The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 27, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Who that I ftin, ami what I am, unci who
Are all these forms about mo, 1 know not;
Nor can know. Aud thatwliich I have done.
And strive to do, no man, it seems, can know
And God eternal, only, understands.
I am 80 weak, so helpless, and so frail;
Tliou God who hearest all thy children's cries,
Let shine for me'oue star in all the vast
Willi night through which I wander. Deign to
Some path, however humble, that, assured,
There 1 may follow ami thy will be done.
Scuuyi.kk W. Ml U.Kit.
This day hath given answer to the face
Of all the gory-handed years who wait
With eyes turned neavily to God and cry,
"Am I my brother's keeper?" Lo, wo stand
Like God to answer.
Kathaicikk Mkmck.
l'iill. Girls' li'oji'4iwi.
The Palladia Girl's Program was given
last Friday evening, May 20th. It was a
program that was unique and varied enough
to bo amusing and laughable at every turn.
In originality it surpassed any entertainment
given this year at tho University. And yet
Mother Goose's rhymes revised seemed to
please those in the audience who were not
attacked by the savage pen and smiling face
of the young lady who read the revision.
Traditions of the Society were gone over by
Ida Lewis. Between numbers "War Des
patches" from the Western Union were read
which tended to increase the excitement.
Then there was music by tho Parodian sextet
that lingers with pleasant memories in tho
mind. "My Uni Boy," sung to the tune of
"My Highland Laddie," and a revision of
"Comin' thro' the Bye" were especially
pleasing to the audience. After tho custom
ary recess and social time the young people
started for home, hut strangely enougk they
all went in the samo direction. The boys
insisted on stopping at the Grand Hotel where
the young people were received and welcomed
by Mr. Spcnce. Almost immediately the par
lors were abandoned and the prettily decor
ated dining roon, where the tables were tastily
arranged, was entered. The Ideal Mandolin
Club rendered pleasing music.
E. I). Banghan acted as toastmaster. S.
J. Corey, .1. E. Pearson, S. J. Smoyer, L. .1.
it was a girls' program. It was eloquent Marsh and II. 0. Sutton responded to toasts,
with tho poetry of Spring; a gentle indefina- It was a late hour when tho young people
ble influence pervaded the whole program left, the girls vowing that the boys' feed had
that charmed away tho cares brought on by been a great success and the boys that it had
tho spring terra. The program was bubbling boon excelled only by the girls' program.
over with life and fun but the laughs that
were laughed were not boisterous but hearty
and gemrne.
.The first number was a parody on the
witch scone in Macbeth. Many University
things were relegated to the boiling cauldron.
Among them were many Senior caps and a
great and yielding" heart. The legend of a
stormy night, as copied from "The Raven"
was given and after tho applause had sub
sided somewhat "Ali quid" or "A liquid"
was rendered by Miss Auman in a pleasing
voice. Two numbers, opposite in namo but
similar in character wore given by Miss Net
tie Henry and Clara Fowl or respectively.
The titles were "Probably" and "Absolute
.Among? l.lie GriMiks.
Ida Bonnoll Otstolt, '01, was in Lincoln at
tending tho Kappa banquet last week.
.las. McDonald, of Illinois, is a Beta visitor
this week.
Miss Amy Robinson, Pi Beta Phi, returns
to her homo Saturday.
Tho Sigma Alpha Epsilons will hold a fare
well banquet Saturday night.
Friday evening tho Beta Theta Pis hold
their 3d annual banquet for activo and alumni
members. W. H. Lehman will act as toast
master. Toasts will bo made by Geo. A.
Adams, N. It. Griggs, G. D. L. Swezoy, 0.
Certainty." Miss O'Connell in a portion of J tout, . C. Cooley and H. A. Reese.
aD Epic poem recited tho Burying of tho Tho members of the Pi Beta Phi society
Rock, tho Woes of the Alumni and the Edit- wore "at homo" to tho seniors Friday oveu
or of the Evening Call. ing at tho home of Miss Wahl, on south
Just reoeived a fins lotof Slippers for Commencement. Foot Form Store 1213 0 street