The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 13, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Those Civil Engineering notes,
Those long Engineering notes.
Those sweet Engineering notes
That haiiut the "Mc" box.
Mr. Cbcadle spoke with eac,
Perl Decker,
And some strength, too, if you please.
Perl Decker.
But they all say you're a "beaut" in
That ere pompous, high-fa-lutin
Trag-a-matie eloculin. .
Perl Decker.
You ate statesman-like in gesture,
Perl Decker
And in showing off your vesture.
Perl Decker;
lint you'll pardon me for statin'
That I think your neighbor. La ton,
Is your better at debatin,'
It is currently ivjwiite-J that one of our promising
Mriiioix recently got a school where the board hail
adverti:! for a married man. You iu3 draw your
ou u iuferenc, but plea6e don't repeat tlie Tale-or
at least don't tell who Said i'?
gard to furcigu Societies la, in extending" GUI' Uoui
tnercial relations, to have with them as little politi
cal connection as possible: and.
Whereas, We deem it just and expedient, so far
as we have already formed engagement, to fulfill
them with perfect good faith;
Resolved, Therefore, that henceforth we deem it
uuwise in us to implicate ourselves by further art
ful ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of foreign poli
tics, or the ordinary combinations and collussions of
of foreign friendships or enmities;
Resolved, further, That it is our true policy to
steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion
of the foreign world, so far, we mean, as we are
now at liberty to do it; always holding fast to the
essential principles of our government peace, com
merce and honest friendship, with all nations en
tangling alliance with none.
signed Delias Committee,
Union Committee.
One of the brewl ones reports this conversation:
First Coed I do wish Billy would enlist.
Second Coed Why Susie!
FirjhtCoed Yes. he'd learn to ue his ami, you
They say you utitick it rich
Harry Oury,
But 1 guess 3011 dug the ditch,
Harry Oury,
While the gold your brawn has- earned.
Though a thousand for it yearned,
By Sbeir lethargy was spurned.
Harry Oury
Tiifcre are kickers by tie core,
Harry Oury,
Your auccufei makes them more,
Harry Oury.
Who, consumed by jealous hufce.
Would efcteeiu it heaven's estate
Orer you to ride, elate.
Hairy Oury.
But in plte of creatures small.
Hairy Oury,
Fratuom blues. Woodruff, etal..
Hairy Oury,
We were ure your mind was tut
And our dough tve'd freely bet
UnuleSam would hail 3'ou yet.
Cujjtm'n Oury.
Whereas, The great rule of conduct for us in re
$8 Will buy a Fine Shoe at
The fraternities will give a jian-hellenic
ball at Burlington Beach May US.
Martin Oberkotter, of the Weeping Water
Academy, was shaking hands with University
friends this week.
Oliver Thomas Reedy, '98, enjoyed a short
visit from his parents this week.
Prof. Owens is away on a week's trip east
in the interests of the electrical display at the
Prof. Caldwell recently gave an excellent
talk in a division class in history on the 3Ion
roe Doctrine and the present difficulty with
It is reported that 31r. Mcllugh will not be
in Beatrice next year and that he has consented
to remain at Plattsmouth at an increased
.Mr. J. D. Denison returned Wednesday
evening. While many of his admirers are
disappointed in that he was not among the
first three, yet all are glad to know that he
came out of the contest creditably. Mr. Den
ison received high marks on manuscript, but
the judges, who were all eastern men, disliked
his style of delivery. Last year the winner,
31r. Pearl Decker, who took part in the de
bate last Friday evening, was by far the most
dramatic speaker among all the contestants.
This year the first place was awarded to the
drollest, most lifeless speaker. In oratory,
as in debates, more, it seems, depends on the
judges ilian on the contestants.
The Foot Form, 1218 O Street