s THIS: HESPERIAN This HEbPKkJAX Umiuil Wvuklyby Uio'IlKAi'niiiAN ArsooiationoI iliv L'lilvur&Ity of XcbniHka. TEIIUS OF SUMSCIUI'TION. One copy, par college year, In ndruucc One copy, one soinestoi AOVKHTISINO ItATK ON .WM'MOaTIOS l no HI) Al.UMNI ASI) KX ri7lKM". Spoolul ondcivor will be inilu to in t'; l'n Hkm-khiak Inter ektlir,' to former stiulsuts. I'lmws xsnlinyiir tmbsurlptlons. .'a7.iobscrlptlons on our books will ho eoiillniie.l until ordered mopped. Address till comiuwleiitloiis to Tub IUsi-kiwan, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Nebraska. UUAllO HI-' EM I'OUs. 'K. IJ. I'EltUY Managing Etu-rou V. K. EDOEltTOV .... Ahmhtant 1.. E. MUMKOIID - niiHliiCHH MuiiuRcr ASSOCIATES J. I). DEMSON . Editorial (I E. flAOKlt -.. Mews r'. u. I1ASVXISY Debutes UKo. IWIIUKltT .... 1'nitoriililon I'. E IlKBDKIt - . - Diamond Dust OCIETY UEI'riEjJKST.VTIVlCS ItEXA I.DEItlAN Literary II. 0. -UPTON I,,,,.,,! .OUYO IIIWUll) - Mllltmv UI,NCIIU MICKEY .... Lo(,i MAIITIIA CIIAIM'El.b - Alumni MKOJJElllVK OONTIlYMAS - - i,cul II .11. TIIEOHAI.I) .... Athletic Tlic battle of the giants is upon us. The fierce contest in debating is to be fought out this week. Afto. months of close and confin ing work the sixteen men who survived the preliminary forensic battle are to come to gether to determine their final ranks. Thou sands of pages have been conned; hundreds of "books and pamphlets investigated, innumera ble articles liavo been read. The library has been ransacked from the Frat-girls' corner to the den of Epos. Reports of engineers, opin ions of statesmen, the bombast of the jingo and the timid utterances of the dongo have been weighed, measured and valued. And now the fruits of this toil, the product of this labor are to be set before a waiting public. There will be some reasoning and some imag ination, some statistics and some "iiggers," some bombastic utterances and some conserv ative multerings. Some authorities will be cited, some distinguished and some abated. There will be some air-sawing,some awkward ness and some eloquence. But It takes all sorts of weather To make up a year ' And a sphere. Wo are proud of our debaters; they have in them the mettle that counts for good; the solid and substantial stuff that makes men strong and fit to brush shoulders with a hard ened world and never flinch. They are the men who, in the long run will impress their communities, make better citizens and blaze the way to better standards and higher ideals. Long live the debating spirit of the old Uui! The Xiiuvl Debute. On Friday and Saturday nights of this week will occur the long-awaited finals. On Satur day night, the decision of the judges will de signate the nine contestants who will represent Nebraska in debate with Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. There is no higher honor in the University than to bo chosen to represent her in one of these forensic contests. To be chosen for the Kansas debate is regarded as the highest honor, because she is our ancient enemy. Two years ago our representatives, Weaver, Qnaintanco and Ncwbranch defeated the Kansans. but last year Baker, Denni.son and Greene went down in defeat before the oratory and logic of the Populists. The Kan sas debate is to be held iu Lincoln and will be enthusiastically supported by both city and University. The Missouri and Colorado de bates will be first held this year and will take place in their respective states. From reports received from them, our debaters can antici pate a warm reception in both places. The sixteen chosen from the preliminary contests are recognized by the student body as the cream of the debating fraternity. Some of those men have been active members of the debating clubs for four and five years. All are working hard and will make these finals the sharpest contests that have been held for years. He who wins will deserve the laurel. For the first time in the history of the Uni versity, a lady is one of the final contestants. The ratio isn't exactly 10 to 1 but it is near it The question for Friday night is: Resolved, that the annexation of Hawaii would bo ben eficial to the United States. Affirmative W F. McNaughton. G. E. Kindier, J. A.'mji' guire, A. L. DjuI; negative, E. B. Perry F G. Hawxby, E. F. Warner, 0. W. Meier.' On Saturday night the question for debate will bo: Resolved, that the United States should construct and operate the Nicaragua 1 I