The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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When Perry rose to speak, the consterna
tion in the enemy's ranks was something ap
palling. The smooth-bore politicians shud
dered, the boys on the back seats turned pale,
and the honest men were radiant. The
gathering of Femininity showed eagerness,
the stately Profs., interest, and the lay dele
gates applauded.
Tlie Senior- Partj'.
On Saturday uight, April 2nd, almost the
entire senior class gathered at the armory for
a social time, and to get better acquainted
with one another. The armory was tastefully
decorated with plants and the 'yellow and
blue.'" Ices were served the entire evening
by Misses Wilkinson, Cropsey, Farnhain and
Carscadden. Making out quotations from
'printers' pi " was indulged in until all were
well acquainted. Then the seniors turned
themselves loose to some good old fashioned
games, such as "drop the handkerchief," and
Blackman. Chas. Weeks and O. T. Reedy
gave a cavalry charge. The music for the
evening was furnished by the senior double
quartette. Mr. Mueller on two occasions was
presented with iloral paraphernalia for render
ing, so successfully, the solo parte.. Those
present, beside the senior class, were Miss
Smith, Mrs. MacLean, Prof, and Mrs. Rich
ards and Lieutenant and M rs. Stotsenberg.
At 1 1 :30 the armory rang with the loudest
class yell ever given at the I niversity. The
committee having it in cliarge consisted of
Miss Lucy Green and Messrs. J. E. Pearson
and C. Hendy.
TJm K-egfont 31 ire tin jr
The Regenti? have been in session thus week.
The report of the registrar shows a total en
rollment of 1,901, for the year, of which 200
are enrolled in the affiliated schools. The to
tal number of new students this year is COG.
There is a marked increase shown in every
department. The Regents liave wade prepa
ration for a school of domestic economy of
which Miss Rosa Bouton was made director.
Mrs, H. H, Wilson was appointed dean of wo
men and also lecturer in English Literature.
Appointments were made as follows: 3iiss
Flora Bullock assistant instructor in journal
ism; Mies Lulu Burrows to assist in the libra
ry, to take the place of Miss Bertha Quain-
tance who will assist Miss Mae Lansing in
the executive office.
The promotions made are: O. V. P. Stout,
professor of civil engineering; A. R. Hill,
professor of philosoplry; C. R. Richards, pro
fessor of mechanical engineering. The above
gentlemen were promoted from assistant pro
fessors to professors of their departments.
Miss Rose Bouton was promoted to adjunct
professor iu chemistry; Samuel Avery and
John White were also promoted to like po
sitions in chemistry. A. L. Candy to adjunct
professor in mathematics; G. R. Chatburn to
adjunct professor in mathematics and civil
engineering; L. T More to lecturer in physics;
C. F. Ansley to professor in English. Dr.
Guernsey Jones to instructor in European
history and Mr. Franklin to instructor in
American history.
Ed. Adams '9(5 of Superior visited his many
University friends during vacation.
Miss Blanche Mickej' lost a Waterman's
Ideal fountain pen Tuesday night April 5th,
either in the library or between the library
and 1430 R street. Anyone finding same
please leave at Librarian's desk.
Miss Ellen Smith, the registrar, was pleas
antly surprised last Saturday evening. A
number of her friends, including many of the
University alumni and members of the faculty,
gathered at Thompson hall where the stories
of the "old timers" made an evening of royal
The Palladian boys give a special program
this evening. The entertainment will be
opened by a common place soliloquy. The
second part will be the unveiling of the god
dess. Justice, The third and last part is a
semi-comic tragedy. An over sensitive com
munity is on the verge of hanging the hero to
a pumpkin vine when the goddess Justice
intervenes and crowns him king, ruler etc.
We have some pretty pictures at low prices
in our 3Iusic and Picture department this
week. Colored photos of famous scenery, etc.
framed 98c caoli. Following are the latest'
hits in music, special this week:
America Forever, march and two-step 20c
America Forever, march step 20e
Heroes Who Sank With the Main'e 20c
Cinderella White, song and two-step 20c