The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 4
6 M rriE: HESPERIAN anything to do with such old scraps as those. Just keep your oyo on the daily papers which .spread the tidings far and wide. Students are not all had; not all students are good; but it must remain recorded that nearly all are noisy. If they stop at noise merely, again there is just a smile all around, out in the big world. But alas. Tun Cook. NOTES. It is Spring. A robin came up and drank to my health between chirps out of a puddle beside the walk; a ball hit me square in the back while the kids yelled "foul." Ono of rtlie kids told me ho was going to have a base ball team of bis own. 1 suppose he will call it the "Toddlers." Nature well. I'll leave that to Bixby. It is the kids and their closely allied species, the robins, who tell nin when spring comes. atul::iic" ATIII.KTK' IHUIM) MKIH'I.VO. The. Athletic Hoard held a meeting last Sat urday afternoon at which all the different managers were present and made their month ly reports. The report of Ceo. Hurgert, tennis manager, showed a decided improvement in that branch of athletics. Mr. Burger I has given up the idea of holding an inter-stato meet and will concentrate his cilbrts in mak ing a success of the state tournament, in which every college in the state is expected to par ticipate. The tournament will bo held in Lincoln. The report of the base ball committee did not show any decided improvement in the games scheduled. "While the members of the committee, and also Assistant Managei llyons who is acting as secretary of the committee, deserve no littio credit for the vigorous man ner in which they are prosecuting thy work, yet they have been more or less handicapped by the organization of the Illinois league and the fact that our games on the eastern trip last year were unprofitable to the entertaining teams, and results so far are not what might be hoped for. The report of the foot ball manager, A. A. Biachof, showed that he was carrying on a large correspondence and that some games were already scheduled. There were several applicants for the position of Coach. A letter to Dr. Hastings from ox-Coach llobinson makes the latter practically an applicant for the po sition. If possible the board will secure Mr. llobinson. The report of track manager, IS. A. Moore, would seem to indicate a successful Held meet ('lis spring. Mr. Moore said a good track was the thing most needed. A member of the board suggested that one Cutter thought a cinder track possible. His plan was to carry a subscription list around to the business men asking them for donations. As Mr. Cutter oilbred his services, the board made him ofji v.iub soli ariar. The hoard acted favorably upon the pro posed Athletic Annual. W. II. Oury offered to assume the business responsibilities for one half the profits. His proposition was accept ed. An effort will be made to induce Will MacKay, one of the 'OR Sombrero stall', to act as Kditor-in-Chiof. nrsr. The house whore Cowgill rooms has been quarantined. Cowgill left for home between two days. He will return within a couple of weeks. The practice hours have been fixed for the present from -h.'JO to 0 p. m. All candidates for the team will be excused from drill. After this, men wishing to practice must hand their names to Capt. Gordon. All others will be kept off the field. This stop was deemed ncc cessary in order that the men who really wish to try for the team may have a chance to practice. A series of games between the class teams is being arranged to be played within the noxt two weeks. This will enable tho men to get a littio preliminary practice in games and also give the new pitchers a chance to see what they can do. II. M. Benedict '0(5, and a member of last year's team has been ongagod to bo the field coach for the coming season. Ho will be with the team three days in tho week. Tho ath letic board showed excellent judgment in en gaging Benedict as coach. Ho is well ac quainted with all tho men, an enthusiastic alumnus and abovo all ho is undoubtedly tho fastest amateur infielder in tho state. Under his able coaching and with tho abundance of