The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 27, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Eleventh street. Each senior was presented
with an emblematic token of remembrance
and interesting talks were made.
The Kappa Kappa Gammas held a banquet
at the homo of the Misses Gere Thursday eve
ning. The occasion was to celebrate the fourth
anniversary of the founding of the local chap
ter. Covers were laid for thirty-six active
and alumni.
Miss Bessie Turner entertained the Pi Phis
Thursday evening.
The fraternities hold their 2d annual Pan
Hellernic ball at the Beach Saturday evening.
Jas. Wells, Prof, of Mechanical Engineer
ing of Montana Slate University, visited with
Prof. Richards this week. Mr. "Wells is an
old class-mate of Mr. Richards and a member
of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Miss ITaskell will spend the summer at her
homo in Maine. Sue intends to go viaChick
ainauga to say good-byo to a few of her
friends before thoy leave for Cuba.
The Sigma Chis gave a circus party Wed
nesday evening. Alter the circus the parly
went to the chapter house and indulged in
dancing. Circus refreshments in the way of
red lemonade, pop corn and peanuts were
Frank J. Guslin left for his homo at Kear
ney, Nebr., Thursday morning.
Dolimi Pronun.
Tho new members' program of the Delian
society was given last Friday evening. Mr,
Gould's ghost story was delivered in such a
realistic manner that he called up some ghosts
from tho regions below whom even tho night
watch could not quiet. MiBS Davie' recita
tion was given in a very nice manner. Mr.
Fulton read a criticism on tho great poem of
.lack and .Till that contained many fine touches
of gonuino humor. Mr. Vasoy sang a couple
of solos that were much appreciated by tho
audionco. Mr. Wymoro's paper on tho "Now
and Old," patted the now members on tho
back. Miss Buck master recited a very nice
poem about tho war. One of tho very best
numbers of tho evening was the critic's report
by Mr. Adams. It was very bright and witty.
The Dclians have added some very strong
students to their number thiB year.
Siimmci Vacnt ion.
What to do during vacation is a question
that will probably be settled by a majority of
students before examinations are finished.
Some will "go home," some will "work,"
some "study," some "rest up." Several have
already decided to stay a few weeks and make
up a course or two for college credit in Ger
man, French or Spanish at tho preparatory
school, or to bring up some prep, work that is
in arrears. Mr. John Fossler will be the in
structor in German and will have one class in
first year and tho other in second year Ger
man. Each class will complete the entire
year's work during the summer. Miss Julia
M. Korsmeycr, present assistant under Dr.
Edgren in Romance languages, will have charge
of French. Only second year French is offered.
This class will complete the year's work (two
courses) in six weeks. Spanish is offered for
the same length of time under Prof, F. E.
Clements. The days of registration are May
28, 30 and 31. All classes except French and
Spanish are scheduled to begin Juno 1. Mr.
Wallace, the director, will bo at his office in.
the University conservatory building daily.
It is a good idea at least to talk over tho mat
ter of summer work and see how much can
really bo dono in a short time at small ex
pense. Union Bj.v'n Special Pi-ogr-rjim.
The boys of tho Union society gave their
special program last Friday evening in Union
hall. The program opened with an instru
mental solo by Master Chester Parks. This
was followed by special papers on some well
chosen and farcial subjects by Messrs. Morse,
Knhlman, Kinton and Rose. Tho telephone
message sent by Messrs. Abbott and Searson
to tho Chancellor at Chicago and to tho "Hes
perian" contained many "hits" on the "profs"
and student body,and tho resounding applause
denotod that tho jokes were highly appre
ciated. The Union Boys' Quartette sang
some very appropriate selections. Mr. Bol
lenbach read a very laughable poem, "The
Bod Bug," which was a parody on Poo's
"Raven." Tho question, "Resolved that
Everything is Nothing," was hotly debated
by Messrs. Piatt and Heltzman. The pro-