The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 25, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Tho XinRLiclit ix Success.
A very largo and appreciative audience
greeted the first appearance of the Ladies'
Minstrels at the Armory, Friday evening. To
say it was a success is putting it very mildly.
It was successful both from a financial stand
point and as an entertainment. In the west
end of the armory a largo stage had been built
provided with footlights and appropriate cur
tains. The floor of the armory was provided
with chairs, closely seated to accomodate the
large number present. The gallery was
crowded to its utmost capacity with minstrel
When the curtain rose at 8 o'clock the girls
confronted the audience with faces blacked so
as to be beyond all recognition and were ar
ranged in a crescent shape around Miss Olive
Latta, the interlocutor. To describe the la
dies' dress would take an artist of great ability
as nearly all colors were exhibited, from the
black of their faces to the white of their slip
pers. The "imd men" with their rattle-bones
and tambourines showed what ladies could do
with these instruments as well as with jokes.
The crowd listened, (while not laughing), to
the appropriate "gags" on our professors and
students. Thojokes were new and up to date.
They proved a great hit.
The songs were new and well rendered.
The fact that each singer had to respond to an
encore shows the appreciation by the audience.
The special song of the evening was "Tho
Topical Song" by MisseB Black and White.
It abounded in fun and catchy jokes. Tho
second part of tho program was fully as good
as tho first. Songs and banjo music together
with a fancy dance by Miss Harris made up
this part. Miss Treat sang "Gold Poppies,"
which was followed by an encore. The pro
gram closed with an instrumental selection by
tho Johnsing Sisters, which was also followed
by an encore. Too much praise cannot bo
given those who had this entertainment in
charge. It was good from start to finish and
will long bo remembered as tho University
event of '98. Tho base ball boys could not
have found a better way to raise money than
tho ono adopted.. All wont away feel
ing that they had received enougn for their
Student Comment.
Tt is a deplorable fact that the societies
have not enough pie to pass around to all its
members. If the supply were only greater, a
disappointed member might now and then bo
pacified. There are always those, even in a
society, who get there by mistake, and who
are ambitious for mere personal honors. The
supply of pie is easily exhausted. Tho demand
for presidential timber ill the societies is lim
ited to three seniors per year, and when this
demand is supplied, there sometimes comes
along a supposed pillar of loyalty, proud and
sensitive though he may be in nature, yet
with that ever outward semblance of fidelity,
who now declares down in the deepest recesses
of his outward countenance, in unmistakable
tones of secession, "I would rather be presi
dent than right." And so this would-have-been
president now becomes a would-be frat,
or what in tho outward world would be called
a sore-head. This sudden change from a
howling barbarian to a cultured Greek is
something marvelous. It bailies tin theory
of evolution little less than did the missing
link. It is always a mystery. It grows up
in a night.
For History Paper, History Covers, Note
Books, Fountain Pens, Vest Pocket Diction
aries, Translations, University Tablets, the
cheapest place in Lincoln is t'le Book Dop't.
of Jlerpolshoimer & Co.
Tho Delian Boys Debating Society have ar
ranged a joint debate with Wesloyan Univer
sity. The debate will occur on tho lGth of
April. The question will be stated to read:
Kcsolvod, That the annexation of Hawaii
would bo beneficial to tho United States. The
debaters for the Delians are E. F. Warner, J.
T. Adams and U. J. Theobald. Tho Delian
debating club elected as officers for the spring
term: E. G. WoodrufT, president; S. P. Grif
fith, vice-president; E. A. Dunaway, secretary.
F. E. Edgorton and J. T. Adams wore elected
attorneys, K. F. Warner sergeant-at-arms.
E. G. Woodruff, J. H. Saycr and K. B. Payne
wore continued as committee on joint debates.
Dr. Kotchum, Oculist and Aurist, Richards"'
Block treats diseases of the oye, ear, noso and
throat, and is fully equipped with instruments
for iittidg glasses without mydriatics. All
fees reasonable.