The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 20, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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mio Xlell Uny it Groai; Sucjcsohh.
On last Saturday afternoon occurred the
best Field Day contest in the history of the
Urn. Athletics occupy a position never be
fore attained, and the records compare very
favorably with those of leading institutions.
The future of athletics is assured. Tho meet
proved to us that wo have tho men and a sys
tem of training which can beat records, and
with the hearty co-operation of faculty and
students wo shall go on unto perfection. A
large number of enthusiastic spectators were
eagerly awaiting tho beginning of tho battle
when Kefereo Roscoo Pound called for tho
first event, the 100-yd. dash. The run was
swift and close, bringing loud applause from
tho bleachers. Andreson crossed the tape in
10 sec. La Salle 10 1 .", Heartt 10 2-5, The
winner broke tho pr vious record which waa
10k sec. Benedict captured tho spectators
in the running broad jump, clearing 20 ft. J3A
inehes, surpassing the past record of 19 ft. 4
in.; Pepoon 2nd, 18 ft. 1 in.; LoMar lird, 10
ft. .' in. Roy Sawyer covered a mile in 5
min. (5 2-5 sec. Ho showed endurance and
ran in good form and with ease, taking the
lead and maintaining it throughout tho race.
Waterman came in second in 5:10 2-5. Tho
half mile race was also won by Sawyer in 2
iniu. 20 sec; Clinton second, 2:27 2-5. Tho
Judges ordered tho events to bo doubled and
while Benedict, Pillsbury and Story wore
scraping tho sky in tho polo vault tho giants
wore putting the shot. Turner's height and
long reach stood him in good stead, winning
lirst place at JJ2 ft. l in.; Hansen 2nd, .'JO ft.
9k in.; Stull .'ird, 29 II. Ik in. Tho 440-yd.
dash was the most exciting event in the meet.
Benedict took the lead with Andreson and
Story about 10 feet in tho rear. On the homo
stretch Andreson by an unprecedented spurt
shot ahead, crossing tho lino in 52 4-5 sec;
Benedict 2nd, 51 2-5; Story Hrd, HI. In tho
running high jump, Pillsbury maintained his
proviouH policy, breaking his last record of
5 ft. in. by j of an inch. The hurdle
racing was an interesting feature and was
viewed with pleasure by the spectators. In
tho 120-yd. race 'Heartt won iirst place, 20
Nothing like tliem for the money: Our-
1-5 sec; La Salle 2nd, 20 2-5. The 220-yd.
hurdle was captured by Pepoon over Water
man in a close iinish 'time, U3 sec. The ham
mer throw was victory to Hansen, who by
his noted football strength and skill, made a
new record of S7 ft. 2k in. His previous rec
ord was 7S ft. Lemur second, 82ft. 5k in.;
Turner 3rd, 80 ft. km. Throwing tho discus
was a decided novelty. Pillsbury made the
brilliant throw of 94 ft., which was within 2
ft. S in. of tho Olympic record of 95 ft. 8 in.,
made at the games in Greece last year. The
handsomo silver cup donated by Armstrong
Clothing Co. was awarded to the Sophomore
The Intercollegiate meet between the Uni
versity, Doano and Wesloyan will occur next
Saturday, beginning promptly at 2 o'clock.
Two representatives from each college will
participate in each event. Our track team
will bo Benedict, Andreson, Pepoon, Clinton,
Pillsbury, Hanson, Turner, Waterman, Saw
yer, Heartt.
Tho Palhidians and Unions are talkiug of
going to Roca to enjoy a picnic a week from
Tho Pull.-Delian baseball game was a fail
ure. So says the Palls. The score stood 29
to 10 in favor of tho Delians. The Delians
defeated tho Unions by a scoro of 5 to 3.
Miss Parker of the art department wishes
to make a request from the student body. A
life size manikin of wood has been taken from
the art room, probably for some program, and
it is now needi'd for model work.
W. B. Larrabee, who roeautly went to en
list in the South Dakota cavalry, writes that
ho has secured the position of sienographer
and assistant clerk to tho Quarter Master,
with a good salary.
Tho seniors after thoir reign of absolutism
(diluted) mobilized at Lincoln Park for a pic
nic Wednesday afternoon. They armed them
solves with all the wind and bombastic talk
possible in order to scare away any danger
that might threaten them from their junior
and sophomore enemies. No reliable account
of the picnic has yet been received. i
Shoe, foot Form Store 1213 O street '