THE: HESPERIAN lee00w0"0fc'0":v0a''0i'5! & j fafs Gerald Dry Goods Co. I 1 023-1 020 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEB. i The Popular Cloak Department of the City. t t t 1 1 We have some excellent bargains to offer in our ? iwit. uuw;u uu'miu invt!i i ntii uuauauiu tu uauiuo G Misses and Children's Jackets. Cloth and Fur Capes, Collarettes, Muffs and Boas - Hmra oriH W 1 1 1 ha Vai; filarl -f-r Q.lnrni7 HTliam . nC iiavv.auu tv... ; tJ ..v,,. . ..w... At Any Time. ------ OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS GOODNESS GRANTS, 2 V-'8y8-0'-8'Vi-.-T.r Tl-8Ti."'-'t''C8Ti-'.TS.Ti.89'vC9 E. HALLETT Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Sterling Silverware, Silver Novelties, Cut Glassware, Ladies and (-rents' Umbrellas in gold and Silver Mountings. Opera Glasses. Gold Pens -with Pearl Holders, etc., etc. No charge for ongraving at Eyes Examined Free E. HALLETTS Fanke Opera Bouse Block, 1143 0 street. Removal Discount Sale ,0!?R2Jet TRUNKS, VALISES Ele?ant Li For aummer Tourists and others BookS,CardCaS8S,Ii9ather OLD TRUNK8 W FXOHANQB FOR NEW OSES. Belts and NOVOltieS. . Repairing a specialty. Wirsck's Trunk Factory j 1217 O St. BALDWIN BROS. HARDWARE CO 1910 O Si root, HANDLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Ba,3, Boxing Gloves Catlery, Bicycle3, Ska,t93 aad Sharpansrs. Stoves and Copking Uteris is. G jns far Rant. NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT CO 143 north 13th sfcreat, Oliver Theatre Block. Pants randa to order $4 $5 and upwards. Nobby Suits $20, upwards 'Mi bjrjard for U m' w,ar. En , fr ckildnm' mux All oo Is ami work fint clues Satisfaction Guaranteed Oome and See Us