The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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and three or i'oui1 oarto-seitted chali'S. remarked that Mr. OUry is tho best drilled
The minister's wife was pale, small, bent a man in the regiment,
little, but still young, dressed in a calico .J. II. McGuil'y '00 who loft the University
wrapper. Of all things, I disliked a calico at Spring vacation was in Lincoln Saturday,
wrapper. The minister came in with her. John is now farming near Palmyra.
The collar of his gingham coat was turned
under as if it had been put on hurriedly. Jlis
cheeks were hollow and his oes fairly burned.
Jle had restless movements with his hands.
J stated my errand and he said, while his
wife looked meekly up at him, "Then you
want to stay here. I'm afraid my wife can't
do the. wftrk for so many. She is poorly.
We haven't very much. No crops for two
years back, and liable to be none this year.
The minister is the one that sutlers first, for
people don't feel as though they could give
much for But 1 suppose it is all for the best."
He looked so worn and tired that 1 felt heart
ily sorry for him.
"The school-house is not far from here, and
I am willing to help with the work as much
as 1 can."
"Well, I must say that the money would
be a great help. We. are in a bad condition,
and since times are so hard, the storekeepers
Guy Green '07 law, was present at the
Kansas-Nebraska debate last Friday. Mr.
Green was one of the U. of X. representatives
against Kansas last year.
C. F. Stroman '91$ is now '2nd Lieut, in the
York guards.
A. S. .Johnson ".17 was bidding friends in
the library good-bye the fore part of the week.
Mr. .Johnson says he knows how to run the
guard line in case of an emergency.
Oolitic ol'I-iti-w Xoles.
The Maxwell club is hibernating.
J. D. Denison, 'OS, and C. E. Bobbin, '(.)S,
are again in their places, after an extended
Hon. W. S. Summers is lecturing to the
seniors this week, on "Statutory Construction."
Many of the seniors are now working ap-
don't like to take credit, I t's pretty hard to proximately twenty-four hours per day. All
" Jl. ,...,. 1 1... IS. . 1 I il '. i
get along ami has been for the last three years UIUSUH ,,U,!5L " ' uhh wcok.
but I hope the Lord will provide." 'The following law students have enlisted:
That settled it. I stayed. That night we W. R. Hyatt, '08, .J. M. Tucker, '08, E. 0.
had beef steak for supper. The children 1'nco, 'OS, A. L. Brown, '00, C. J. Pugsley,
seemed remarkably hungry for it.
(To bo conl i lined.
jVlnmiii iiml Former SI lulciits.
Gus Rose, '07, now in Omaha, visited Uni
versity friends Sunday.
Burt Forbes '95, who at present is teaching
in the Beatrice high school, visited his Beta
brothers Sunday.
Tim McCarthy '00 spent a few days last
week visiting University friends.
Ned C. Abbott '00 will give a lecture in
Union society Friday evening, tolling some of
his experiences in teaching the blind at Ne
braska City.
Russcl Thorpe of Edgomont S. D. visited
his Beta brother Fred Cooloy last week. Mr.
Thorpe was a member of the class of '90.
'90, H. O. Tucker. '00, and August Wagner,
A largo per cent, of the law college attend
ed the Kansas-Nebraska debate last Friday
evening. It was gratifying to know that
Messrs. Layton and Decker are students of
tho K. U. College of Law. Mr. Decker was
very favorably impressed with the law college
here and it is not improbable that he Vlll be
with us next year.
Tho R. & C. Barber Shop 1144 O Street.
J. L. Riehorson, Pi op.
TEAOHKKS WAN I'EIJ for schools unci colioirui
In ovory Mtuto. Wo need 50 immediately. No com
mission ulmitfuri on salary for oar wirvices.
Address, 11 H. HOPKINS & CO.,
L B. 200 Chicago, III.
Mr. W. B. Larraboe has gone to South Da
kota to join the cavalry and tako a uosltion as
W. II. Oury '97 has received his eommisiou secretary and stenographer under au army
aa captain of Co. B first regiment. It is often ofticor.
Nothing like tliem for the money: Owr $8 Shoe. Foot Form Store 1218 O street