THE: HESPERIAN Fitu Gerald Dry Goods Co. 1023-1029, 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEB. t Ladies Ready-made Suits, Dress Skirts, Capes J Jackets and Waists. J We nro exhibiting this season the largrst variety of Indies' ready to wear garments ever brought to Lincoln , $35,000.00 Invested in this Department S X rt.. ...... ..... irn.. ate I. i'..!i,. f....... 1 ns ... or: m .... ..1. 11......,, CI. :.... f. ....... ntn . airr ..,.!, n v. UJi:s iiuiii uuu 111 riu. v.-iun. oima muiii i.ui; hi ld hu uiu.ii, iiujo onnis iiuiii irau iw ii uuuu . a Silk Waists from 2.-15 to 12.50 each. Shii t Waists from 40c to 2.7E each. f Every article as low in prico as equal quality can bo had iu any store in the country. Come a and see them whether you want to buy or not They are for sale, but if you do not care to purchase V you will b treated with eouriey. A .Sy-O'Gy -.'.'-C.'''.''''ey'Ck.C'fv E. HALLETT Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Sterling Silverware, Silver Novelties, Cut Glassware, Ladies and Gents' Umbrellas in gold and Silver Mountings. Opera Glasses. Gold Pens with Pearl Holders, etc., etc. No charge for ongraving at Eyes Examined Free E. HALLETTS Fanke Opera Douse Block, 1143 0 street. T RUNKS, VALISES Elegant Line of Pocket For summer Tourist9 and others BookS,CardCaseS,Leather nr.n TMTNKfl ro EYflHANnn vnn www nwns. Belts and Novelties. Bopahing a specialty. Wirick's Trunk Factory,103S O St. BALDWIN BROS. HARDWARE CO 1210 O Siroot, HANDLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves Cutlery, Bicycles, Skates and Sharpeners. Stoves and Cooking Utensils. Cuns far Rent. NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT CO 143 north 13th street, Oliver Theatre Block. Pants made to order $4 $5 and upwards. Nobby Suits $20, upwards Goods by yard for Ladies' wear. Ends for child run's wear. All goods and work lirst class Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and See Us