THE : nftSfEMAN C-0'"3k.'."3U-Q'-3fc 0- Q .Q-.(tQ ... WV --' "OO 3 Fits Gerald Drv Goods Co. ? a " 0 i 02 j-1 029 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEB. j Ladies Ready-made Suits, Dress Skirts, Capes Jackets and Waists. We are exhibiting this .season the largest variety of laities' ready to wear garments ever brought lo Lincoln I $35,000.00 Invested in this Department $ $ Capes from Me to 1.". eaeh. Suits from -1.05 to !5 '0 eaeh. Dress Skirts from !).ie to $17 each V 9 Silk Waists from 2.45 to 12.5') eaeh. Shii t Waists from -llta to 2.75 eaeh. 7 Every artiele as low in. priee as equal quality ean be had in any store in the eotintry. Come a 9 and see them whether yon want to buy or not They are for sale, but if yon do not eare to purchase v you will be treated with courtesy. d " Cv 9 "T 9 " O O '' O ''? O C "ts- "S- 8 9 "v 9 " 9 " 8 " " 9 " " v O . b- E. HALLETT Dealer in Diamonds j Watches Clocks Sterling Silverware, Silver Novelties, Cut Glassware, Ladies and Gents' Umbrellas in gold and Silver Mountings. Opera Glasses. Gold Pens with Pearl Holders, etc., etc. No charge for ongraving at Eyes Examined Free E. HALLETTS Funko Opera House Block, 1143 0 street. RUNKS, VALISES Ele&ant L of Pocket For Summer Tourists and others BookS,CardCaseS,Leather OLD TRUNKS IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW ONES. Belts and NOVOltieS. Repairing a Specialty. Wmck'S TfUHk FaCf Ory,t0.36 O St. T BALDWIN BROS. HARDWARE CO I2IO O 8troot. HANDLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves Cutlery, Bicycles, Skates and Sharpeners. Stoves and Cooking Utensils. Cuns for Rent. NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT CO 143 north 13th street, Oliver Theatre Block. Pants made to order $4 $5 and upwards. Nobby Suits $20, upwards GoodB by yard for Ladies' wear. Enda for ohildron'H wear. All gooito and work first elaas Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and See Us f