H THE: HESPERIAN THE j-JESPERIAN iMued Weekly by the Himfeiuan Association of the University of Nebraska. TERMS OF SUUSCKIPTIOX One copy, per college year, In ndvancc One copy, one semester Advertidixo Ratk ov Application. ll.Ut AI.UXKl AND EX-HTUnr.XT. Special endeavor will he utude to make Tut IIkspeiuan Inter esting to former students. I'leaie seii'I n your subscriptions. (SfSnbscrlptlons on our books will c continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The IIksperiak, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. resentatives in the inter-state debates and Nebraska's representative to the inter-state oratorical contest. Among its members are some of the best students, best speakers and best parliamentarians in the University. It is one of the most vigorous organizations in the institution and its fate should not be de cided after a mere casual reflection. HOARD OK EDI 1'OUS. E. B. PERRY - Manasiso Euitou F. E. EDOKHTOS .... Assistant L. B. MUMFORD - (Stillness Manager ASSOCIATES J. 1). DE'I&ON Editorial It ('. KOPKIC ... . xewg P. . 1IAWXBY ..... Debates ;Kh. UUKOEKT .... rraternltles P. i: Ur.r.nr.H . . Diamond Dust SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVES RK.N'A U.DBRUVV . . Literary II. O. -.UrroX Local OL'Yi: HOWARD ... . Military UI.YNCUE MICKEY Local MtRUIA CIIAPPELL .... Alumni MVROUEIMTK CONTRYHAN .... Local II A. TUEOIIALD ... Athletic The Hesperian told you so. Now, uttie sisters will you be good? The rag has a peculiar and unknown way of determining who are the best debaters. The only member of its "staff" who attended either of the final debates was the one, who, according to its classification, is the weakest inter-stale representative. The point may be good; the Hesperian is not prepared to say. But why the athletic reprint should say any thing about debates or debaters is simply astonishing. It is currently reported that the law depart ment is to have the hall now occupied by the Delian Society, next year, for a library and reading room. No one doubts but the law department needs more room. But what is to become of the Delians? In answer to the appeals of committees, it is reported the au thorities have said: "Oh, they will bo provided for." Now, that is not sufficient. The so ciety is entitled to know what is to be done; where its' quarters are to be. The society this year furnishes two of the strongest rep- $8 Will buy a Fine Shoe at College men cannot a fiord to descend to the methods of the mob. If we have an opinion to express it should bo manifested through the machinery, in recognized use for that pur pose. To resort to the practices of the lower stratum is hardly consistent with the claim of higher ideals set up and so persistently ad hered to by our college men. Our works as well as our words should show the quality within us. A ranting, roaring mob in Spain is an object of disfavor: a howling, cursing mob anywhere is not an object of favor. Pa triotism can be expressed most forcibly by well counseled and judicious action; the ex tremest is his own weakness. Bombastical utterances are not a sure indication of warm feelings; heated statements are not indicative of abiding endurance. Loud speaking with many fiery ilaming swear words stamp a crowd as of boisterous weaklings rather than as mature men. AVe do not love mobs: we discountenance uncalled for manifestations of passing anger: we oppose any improper method of resenting even a great grievance; as representatives of the learning of the land we should place the mark of patriotism high and do so in a decent legitimate and honorable manner. The position of the University in the State Oratorical Association is unique. With the little colleges of the State as co-members and moreover united in their disposition not to compete with us as a University, the situation is rather unsatisfactory. Our homo contest each year is a closer and more interesting fight than that of the State. With our larger student body, and more aggressive student life the pigmy institutions fear us and so aim to restrict our eligible list as far as possible. To them it is self-preservation and a chance to win; to us it is a limitation at once puerile aud unfair. We propose to compote as an in stitution or not at all. It does not comport The Foot Form, 12 IS 0 Street