The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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looks at tViO distance to the ground, tilts his
head first on one side, then on the other and
concludes it is best to make friends.
Often they go to sleep in a little pile in the
shade; four small fluffy balls rolled into one
with hero and there a head almost hid in
Dear little kittens! I hate to think that
aoaae time they will bo angular, ugly and
sedate like their mother. A.
Our spring styles are beauties; come in and
see them. Foot Form Store, 1213 O street.
Among tlie Greeks.
Will Hayward was visiting University
friends Saturday.
Judge Cessna was a visitor at the Phi Psi
house this week.
Mr. Pugh of Kansas City visited the Sigma
Chi boys over Sunday.
The Pi Beta Phis gave a skating party at
the Cycle Academy Saturday afternoon.
Rob't. Jenkens. Kappa Sigma, has re
turned to the University to complete his
Prof. Nicholson entertained the Phi Psi
boys Sunday afternoon with a lecture on
European Universities.
The Phi Delta Theta fraternity gave their
fourth alumni banquet at their chapter house
Saturday evening. A number of out of town
alumni were present.
P. H. Russell wlio finished his school work
last semester, and R. B. Lindquist, '97, came
down from Omaha to attend the Phi Delta
Theta banquet Saturday night.
H. C. Parmalee, '97, science teacher in the
Beatrice High School was shaking hands with
his many University friends Saturday. Ho
attended the banquet of the Phi Dolt's in the
About thirty-five young ladies of the Delta
Gamma fraternity celebrated the birthday of
their fraternity by chartering a special car for
-Beatrice last Saturday. They were entertained
by Mrs. Deutsch, one of the charter members
of the fraternity.
Ed. Morrison entertained the members of
Co. F. at the Alpha Tau Omega house Tues
day evening. Lieutenant Stotsenburg was
present and in si short talk expressed Ins de
sire to see the U. N. C. regiment well repre
sented in case we had war with Spain.
The athletic men have begun an outdoor
training for the aproaching contests.
The trophy offered by the Farmer's and
Merchant's Insurance Co., as a prize for the
intercollegiate contest is now on exhibition in
the window of E. Hallctt, Jeweler, 0 Street.
Attention of all students is called to this val
uable silver trophy which will bo contested
for May 14. Let us resolve to be the winners.
Admission to the indoor Pentathlon, which
will bo given Friday evening, March 25th,
will be by ticket in oi'der to accommodate
friends of the students and Uni. Reserved
seats can be obtained at the Co-op. The net
proceeds are to go toward the funds for a cin
der track.
Committee on track meet met last Tuesday
to discuss further plans. Those present were,
Lieutenant Stotsenburg, Dr. Hastings, Moore,
Cutter, Pearse, J. E. Pearson, Reedy, Bene
dict, Cooley, Swallow and P. 0, Mahoney.
Roscoe Pound and several other athletic men
were unablo to bo present. A sub-committee
was appointed consisting of Dr. Hastings,
Pearson, Pearse, Sawyer and Stebbons to pre
pare plans for a mass meeting of the students
for the consideration of several athletics. If
the faculty, alumni, students and business
men will assist, there will be no difficulty in
securing a cinder tract. With such a track
we shall have no difficulty in competing with
Kansas, Minn., or Iowa who are anxious to
meet us on the athletic field, but without it
we would bo seriously crippled.
If you have got three dollars to spend for
shoes go to the Foot Form Store 1213 0 street
they have a fine assortment of thorn.
Cloth top or Vidi Kid Young Ladies shoes
in all the new shades and shapes 83.00. Foot
Form Store. 1213 0 street.
The fraternities are organizing a pan-hol-lenic
baseball league. The games will be
played upon tlic campus and will ,be at least