The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 22, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Sophomore HcMolutioiiK.
Sinc in His allwise providence, God has
seen fit to visit the home of two members of
our class and take away a beloved father,be it
Bebolved: That the class of 1900 has
heard with much sorrow of the death of Mr.
Andreson, the father of R. D. and W. E., be
it further
Resolved: That the class extend their
sincere sympathy to our classmates in their
bereavement, and be it further
Resolved: That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the home of the deceased,
published in the college papers and a copy be
.placed on record in the Secretary's book.
Oliver Chambers, L. W. Pearson,
A. S. Pearse, Com.
Ocliau Resolutions.
Whereas death has visited the home of
our brothers R. D. and W. E. Andreson and
taken from them a kind and loving father:
Be it resolved that we, the Delian Boys De
bating Club, extend to them our heartfelt
sympathy in their bereavement.
Be it further resolved that a copy of these
resolutions be sent to our afflicted brothers,
and that a copy be spread upon the minutes
of the club and also published in the college
Chas. W. Jones, Geo. P. Griffith, F. E.
Edgerton, Com.
If yon want a, shave, go to Westerfield's.
We will put on sale next week a lot of man
doliss bought from the makers at about half
regular price which we will sell at less than,
wholesale price. These are 21 rib mandolins
in Birds Eye Maple, Oak, Mahogany, etc. at
$5.60, $6.50 and $7.50. Following are tbe
latest hits in music; special this week:
Aerica Forever, march and two-step 20c
Heroes Who Sank with the Maine 20c
Cinderella White, song and two-step 20c
The R. & C. Barber Shop 114-1 O Street.
J. L. llichcrson, Piop.
Full lino of tablets and history covers at
.the Cooperative Book Co.
We do not break collars: they are turned
by hand. The Best Laundry, 2249 O street.
The Co-op is selling stationery at a very
low figure.
If you want a hair cut go to Wester field's.
If you want anything in the line of Tonsorial
work, Westerlield's is the place to find it.
117 North 13 St.
Students if you want your shoes made to
order, or if you want your shoes repaired, go
to J. H. Pettit, 143S O st. All work is guar
anteed. TEACHERS WAN TED for schools anil colleges
in every state. We need 50 iinmadialcly. Xoconc
mission charged on salary for imr am-lcia.
Address, a. II. HOPKINS & CO..
L B. 20 Chicago. 111.
18S8 l8ns
1 Cll rllOH GRADE
Out of Town Work Solicited
312 south 12th street, Salsbury Block, Lincoln.
Like a War with Spain
Photography has a living interest in ev-
ry mind.
Call and see my Cameras and Supplies of
all kinds at
Room 5-1041 O st. Lincoln
D. E. De PUTR0N,
We invite your inspection of them
.are now m.
O IQth sto
& 10th sts