14 THE: LLESL'EItlAX $1 CAMERA $i You can i-holograph nnytlitpi;. Instantaneous ot linn; expos uru We pri-pnre nil npnraiifc. plate-, chemicals, etc. you ml lutv directions .iione will' llil-cauicrn can soon learn the art ot plo-lOKntph. It will bo n nlre iri"eut for vacation. Got It now Teach ouriolf. Prepared idiUes only S3 cents per dozen. Lots ol fun for -i cents, llv mull $1.0.1. CAMERA $1 $1 $1 If nt nny time within 11 car you de-Ire t mote lor oneot our UKPKATIN ciiniemrt we will allow you fl ti ami takt Mck the niie you buv The repeatlnir I'mii'-m Is like the TCpeMtlutr rllle You photograph one plate ami ItiMantly place another in position No truiile or bother You In id It at home mnl map the picture- -n your nlea-nrc Any child can handle it I'hl- W a i'' lU'VlCtf iiefr put on 'the market before. Mm. Iiui. fim ni-comlug to l.e ami number of plates J Agent .s can make money. Addresfv A. H. CRAia. Mukwonago, Wis. ARTISTIC Photographer OUR SPECIALTY Kirt CIas Work in nil Braurhe. .Sen mir uutk nnil jret prices mi group. si'tsrr.ii. mucks to srrnKxrs. IW'IVKKSITT i:AI V mill GOWN MAKKKS COITKKLL&LKOXAIU), Albany. X. Y. Mukt-is 10 the Auieiii-an L'ni- VVVbltU''. Illusi rated hiill-iin on request J&wvfi 1 First National Bank Kliicoln, 7N"li.,i4lt. cA.prr.vL - 100,000.00 II I). Mulr. Piesldcut, U.S. t-'reeumu Cashier V. C. Phillips. Ass't Cashier. We laVc special pains to pleas -Indent.- when ftiriiHiiing t'icin with COAL AND WOOD. Hutch ins & Hyatt, CSS: Mliei. 1040 O street, l'limn .':!.". Tin. I.urycsl Manufacturers of' Athlctin an I Hicycle Supplies and Uniforms in the toorhl. A. U. SPALDING & 1MOS. THE NAME THE QU4.PANTEE Olliriul Out lil tors to the Ladiug Collogn. Athletic Clnli ami Sell ml Iim.iis of tin: L. S. BVEltY UKQUISII'H FOK BASK HALL. Athletic Spurts ami I'aMitncs Th "Spaldiiij: Ollieial League Ball ailo,itc. hv Nu- tional .Mitiui. 'ollegii ami Si-huol Le-t.iiv litf sit Hull Piriform 1, Ihils. (floras. Cites J'rnfi'iitors. Shot's, fir. 1898 Models The S.alil'jr Chnnili- Bieycl" ' Tim p.iMiiig Itloi Uaeei. Chain The Spalding Ho.td Wheel, Chain, Semi lor llliHtruteil Catalogue of all Athleih spun ch&kA. 6. Spalding & Bros. '""".'' orw'i mi'wpy UfflSguRi1 e'FM kBj 'WMtASH1 HANDGUNS, Qu!tarsBan JOS. 'I The Washburn is the one aid onU make of world-wide reputation. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere from $15.00 upward. Imi ated extensively, so be sure that the name "George Washburn" is burned upon the inside. A beautiful Washburn Book contain ing portraits and letters from the De Reszkes, Calv5, Eames, Nonlica, Scal chi and 100 other famous nrtists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address DepL U, LYON & HEALl Cm. Wtktib Ave. and Adtmi SL, Chicago. CC CO ri O OQ S I 2-2 'I 2 .2 , b 3 o - M J2? J C3-rp CQ - tf i u tt C CT- 0 O V -- XX fX 0O I C-U p -HH IXI I !!II li u. -e-. -co-. - a-oo ' 02 Z a "0 .r i CP", l"3n i CO t , Q. . Z t m P " ' 0 r O i Qic .Qi c .li V. . O O t MCM -C9-. J-O-l P C cu. s mn s !! ,K " 5E I -o- -0't -C3- md )o- 2 C E" " c o- o- -a- -oo-x ,2 -. 11 w cji i 1 .CB , 1 oa 11 aa f 'viT'C . I O e m gpHlMgi. Mova pB SKfe. m WC