The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 20, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    '.bk i afldflBMAi
'rliO How members' prognllh of1 tho Doliau
Society which will bo givon tonight promises
to be an interesting one.
Mr. B. CJ. Almy, ".Hi, will iako his examin
ation tomorrow morning for his M. A. degree.
Mr. Almy -ntends to go to Loipsio in about
two months to study for a doctor's dogroo in
Tho fourth annual address before the Sem
inar will bo givon by l)r. Charles It. Barnes,
of tho University of Wisconsin, in tho Botan
ical lecture room, in Nebraska hall, at 8:15
p. m., Saturday, May 21, 1898. Subject,
' 'Evolutionary Failures. ' '
Dr. E. V. Emerson, of Concord, Massa
chusetts, son of tho late Italph Waldo Emer
son, will deliver the Phi Beta Kappa oration
in the Lansing, Juuo 8th. Dr. Emerson de
livered tho Phi Beta Kappa address at Har
vard last year.
Tho latest hits: What did Dowoy Do To
Them, Wreck of tho Battleship Maine, Amer
ica Forever, Merry American March, etc.
20c. Colored pictures of Maine, American
Battle Ships, Fit, Hugh Leo, otc. 10c each.
Special sale on sheet music 2o per sheet. Art
& Music Dopt. Horpolsheimor & Co.
N. C. Abbott, M)(5, gave an address in
Union society Friday evening, on "Educating
tho Blind." J To gave a short account of tho
teaching of the blind at Nebraska City, ex
plaining tho system of writing used, lie
gave tho history of tho founding of schools
for the blind and noted some of tho greatest
humanitarians connected with tho work. The
address was very interesting, and showed
that Mr. Abbott had made a deep study of
his subject.
Tho alumni of tho Deliau society took
charge of Dolian hall last Friday night. Mr.
E. F. Warner presided. Tho music of tho
evening was furnished by Dr. J. P. Williams,
It. 0. Williams, Miss Clark and Mi. Hudson.
The solos and encores by tho Messors. Will
iams wore excellent, to say tho least, as was
also the duet by Miss Clark and Mr. Hudson.
Mr. Schuyler Miller read some verses of his
own composition and Miss Alice Hunter's
story, "The Volunteer" was of exceptional
morit. Mr. 0. H. Allen made a speech on
tho Supreme Court.
&hclulc Toi- IT'tmii id.vumiiitUlOliM.
Monday May 30th: 8 to 10 a. in., all clauses recit
ing nt 8 n. m., every tiny, or Mon., Wedns., and
Fri., or any one or two of those Uny.s.
10:20 u. lu. to 12:20 p. in., all classes reciting at. 8
ii. in., Tues,, Thurs. anil Sat., or any ono or two of
these days.
2 to 4 p. in., all classes inciting at 1 p. m every
day, or Mon., Wedus. and Kii., or any one or two
of iIm'.ho days.
4 to 0 p. in., all classes reciting at. 1 p. in., Tues.
Thurs. and Sat., or any one or two of these days.
Tuesday May 81st: 8 to 10 a. m., all classes recit
ing at 9 a. in., every day, or Mon., Wed. and Fri.,
or any one or two of tlieso days.
10:20 a. in. to 12:20 p. m , all classes reciting atO
a. in., Tues., Thurs. and Sat., or auy ono or two of
those days.
2 to 4 p. in., all classes reciting at 2 p, m., every
day, or Mon., Wedus. aud Fri , or auy one or two
of those days.
4 to 0 p. ni., all classes reciting at 2 p. m., Tues.
Thurs. and Sat., or any one or two of those days.
Wednesday June 1st: 8 to lb a. in., all classes re
citing at 10:20 a. m., every day, or Mon., Wedns.
aud Fri., or any ouo or two of those days.
12:20 a.. in. to 12:20 p. ni., all classes reciting at.
10:20 a. iii., Tues'., Thurs. and Sat., or any one or
two of those.
2 to 4 p. in., all classes reciting at 8 p m., every
day, or Mon., Wedus. aud Fri., or any one or two
of those days.
4 to 0 p. iii., all classes reciting at 3 p. ni., Tues ,
Thurs. and Sat., or any one or two of those days.
Thursday June 2nd: 8 to 10 a. in., all classes re
citing at 11:20 a. in., every day, or Mon., Wedns.
and Fri., or any one or two of those days.
10:20 a. ni. to 12:20 p. in., all classes reciting at
11:8') a. in., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. or any one or .
two of thosu days.
2 to 4 p. in., all classes reciting at 4 p. m,, every
day, or Mon , Wedus. aud Fri., or any one or two
of those days.
4 to (t p. in., all classes reciting at 4 p. in., Tues ,
Thurs. aud bat., or auy one or two of those days. '
Fiiday June 3rd: 8 to 10 a. m., all classes reciting
at 12:20 p. m every day, or Mon., Wedns and
Fri., or any one or two of thdso days.
10:20 a. in, to 12:20 p. m , all classes reciting at
12:21 p. m , Tues., Thurs. and Sat., or any one or
two of thoso days.
2 to 4 p. in., all classes reciting at 5 p. tu., every
day, or Mon., Wedns. and Fri. or any one or two
of those days.
4 toO p. m., all classes reoltlng at 5 p. in., Tuo.
Thurs. and Sat., or any one or two of those days.
Mr. J. W. Dinsmore, now monitor of the
assembly room of tho Lincoln high school and
a student of the University, has been elected
superintendent of the Beatrice schools.
Our Men' 8 $3 Welt Shoes have the Stylo and Wear of a $5 Shoe. Try tJiem. Foot Form