i ' Wilt Xiii 'if ill It w TMJ i rUllSMBltUuV Material in sight. Nebraska might oasil, to win tho championship of (ho west this your. Rhodes of Hebron is showing up exeeplion ully well ns an inliulder. Rhea "Tho Midgut" is proving to bo a very 'fust outfielder. IT ho can hit as well as ho can iiold, ho will boa strong candidate for one of tho out fields. 'Hare and hound" and ''cross country" runs will take place oaoh Saturday afternoon at 'I o'clock. All students interested are invited. The indoor Pentathlon will occur Friday evening, March 2."). Tho candidates aro all doing hard training. Tho contest promises to bo a very close and interesting one. Dr. Hastings is receiving many letters from western colleges and universities in answer to his circular letter concerning the feasibility of holding an intercollegiate athletic meet at the trans-Mississippi exposition. Tho institutions all heartily favor the. meet. Tho success of the athletic annual is now assured; W. H. Oury has boon elected man ager, and Mr. Cutter assistant manager. Editorial stall": R. K. Benedict, 11. D. Andre son and Harry Swallow. Tho annual will con tain sixty pages, twenty-four of which will be devoted to illustrations. It will bo issued under the auspices of tho at'llotio board, and under the general direction of the physical director. Owing to a dill'eronce in training, the two teams compromised tho matter of rules and played tho first half according to tho men's rules and the second half according to Smith rules. The Council Blufl's girls wore short skirt costumes; tho University girls wore tho conventional gymnasium suit. On tho whole, tho Council Blufl's girls were of slighter build and younger. Their team work was much weaker than that of the University girls but they made up in agility what they lacked in size. The players on the Varsity team de serving special mention aro Louise Pound, Harriet Cook and Mario Beach. Miss Pound threw three goals from the field, five on field toss. Miss Cook threw one from tho field. Miss Welch throw one from tho liold. Tho best players of tho Council Blurts girls wore Irma Linkoy and Stella Royer. Miss Linkoy threw one goal from the field, one goal from field toss. Miss Royer throw four goals from field toss. Tho lino up was as follows: Corxoiii Bi.ufts. University. Stella Royer Forward Bertha DuToil Kittie Warner " Helen Welch Vera, Linkoy Center Louise Pound, Capt. Mabel Cook " Harriet Cook Agues Spies, Capt. Guard Mario Beach rTiiivorwU.v GSii'ls Viol onions. The first gaino of girls' basketball in tho west was played last Friday night between tho L. 1. 13. girls of Council Blufl's and tho Varsity team of tho Uhi. Tho game resulted in a victory for tho University girls by a scoro of lfi to 7. The gymnasium was well filled long boforo tho hour by a large and enthusiastic audionce. Tasteful decorations of the dill'erent society and fraternity colors ornamented tho windows. Tho patronesses woro given seats of honor in tho north-east corner of tho building. Tho Chancellor and other distinguished guests were present. Tho evening's entortainment was mado up of two games tho contests botweon tho Council Blufl's girls and tho Uni versity girls, and tho Whites and Reds of Miss Barr's famous Midgets, ISnunn Linkoy " Mario Kennedy Substitutes, Sadie Grass, Ceandia Scott,, Council Blufl's; Rose Long, University. The midgets' game was played according to Smith rules, and was one of tho most interest ing features of tho evening. It ended in a victory for tho Whites by a scoro of 15 to 12. Tho following is tho lino up of those attrac tive teams: Whites. Reds. Minnie Smith Forward Ade.lloycl Whit ing, Capt. Grace Wheeler " Lucy Griffith Not tie Henry Center Rosa Hess .lonnio Pentor, Capt. " Grace Broady Mabol Dempster Guard Edith Swart. Anna McCrosky " Bob Erford Miss Ban acted as roforee; Miss McDiel and W. E. Anderson woro umpires. After tho game the players woro treated to a de lightful luncheon, served under tho direction of Mrs. Ogden and Miss Mae Whiting,