The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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"An Unforsecn Emancipation" is lack of change the date of his wedding,
technique. Sentences and phrases which he- prof. a. R. Hill accompanied his family to
tray the amateur are thick as plums in a Chicago during vacation. Mrs. Hill will
puddin', and in addition-what's worse-the spend the summer visiting in the east,
whole thing leaves a had taste in one's mouth. The Pallacliails havo elccte(l Frank Miller
The "Yelp" which occupies first place, to SIlra,npll ir 0. Sutton 'on the Hksperian
like tho others which have proceeded it hy
the same hand, is very clover and the suc
ceeding three are tolerable. The writer of
the review of "Tho Qualities of American
Conversation" made a desperate but misguid
ed attempt to be funny. Sparc us a second
helping, please!
We're relieved though, when we reach the
next heading, for it tells us something we
didn't know before-note the admission-but
one line excites our ire. This whoover-he-may-be,
speaking of Dr. Powell says that three
paragraphs are "probably the longest utter
ance of his life." Same old, thread-bare,
dime-novel conception of a frontiersman, who
is allowed to speak only on important occa-
Ralph Saxton '97 returnrd to his home in
Edgar after a brief visit with University
Tho reception given by Mrs. Bruner to Prof.
Brunei last Monday evening was largely at
tended by students, friends and faculty.
Prof. Ansley and wife made a short visit at
his homo in Illinois during vacation, where he
was called by the death of an uncle.
Burt Robinson was the guest of "Bill" Leh
man, at Columbus, during vacation. Tho
boys report that duck hunting on the Platte
was fine.
Miss Marion Treat, of the University Con-
sions, clips his words and answers in gruff servatory of Music, and Prof. F. W. Taylor,
tones, x es, we know him of old time. But
scouts in came are quite different individuals
and are seldom known to confine their re
marks to "three pungent paragraphs." How
those old, fungus-covered fallacies do cling.
All force is silent. Yes, except steam engines,
small boys, seas, dynamite bombs, thunder'nd
lighting and a few little things like that.
The Flea.
Local mid I?eiNona.l.
E. A. Boostrom is again able to attend Republic after the chapel exercises Wednes
of the Farmers Institute and Bureau of Pub
licity, were married at the homo of tho bride's
parrents, in Chicago, last Tuesday.
A heavy artillery regiment has been re-organized
recently. This organization was
started in 1S92, but since that time has been
almost unheard of. The regiment is ready
for war and will act promptly if called upon.
Prof. Bruner made a few humorous remarks
about his year's absence in the Argentine
classes after two weeks illness.
Maynard Schwartz was called to Beatrice
last week by tho death of his brother.
Fred Abbott visited at his home in St. Ed
wards during the recess.
Miss Jessie Shultz spent Sunday with her
parents in Beatrice.
Miss Jane Fox is enjoying a visit from her
mother and brother, of Lexington, Neb.
A few friends pleasantly spent last Saturday
evening with Miss Clara Fowler.
day. ne promised to give a description of
tho country and his experiences at a later
The second installment of the Deliau pro
gram contest will be presented tonight as the
boys program. The boys' committee prom
ises a fine program although tho numbers are
kept secret. The Orophillion Society of Wes-
loyan will attend this program in a body.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Tho Delian girls gave their annual program
April 1, ana they succeeded admirably m en-
It is reported that J. W. Searson is busy, tertaining a large audience. The feature of
His friends still entertain hopes for his re- ie venS Tl th burlesUti1 of tho D' B-
D. C. Tho ladies assumed the manners of
covery. prominent members of that club and ranted
G. E. Hager was one of tho heavy losers in in a most approved stylo on tho question of a
the recent fire. This will not necessarily war with Spain.
Try our $8 Shoes that can't be beat. Foot Form Store 1213 0 Street