The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 25, 1898, Page 9, Image 7

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JLocjvL Orntoriciil Content.
Tho local oratorical contest will take place
Friday evening, March nth, in the chapel.
Messrs. Hager, Deal and Ewart, the officers of
tho local association, are sparing no efforts to
make the contest a financial success, and a
good attendance this year is to be expected.
Tho success of the contest otherwise is now
assured. There are to be five strong contest
ants, coming from different student organiza
tions. Henry R. Tucker, '99, is a member of
the Palladian Society. He won the Chase
and Wheeler contest with tho full support of
his society to cheer him on. J. D. Dnison
comes from tho Dalian Society. Mr. Danison
is a graduate of the Upper Iowa University,
where he won several oratorical honors, and
is now a member of the senior law class.
Last year he took part in the Kansas-Nebraska
debate, and this year won first place in the
preliminary debates. 0. W. Meier graduated
from this University Charter Day. He is now
a member of the junior law class. Through
out his University course ho has identified
himself with forensic contests. This year he
won a place in the preliminary debates. Mr.
Meier will represent tho Union Society. Miss
Helen Goff is a member of the law class of '97.
She has taken much interest in oratorical work.
At present she is taking work in the Political
Science Department. C. E. Cake is a Dart
mouth graduate of '97. He is now one of the
prominent members of the junior law class.
Ho has taken an active part in oratorical and
debating matters since coming here. He is
tho only fraternity man in tho contest and tho
fraternity people are expected to bo there en
masse to cheer their representative on to vic
tory. With this showing it is safe to assume
that wo will have the strongest contest this
year that has been witnessed for many years.
Therefore, let us remember "our politics,"
fir&t place in the Inter-State contest for Neb
raska. And by tho way, tho Uni. is to have
first place in the State contest.
""Chase and WnEixEit Contest. The an
nual Chas and Wheeler oratorical contest of
tho Paladian society took place in Paladian
Hall last Fridny evening. A good sized and
appreciative audience listened to the speakers.
Although there were only two contestants this
year tho contest was a credit to the society.
Mr. H. D. Sams spoke on "Our Defense."
Mr. Sams is a forceful speaker but his oration
could be improved in language and arrange
ment. Henry R. Tucker spoke on ''The
Coming Statesman. ' ' Mr. Tucker has a strong,
carefully written manuscript and with an im
provement in delivery will be certain to make
a creditable showing in the local contest.
The judges gave Mr. Tucker first prize, of $10
offered by Chase and Wheeler, and Mr. Sams
second prize of $5 offered by tho society. The
judges were:-on manuscript, W. O. Jones, J.
A. Barrett and Prof. Hill ; on delivery, T. R
A. Williams, J. W. Searson and Prof. H. K.
WiiHliixig-ton U- of IV. Club.
A note from the University of Nebraska
Club of Washington, D. C, may be of interest
to the readers of the Hesperian. The follow
ing are members of the club: Miss Com D.
Thomas, '97, Hon. D. H. Mercer, '80, H. W.
Olmsted, '84, E. C. Wiggenhorn, '87, J. G.
Smith, '88, T. A. Williams, '89, E. E. Gilles
pie, '90, A. F. Woods, '90, W. H. Wheeler,
'91, D. A. Haggard, '91, F. C. Kenyon, '92,
Miss Charlotte H. Andrus, '72, Adam Mc
Mullen, '96, It. P. Teele, '97, R. A. Emerson,
'97. The following are associate members:
Miss Mary H. Williams, Mrs. Lucina Hardin
Webber, Mrs. Effie M. S. Williams, Mrs. .7.
R. Covert, Mrs. Mary Hazard Teele, T. J .
Kemp, Gayland Tait, J. R. Covert. The fol
lowing officers were elected at the third an
nual meeting of the club, held on the evening
of Charter day: President, D. H. Mercer;
first vice president, Miss Cora Thomas; second
vice president, H. W. Olmstead; secretary, R.
A. Emerson;trcasurer,Miss Charlotte Andrus;
Executive Committee, E. C. Wigginhorn, J.
G. Smith, H. J. Webber, E. E. Gillespie and
W. H. Wheeler. R. A. Emerson, '97, Sec.
Tho P. G. D. C. met last Friday and elect
ed Miss Sundean president.
Miss Mary Loughridge entertained about
two dozen friends Wednesday evening. Re
freshments and games were tho program.
Mr. Lucian Stacy, of Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, has made an application for coach of
friQ bootball team the coming season. Mr.
Stacy is a graduate of West Point and has
played several years as half bacl&on the West
Point team. He is highly recommended for
the position of coach.