THE: HESPERIAN ' BIXBYVS KETR1BAT. Is it oratory? Prudence is a master virtue. t An owl rests solely on its reputation for wisdom. It is currently reported that Prof. Jay Amos Barrett author of the revised edition of Bar rett's ".Nebraska" attended the peachment trial in a body. mayor mi- HE HELP HEK HANI). I watched them saunter slowly by While Zeno held her hand. She did not cringe, or sigh, or cry. As Zeno pressed h.r hand. 1 kind w' wished that it were I Who held her willing hand. to the skies for a recent measure of soul-music he set for them. We reproduce his gem here gladly, calling suggestive attention to its merits in literary analysis: "I bask (1) in a hammock (2) of daisies (.')) With cushions (4) of violets sweet: A canopy blue (o) where my gaze is, (G) Prof. Randolph's big dog (.7 ') at my feet. In fancy (S) I catch u sweet vision Of her face, of her soul, (9) every charm Imprinted with sharpest incision (10) Hello! (11) Here she is on my arm!" Literary analysis: 1 Note poetry. 2 Is the author accustomed to a hammock? 3 Show author's character from his favorite flower. What time of year is it? 4 Author adroitly leads us on. 3 What hour of the night is it now? G Is he star-gazing, or is this expres sion used for effect? 7 What art shown in introducing so big a dog? Would the picture be intensified if the scene were a watermelon from "Au.uuu .u.rvAti..ii,'by cha. Kuhiman-sth Kd i field? S Note power of imagination. 9 Xote WILLING HUT HELPLESS Willi my thoughts immersed in study And my work away behind. I cannot, roast anybody i or my grinder" will not grind." CITY WOSDKHKUU. I have heard of a wonderful city In some heavenly realm, 1 am told Where the excise-men are all angels, With no tell-tale "Pops" in the fold; Where the streets are all paveu in splendor, The side-walks in model repair, Where the gas-meters while they are resting Did not puff away on fresh "air;" Where jobs were not bought at a "bargain" Or contracts to ward-heelers let; .Where the pumps don'tgo dry onshortnotice If the whole city policy's "wet;" Where the Boards, the Police and the Mayor Were not trained by the "swag" to "forget." HAD WHEELS IN HIS HEAD. I heaida scream, heart-piercing crj' Look! there a couple gliding by But Congdon's wheel was on a "shy," And hence her scream-Good Heavens! Oh mj'3 Just missed-safe now-on either side Before, behind, the scorchers glide, And Congdon pale from head to heel Dismounts, disheartened from his wheel. Her scream still echoes in his ear He swears he'll ride no more this year Two at a time, till he can "steer" The darned old rampant running-gear. Abbott's betutation complete. His homo papers have lauded Fred Abbott keen penetration. 10 How he swears she was beautiful. 11 Note characteristic art in pre tended innocence. Quest inn, for gen era .dis cussion. Show that it was not Smalley's cat on his arm. HKTTEIt 10 IT HAKEU. The world would lose its steady jog If Baker fell in love; And Spring wouldn't slip back one full cog If Baker fell in love. The alcove quiet wouldn't be "all talk" If Baker fell in love. Prof. Epes might make them all "walk chalk" If Baker fell in love. Kind heaven could locate here to bless With quiet and peace and loveliness Instead of fiendish soul-distress If Baker fell in love. J'hc editor apologizes for this dirucL quotation . If you want a shave, go to Westerlield's. Our spring styles are beauties; come in and see them. Foot Form Store, 1213 0 street. The Co-op is selling stationary at a very low figure. We do not break collars: thuy are turned by hand. The Best Laundry, 2249 0 street. Full line of tablets and history covers at the Cooperative Book Co. We do not sell gold dollars for 50c but we do sell the best men's S3 shoe that was ever put on the market for the money. Wo have them in all the late shades and shapes. Foot Form Store, 1213 O street.