THE : HESPERIAN r .4 with our rank, influence and dignity to con tend with them hampered by useless and ar tificial bonds. If we remain in the State As sociation wo should do so as the University of Nebraska; if not as that, it is better to draw out altogether. When we choose a man to rep resent us we want him to go as the represent ative of the whole University, not as a dele gate from one department. Tt is simply un called for presumption to ask anything else and an evidence of arrogance that will not be tolerated. Let our "weak sisters" think this over prayerfully and carefully, and either de cide to contend on an equal footing or not at all. It is now settled as to the personnel of teams which will represent us in the coming inter-state debating contest. The Colorado debate will take place one vjek from tonight at Colorado Springs. Our representatives to this debate will be Statesman It. S. Baker, Lawyer H. E. Sackctt and Miss Bertha Stull. As previously stated in the Hesperian the question to be discussed is "Resolved, That the United States should construct and oper ate the Nicaragua canal," our debaters having the ailirmative. Colorado Springs college is making great preparations for this debate and it will certainly be closely contested, but with these representatives we need not fear the result. Three weeks from tonight the Kansas-Nebraska debate will occur here in Lincoln. Our representatives in this debate will be E. F. Warner, E. B. Perry and ('. E. Matson. The question to bo discussed is "Resolved, That the English cabinet system of govern ment should be adopted in the United States," our representatives having the negative. The fact that Mr. Warner has a thorough legal education and the fact that Messrs. Perry and Matson have made a special study of 'listory and economics make this team well qualified to meet our friends from the south. They have the American and therefore the popular side of the question. The debate is to be here at homo where we will have all the advan tage of a friendly audience and unless the Kansas men prove to bo "wonders" they will in all probability be sent home in the same condition they were two years ago. The Missouri debates will take place at Columbia May 13. Our invincible represen tatives to this contest are Geo. E. Kindler, Frod G. Hawxby and Chas. W. Taylor. The question is one discussed in the finals, "Re solved, That Hawaii should be annexed to the United States." Our representatives have the negative to this question which is without doubt the strong side. The Hespek ia notices by the M. S. U. Independent that the tigers propose to "show" us in debate even if they did fail to do so in football last fall. The Misaourians will undoubtedly put up a strong debate but if they defeat Kindler, Hawxby and Taylor it will be a well earned victory. But they won't defeat them. The result may not be 41 to 0 but it will be in our favor. 2MLore iN'otew ou JtloLle We close the April number of the Kiote with a discontented sigh. That the high standard of excellence set up by the former numbers could be steadily maintained was perhaps too much to expect; nevertheless we are disappointed to discover that the Kiote, like some of the rest of us, "has seen better days" than he is at present experiencing. Is it necessary to say that under the first title is contained the best prose work in this number? It is distinctly more readable than the author's sketch in the first issue, - and it doesn't take much effort to picture the chocolate-colored youth in question. The simile in which the boy's cars are compared to "clam-shells half imbedded in the mud" is striking enough to have been written by Daudel. The red ribon-secoud prize-belongs to Mr. Fryc who sings us a little song about his vis ions, and his verses are really very good, blotted only by the fact that the professor se lects his words with reference to their diction ary meaning simply. If Mr. Frye were writ ing a court ballad wo presume he would just as lief write "miuister plenipotentiary" as "ambassador." The matter presented in "Out of the Shadow" does not interest us, some way or other. We don't care a peanut whether thin fellow, Pascal, drowns himself or not. Unlike the preceding sketch the predominant fault in Nothing like them for the moneys Our $8 Sitae. Foot Form Store 1213 0 street