wrffwn Am wxii iuWi'i I 'J THE: xmspmiiAN Dr. (Jlydo Davis, dentist, Richards block. A. E. Pope is going to the Pacific coast in a few weeks. The It. & C. Barber Shop 1144 0 Street. J. L. Richcrson, Pi op. The debate between the U. B. D. C. and ' Bellview College has been declared off. Miss Luna Athen who was in school last semester has gone to Kimball, Neb. to remain ashort time. Miss Maude Atkinson, who has been visit ing the Misses Auman returned to her homo in Pawnee City Saturday. A petition is oeing ciaculated and generously slg'n'ed to have the library opened at eight o'clock Saturday mornings. "'" Chancellor MacLean lectured at Lexington on ''The Uncommon Common School System" last Friday night. Students if you want your shoes made to order, or if you want your shoes repaired, go to J. H. Pettit, 148S 0 st. All work is guar anteed. The name of Miss Caroline Stringer was proposed for membership in the Palladian society last Friday night. Lincoln's "Hustlers" are the people to buy of, if you don't know 'em, try their Three "Beauts." They are cheap and hot as ! Pennsylvania also. Phono 440. 1206 0. If you want a hair cut go to AVestorfiold's. If you want anything in the line of Tonsorial work, Westornold's is the place to find it. 117 North 18 St. Librarian Epos announced to those in the reading room Tuesday morning,that hereafter no note-books should bo left in the stack rooms but they should be placed in boxes down stairs. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist and Aurisl, Richards' Block treats diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and is fully equipped with instruments for fittidg glasses without mydriatics. All fees reasonable. Mr. Ainos Hutchinson has his hair cut. He did not intend to have it cut so short but some of his sophomore friends convinced him ho ought to. They did a 'square' job. Ainos has a bad cold. TEACHERS WANTED for schools and eollegcs iu every stuto. Wo need CO immediately. No com mission charged on salary for our services. Address, H. H. HUl'KlNS & CO.. L. B. 'MO Chicago, 111. Company F gave their first annual hop at Courier hall Friday night. About thirty-five couples were present. The committee on arrangements consisted of First Sergeant Orlo Brown, Sergeants J. P. Cleland, E. H. Clark, and Corporals Adams and Atwood. The Y. M. C. A. held a business meeting Friday evening and elected officers for the coming year: J. H. Boose, president; W. ,1. Hunting, vice-president; J. E. Boyle, secre tary; C. C. Morrison, corresponding secy, and C. C. Tollesen treasurer. President Kingsley of the University of Utah and his wife visited the University Monday. President Kingsley made a short chapel talk. He said lie had been visiting Universities in the east and south for tho past month and he found that the V. ol N. was among tho best in tho country. He praised especially the union of forces found hero. CHARLES B. GREGORY, Coal Coke and Wood Corner HUli nnl O, Xlion ;i4rt. Yarda, 1411i rmel V. Phono 488. THE GLOBE la sole agent for Young's Celebrated Stiff Hats 1 ' the New Styles are now in. Call and see them. "THE GLOBE" bIOtht ',t O 10th ste ,.