Jfflm s Till. HISSPKRIAX THE HESPERIAN IhHioU Weekly hy the Ukmthian AMtoouTioNof tlicUniverxlty of Nebraska. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college yenr. In ndvunce One eopy, one i-emestor AtlVKRTIHlMl ItATK OS AMPLICATION. fioo (Ml Al.tDINI AKII BX-STIMIKKT. Spoe1nl endeavor -will be made to make Tub IIespkkian lnter etlni; to former Mtidents. Please honlmjroiir feiibsurlptlotis. STonliMcrlptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address nil commtitilcnilons to Tub IIkiphkias,' University of Nebrnsku. Lincoln. Nebraska, BOARD OK B01T0US. ASSDOIATKS K. B. PERKY P. B KDRKRTOV 1,. F.. Wl'MHOKl) .1. I). 1 Mi 1 SOX O B. I1AOKK P O. I1AWXBY (J ICO IlLKOKUP I. B RBBDBR S.O0IBTY RBl'RBsKNTATlVICS RBN aI.DKRVIAN . . . 11. o. surros ... ui:y r inwiti) 1U.VN CHK IOKEY .... TMARTIIA CIIAPPEM, lUAROPKRITK CONTRYMAN -11 .1. TIIEOMAIiT) Manauivo Boitou Assistant Business Mummer UdltorlHl News DoliiUes I'niiernliloi Diamond Dust Literary l.OOlll MMtiuy l.oiml Alumni l0(!ul Atlilellc The Oratorical Contest is upon us. The contestants are prepared. Tlie judges arc chosen and the heavy work of the officers is ovit. Tliis forensic hattle promises to "be fierce and fiery. No one is planning to run away with the honors and the one who lias such hopes is assuredly laboring under a fond delusion. Nearly avcry element in Universi ty affairs is represented, which fact increases interest and centralizes attention. The indi cations now are that a representative audience will greet the contestants in a contest which is University enterprise in every sense. If the student-body does its duty, this year, ora tory need never decline to a secondary position. iStadcnttP maun meeting to arouse interest In the local Oratorical UontaaU llmvormUj Ofiapeh "Wodnmday March .9, The TIbspbrian is always ready to print the news. Any person detecting an improve ment in the conduct in the library will please inform a TIbspbriax representative of this fact The vmiI still dents should know the truth. The Literary Societies have had charge of of "the Oratorical Association ihe past few years. Can they afford to let it fail in their hands? Can the Debating Clubs, with their vital intercut in matters forensic, afford to ec oratory decline in the Uni? Pride in the in stitution, pride in contests in the Forum, and pride in themselves should rally these organi zations to a strong effort. Let it not be pe nurious or vacillating, hut let it he hearty and vigorous, sure and sustaining. A united ef fort, an earnest attempt arc-bust resolution will put. the Association on a firm footing and assure stability And strength for this year and years to come. The hot heads have already gone to Avar with Spain. The .lingoes are booted and "spurred,"' their patriotic resolutions are adopted, they are now investing the castle of Moro and yearning to come in bloody contact with the Spanish Dons, and nil because in some way, some how (way and manner both unknown) the Maine was sunk. Did it never occur to them that other Avar ships have gone down, that a great ship is peculiarly liable to accident that the cause is now being investi gated? Supposing Spaniards did the deed, is it not reasonable to suppose that those doin it -were merely irresponsible individuals? Can Avenot wait patiently for the result of the in vestigation? Can Ave not- wait until a demand for indemnity and disavowal is made? Do you propose to indictthcAvholc Spanish nation for the Avanton act of a few unknown conspir ators? 'Will there not be time enough to fight Avhen peaceable methods of adjusting have failed? Can we not presume that Spain would disavow such .an act and make proper repara tion for the loss? Have these fire-eaters for gotten that there is such a thing as national h:mor, an international law, and a comity of nations' If they Avill take n collection of themselves for a moment or two, think a reas onable thought or so, consider what Avarisaiid what national honor should h, avc predict a stute of opinion less bellicose, a press-tone less bombastic and an atmphsre less blus tery. The death of 2M men .will 1JOt justify the senseless sacrifice of an hundred times that many; the loss of the Maine will not e-