The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 25, 1898, Page 6, Image 4

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Athletic Nitcs : xx I Comment.
The gymnasium is in great need of more
locker room. All the lockers are now filled.
The larger lockers arc each used by two men.
Negotiations are beiag entered into for a
game of indoor baseball between the Uni. and
Omaha Y. M. C. A. base ball teams. The
Uni. team began practice this week for the
selection of the University team and positions.
Prominent physical educators and city su
perintendents have recently formed a District
Society of A. A. A. P. E. in this state with
the following officers: J. F. Saylor, president;
F. B. Barnes 1st vice president; M. R. Ely,
2nd vice president; Dr. W. II. Hastings, sec
retary; Miss Harriet MacDjugal, treasurer;
committee, Dr. D. L. R. Lorme, Walter
House, B. L. Barr; other members, A. G.
Pcarse, A. A- Reed, Geo. E. Condra, II. B.
Ward. The object of the society is to consider
plans for investigation of the growth of chil
dren in the leading cities and towns of our
state. The method persued will be a brief
physical examination of children consisting of
measurements and strength tests. The ag
gregate result will be tabulated and general
conclusions as to comparative growth of sexes,
comparative heredity as based upon physical
type, nationality and occupation of parents,
ph3'sical basis of precocitj' and dullness and
kindred subjects. These tabulated results
will form part of the University exhibit at
the Trans-Mississippi exhibition.
The amount Dr. Hastings has done for ath
letics since lits connection with the University
can scarcery be over estimated. That some
thing lias given athletics a wonderful impetus
is shown by the results of the Charter J)ay
indoor contest Not only were two Univer
sity records the horizontal bar jump and the
running high kick-broken, but the whole
contest showed the participants to have had
better and more systematic training than has
been shown in previous contests. Our Uni
versity is the equal of many eastern institu
tions in numbers and rank and there is no
reason why, with proper work and enterprise,
we can not equal them in athletic records.
The improvement this year is more than could
be expected. With such men as Jewett,
Bwjdlow, XeMar, LaSalle, Andreson Brothers,
Moore, Pillsburj' and Benedict we reed not
be ashamed of our present position in athlet
ics. Besides his uncaasing work in putting
the men tluough proper training, Dr. Hastings
has secured the following trophies: A 810
track suit, by members of the athletic board,
to the winner of Pentathlon contest; a $50
solid silver cup, by Armstrong Clothing Co,
to the class winning the annual field day; a
$15 silver shield, by the Farmers and Mer
chants Insurance Co. to be contested for at
least three years by Nebraska colleges. Mr.
P. O. Mahoney, of Bjokdept. Herpolsheimers,
has offered a $20 gold midal to the winners
of the April pentathlon contest.
The minstrel show will be given by the
young ladies of the gymnasium classes with
the help of a few others. Lieut. Stotsenburg
and Miss Charlotte Clark are making the ar
rangements. It will be but a couple of weeks until the
team will begin out dour practice. Prospects
for a strong team are becomiug brighter every
day. Acting Manager Ryon3 this week com
pleted arrangements for games with Emporia
and the State University of Iowa. Nearly all
the games for both the Kansas and eastern
trips have been scheduled.
A benefit minstrel will soon be given to
raise money to purchase new uniforms for the
the team. There is no doubt but the student
body will support this benefit as enthusias
tically as they have others in the past The
team will be stronger this yerr than last and
a better home schedule wili be arranged. The
only thing which remains to make the season
the most successful in the history of Univer
sity baseball is the support of the student
body. Begin right and buy two tickets to the
minstrel show.
Coach Barnes has begun training the pitch
ers in the use of a curve bill! and in chango of
pace. Hyde, Bliss and Melford arc showing
up exceptionally well. Burr, Moore, Wil
liams and Hershey are candidates for "back
stops." Burr is almost certain to be one of
the regular catchers having had four vr five
years experience on some of the best amateur
teams in the state. Moore prefers to play
first base unle33 needed as catcher. At aav
rate a good battery in as&ured.