Meier; vice president, Fred Ktihli'iuian; secreta'py, II. I). Lnlnt (Ms; attorneys, CMnl llarr and Joii'ii Tlowlnead; scngeauirt ait araik, Mir. Dasesibradh. The chairman was empowY'red to appoiimt t'Wfo coununiiitltlevs or tlhree cacfh 011 aritimigemeints for joint debates during -the year, Oine for detKi'tes wiith local Uniivers-ity clubs and onto for diilxiltes wiithi olu'l of othie-r colleges. The question for 'next Saturdliy niglht iis, llesiolived, Thait iiv all'iaiuce with Eniglkiind would biv for the best interestis of tlie IJniited States'. Thkj deHmting chib.s of the Uiiiiversli'ty wHl uindbu.bted'ly dlo good1 work this yeCilr, judiging filani t'he interest (iliat has nlucady oceii maniifevsted. The Union lioyis dblwiting club ILirit Satuivliiy eveni'mg dliisciiHsudl tllne ipuvitiioiiv, "Klsio,'.Tedl, Th'alt tlhe limited Stall us would (lie jiiMtifiwl ii form ling a prolieettoilate over the Phfilippiuies? Thb I'alllaidiinn boyK debatexl thb suibject, "Ittvohvd, Tluilt tlic United States would be justiHldd in adloiltrjiitr a j)olic,s of tectorial ex pan si (vn-." The DeMan chtb d''us's-eU tiile topiie, "Kcsbhed, Thlilt tiie United States amd ICng'amdi slliould form an aliianee fo the purpose of acquiring and niainltaiiiv'mig colfoinSlcs for cvMnmeiixii' guim" Each club had a good ailtcndaiiice eoniposeid of old and new Rtnidein'ts. It looks, asi hough tflie Univeitity is to a sypltMidid. kind tih'is ywr. The band, as we'll as all oilier 'inuie in the Untivcnvuitiyi, has iieiin 7aeed undeir the diiVctlion of the whool of muwie. tMV. Earlo Welur, the we I known youmg cornetist wiill Jwul the bnlndi, wJiicCln will con.lta:n nlbouti tOiirtij'-fiW pieces. There were man.y npplikjantw for in 'the band, 'but onlly exiei"ieneel play em wore chosen. The boys mn-t for pmacHiiee lat Mdiwlay niglilt and' the way tHicy wcant at mew iniiMie was Hurprisinig. If tfliey do good work this year, the Uni. will halve 'tlhe bos bnnwl in t'Jie vstate by next June. Prof. Stout of the (HeiKirlnnent or civil emginecrinig is onigtigeld in irrigation cngineerinlg for a mining eompainy In l'.bnido. He will not take c'hairge or his work in the depontaierat before Octolber 1. WE SELL MEN'S SHOES DIRECT FKOM THE FACTORY TO YOU03G 0 STREET. if if li