The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 25, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE I fifcSMJKlAN
Cowgill has again entered school and begun
As soon as the weather will permit Turner,
Hansen, LoMar and Jowott will train for the
hammer throw.
Since there are only about seven weeks be
fore the field day events and the state inter
collegiate meet all men should enroll and be
gin training at once.
With such men as Pearso, Ryan and Saw
yer as contestants in the half mile and mile
races, the University can consider these two
events as trophies in the intercollegiate con
test. Burr has not reported for a practice as yet.
He reports too much work as the reason. It
will be a bad blow to the team if he does not
got out as ho is the only available catcher in
sight at prdseut.
Nebraska had the most scientific batting
team of anj college in the west last year.
The method will be taught to all the new men
this year. With Benedict as coach we are
sure to have a hard hitting team.
Fred Barnes is practicing with the team
every day now. He is teaching the boys a
great many plays only used' by professionals.
If he stays until the middle of April as ho ex
pects to do, the infiold will be able to play a
style of game entirely unknown to amateurs.
The candidates have settled down to hard
outdoor practice. There are many fast can
didates for the infield this year. This will
make them all hustle. No man will get a
place without playing hard for it. The can
didates so far for the infield are: Moore,
Rhodes, Itindler, Reed, Bliss, Wells, Cowgill,
Johnson, Minor and Little.
Every effort is being made to secure funds
for a cinder track. By securing reserved
seats for the pentathlon you will bo helping
forward the acquisition of this indispensible
requisite for field training, which will give
University athletics victory at the intercolleg
iate meet, and at the same time witness a
close and exciting contest.
Dr. Hostings,by request of Prof. Howard,of
Doane,was iii Crete last Saturday aiid Mdhday
ascertaining the physical condition of the ath
letic men at Doano. Dr. Hastings found the
men in good training and confident of success
in the interstate contest. If Doane wins any
thing in this meet it will be due to her train
ing, energy,, pluck and united college spirit.
Giants, Turner and Hansen, have begun
training for the Shot Put with their former
football enthusiasm and energy. We can
count on these men, to so economize by skill
their immense strength that former records
will be easily broken and to hold the state
championship. R. E. Jones entered last week
and promises to become the strongest rival of
The indoor Pentathlon will occur this even
ing. The judges for the contest are P. W.
Pepoon,C. M. Story, Joel Stebbins; measurers,
W. F. Knill, Adolph Shane, W. R. McGeahin
Referee, Oliver Chambers; contestants, R. S.
Waterman, I. A. Kellog, E. M. Bolen, B. M.
LaSalle, P. W. Jewett, W. E. Andreson, L.
S. Ryan, R. E. Benedict, M. P. Pillsbury, F.
A. Leraar, R. C. James, Hart and O. T.
Reedy. The general admission will be 15c.
Reserved seats can be secured for ten cents
extra either at the co-op or at the door.
Other athletic men whom we can feel con
fident will win us trophies in the state inter
collegiate contest are Collete and R. D. An
dreson in the 100 yd. dash; R. D. Andreson
and P. W. Popoon in tne 2:20 race; Benedict
will have a walk away with the pole vault.
Wo will expect W. E. Andreson and Bene
dict to do again what they did last year: win
first and second place in the running broad
jump. There are yet places for more candi
dates in all the events, but there is special
need for men to train in the hurdle race.
The Delian Society regrets to lose from their
number, Miss Cunningham, one of their moat
valued new members. Miss Cunningham left
school on account of poor health. After vis
iting for a timo in Omaha she will return to
her homo at Wayne, Neb.
The Delian girls' program, which was post
poned, will be given April 1st. All are invited
to come and see how much this program will
surpass tho one to be given in the near future
by the Delian boyB.