The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 11, 1898, Page 8, Image 6

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    tnai utttfittttAK
Uuted Weekly by the HulrnnuN AtnociATiUxof tho UillvcrMt?
of Nebraskn.
One copy, per college yeart In adduce
One uopy, one lomealor
Special endeavor will he made to make Tiik IIkspbman Inter
entln? to former students. I'leaio Hen 1 im your mibscrlptlons.
3FMibscrIptlons on our book will be continued until
ordered mopped.
Addrcstitll o.n n lnlnillons to I'm: Hkmi'erian, University
of Nolmnka, I.lnoilii, Nebraska.
K. U. PttltllY .... Manaino Bihtou
F. K. KDOKKTOtf .... Assistant
L. IC. MUMFOKD - Business Manager
J. D. DKVISON Editorial
O K. IIAGKK - . News
V. . IIAWXBY - ' Debates
OKu. BUKUKItT .... Praternliles
l K RKKDKU - - . Diamond Dust
HKN'A M.DKItMAV ... Literary
ii. o. surro.v ueni
OL'Y U I10SVAKI) - Military
MAltl'lIA CHAI'l'KI.L. - Alumni
II .1. THEOHAI.l) .... Athletic
' '
All nwvicriptions must be paid at once.
Send the business minager that dollar with
out delay , and sane him the trouble of extend
ing to you a written invitation,
Tho thirsters after Spanish gore seem to bo
somewhat quenched. Time usually serves to
bring men to their right reason.
It was fitting for tho head of the institution
to pro3ido at tho mass maetir.g. When a
real University affair is under consideration
who but tho Chancellor should be at tho helm?
If tho homo contest is not a success this
year, tho blamo for tho failure cannot bo laid
at tho door of tho officers of tho association.
A more energetic trio can rarely bo found at
tho head of any organization.
Tho literary societies adjourned in order to
attend tho preliminary debates on Friday and
Saturday evenings, -March 18 and 19. Every
society member is in duty bound to attend
ono of these debates, as much so as he is to
attend a regular meeting of his society. J'b
admission will be charged Friday evening.
Tho organisation of n State intorcollcgiato
ttlhlutic association has been completed; a
constitution has been adopted and is now in
the luuuls of a committee of tho athletic board
of tho University. The league comprises
University, "Wosloyan, Doano and Hastings
College. This will give a great impetus to
The words of tho Student, the Alumnus,
and tho three Doctors wore fitly spoken. All
tho authorities cited to appear at the mass
meeting agree that oratory has its placo in
university life. Only ono dissent was raised,
and that came from the Alumnus. Tho meet
ing accomplished its purpose: all that now re
mains is tho duty left upon the mass to lend
its moral and llnancial support and that not
iiifiUttro but m pruesciiH.
This year tho debating teams should be
coached. After tho preparation by tho indi
viduals is done, the "powers" should be call
ed in to suggest and prune the arguments of
the various men. Debaters on the questions
should be held with improvised teams, argu
ments should be harmonized, and in short
every effort made to put our representatives
in tho best possible shape to meet their com
petitors. It is a popular belief that tho societies and
debating clubs have a fixed and certain pur
pose; it is also commonly supposed that said
purpose is not merely an existence for tho
opportunity of adjourning whenever an occa
sion offers. To adjourn on any slight pretext
weakens organizations and lessens interest. A
thing that can be put lightly aside is usually
held in slight esteem; and if the growing evil
of ill-considered adjournments continues tho
derogatory effect must become apparent. In
deed wo aro not sure that society and club
loyalty are not waning just a little at tho
present moment. Tho check should como at
once and with vigor. To bo sure, for events
pertaining especially to these organizations,
adjournment is lit and proper; but for miscel
laneous meets of every character adjournment
is uncalled for. We sound this as a warning
note. Let there bo no slacking in the march
and no hesitancy in tho advance. Keep a
quick stop and an enthusiastic temper.