THE : !HESBERIAN THE JJESPEftilAiN Itituutl VVctlcly by Die IIkm'krun Usimjiation of the'UtilvcrIty of Nebriiakn. TKKMSOF SITHSOItlHTION. Ormcopy, pr collogu your, lit nilvuiii'v One copy, one icincalcr ADVUKTIIIMU KiTKK OS AI'flilOATION. fliOO CO ALUMNI AND KX-nWriltiHTtt. SKclnl endeavor will be niiide toiniiWo 'Phc'Hkmpkman Inter ting to former xttidmitK. I'lense tsond in your Htilisorlptlons. iCWdnbsurlptlonii on our book will 'be continued 'until orilsred stopped. Ailtlrcss all coiiiuiuulcntloiis'to The Wkhfbrun, UnlYt-rslty o'f Nebraikft, Lincoln, Ts'abraskii. HOARD OK KDITOKS. K.'l!. I'CrtRY .... Manaiwo EniTon V. K. KUaERTOS .... AsHtBTAKT I,. K. M I'M FORD - HiiHlnein Minister AM00UTK8 J. I). DBISON .... lEdllorUI U. 0. 1(0 1 Bit ... . NeWB r. 0. IIAWXUV Debate OB(i. BL'KOBUI' .... iFraterultle P.EJJEBIiEU - - Illiimuuil 'Dust SjOOIKTY ItKI'RKESTATU'KS ItKXA Vl.DKRVIAN Mlerury KI('.NK MIIjLKII U.ocul GJY C UOIV'A'KI) ..... Mllltury BLANCHE MICKEY 'Loeul iUICI'll.V CIUN'KIJL - Alumni MAKGL'EKITK OONYKYM AN - - Local 11 .1. Til Bull A I.I) Athletic 'Ed. Gordon and "Dutch" "Wells have en listed. Tho euptuin and one of the best play ers loaving at this time of the season is cer tainly most unfortunate for our base ball team. However, the prospects are not so gloomy as they might be. The team did the proper thing in unanimously electing George Kindler captain for the rest of the your. Mr. Kindler not only thoroughly understands the game but ihnB the enorgy and executive ability -which ure bound to develope a strong team bofore the end of tho season. 'From this on, merit and merit ulone, will determine a man's po sition on the team. Lot us then give to Gap tain Kindler and his men the support a rep resentative team has the right to demand from us, as u student body. In the Miohigan-Uhiougo 'debate the three Midhigun represent utives delivered cut and dried speeches, completely ignoring tho argu ments of their opponents; the 'Chicago uieii argued, refuted argument, in short debated. Of course Michigan won 'the decision of the the judges. Tho following from the Chicago Ml the Swell Styles In $3 Shoes, "Weekly is not uninteresting: "As for the man who makes a hand-me-down speech in a debute, he may be powerful and logical and all that, butho is exceedingly trying. You hear the flourish of his opening sentence and you perceive that you are doom ed to oblivion so fur as he is concerned. On he suils serenely, saying things which you have carefully disproved. Oh for a chance to stop him and ask a question or two! But he has the floor for fifteen minutes. You have to wait till he's through before those questions can bo asked; and when your colleague has asked them the next speaker treats them with the same cold indifference. Your opponents seem to have come to debute not with you but in spite of you. The scheme of speaking followed at the ilnals, which originated here with Dean Terry was that all the men in turn should rebut seven minutes. This is a much bettor plan for a debate than the plan usually followed, and the one which was followed at Michigan, namely, of eighteen minutes straight away for each man. This puts orations at uiprem ium; our plan puts them at a discount. (It ought to be at a discount. In a debute there should be less gesticulating and more 'blows; less waving of flags and more shooting. "Wo are glad that this principal is recognized and established in the Tnivorsilty. And we are thankful to our team for following it in the Michigan debate." Well, we lost two of the three inter-state debutes. The result might be discouraging if to win were the all important thing. It is not. Tho vital question is not as to the suc cess of debaters, but as to tho success of do 'bating. Let us then seek victory in defeat; (profit by our failures, and endeavor to irem edy our shortcomings. In the meantime we may console ourselves with "it might have been worse." As to tho Missouri debate, the decision stands recorded against us. Hut, after all, it is only the de cision. All three of the judges wore from Missouritwo of them of but local ;promin ence. 'Kvun they gave the debate to Missouri 'by only three ipoints. Published reports of the ddbato certainly indicate that Ndbraslcu ihiul 'the best of the argument; unbiased Uiston- Foot Form Stove 1213, 0 Street,