ff&BMa THE ; HESPERIAN 15 Sadie E. Smith has been elected teacher in the Lead City, South Dakota, schools. Mr. DeMilton Davis, 'J)7, visited the "Uni versity Monday. Miss Ida W. He.ise, '07, of Nebraska City, visited the University last Saturday. Miss Olivia Pound. '1)5, has returned to Lincoln from Seward. Prof. H. W. Caldwell left Wednesday for Boston to study for the summer. Prof. Davidson will go to Inman June 3d, to give the commencement address. Miss Grace Cook is again in school after a week's illness. Prof. Barber has been unable to attend classes this week on account of severe illness. A. S. Harding has been re-elected as teacher ut Brookings with an increase of salary. Chancellor MacLean will deliver the com mencement address before the graduating class of the State Normal, at Peru, Juno 2. Miss Clara Conklin left Monday for Indian apolis, leaving there Wednesday for New York, then she will sail directly for Paris. Chas. Barber, 'IS, has obtained a position in a large gain oflieo in Omaha. He will leave for there aft;r commencement. The Palladians will give a reception to their senior members this evening in their hall. Horace Greeley Whitmore, '93, has been elected captain of the Bryan regiment, C. F. Swart, '0(1, first lieutenant and E. R. Morri son, second lieutenant. J. W. Crabtree will go to Ashland tonight to attend the graduating exercises. Mr. Crab- tree was an active educator at Ashland for Rev. Dewey, a missionary from Turkey, and cousin of Admiral Dewey, spoke before the mission class Saturday. He has been for several days the guest of Prof. Swezey. The Palladian Boys debating club elected officers last Saturday night: President, W. 0. Green; vice-president, L. W. Pearson; secre tary, G. A. Johnson; scrgeant-at-arms, L. "NY". Waterman. The University cadets intend to go to Oma ha the first, on the opening of the Exposition, to participate in the exercises of the day, especially the parade. Their expenses are entirely paid by the Exposition company. A. H. Andrews, 'AS, has been made assis tant field engineer for the Black Hills & Ft. Pierre R. R. He will receive a very good salary for his services. His headquarters will be Lead City. Miss Jefl'ery, principal of the Tecumseh high school, is expected home tomorrow in time to enjoy the Palladian picnic at the Park. She intends to take work in the sum mer school. Mr. A. L. Bixby, of the Journal stall', lec tured before the journalism class Tuesday on the. country newspaper. Mr. Bixbjr's talk was one which kept the class in a very good humor and called for excessive laughter at times. At a joint meeting of the oratorical and de bating associations last Friday, J. A. Maguire, G. E. Hager, F. G. Hawxby, U. C. Roper and A.Bollinbach were elected a committee to eon ferwith the faculty relative to giving Uni versity credit for debating and oratorical work. At a meeting of the Hesperian Association last Saturday, L. W. Pearson, of the Palladian , . , x4. ; iw Society, was elected assistant business man- seven years and has a great interest in the " W3V J & age. The constitution was amended so that scn01, ,. changes in the editorial staff will occur the Dr. N. M, Kincoid, of Minneapolis, gave firfit of th(j of the of the annual Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. address lMld.p . Sunday evening. His address is regarded as oue of the best that has ever been delivered to the Christian Associations. The examinations have been altered again. The ones which were to come Wednesday, June 1st, will come Friday, May 27th. Mon and Wednesday of the week following will be holidays. ' Just received a fine lot of Slippers for Commencement. The Palladians elected the following officers last Tuesday: President, J. D. Reed; vice president, Ida Lewis; corresponding secretary, Florence Payne; music secretary, Clara Fow ler; recording setretary, Bessie Butler; critic, Cora O'Connell; treasurer, C. M. Funk; ser- geant-at-arms, Ralph Cornwallis Roper. Foot Form Store 1213 O Sfret