The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 4
TI1K: IIKSIMSKIAN T 17 X 1 ' M 1 7ws breraia urv (jrooas co. ? 0 1023.1029 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. i The Popular Cloak Department of the City. l We havo some excellent bargains to olTor in our a oak department. Wvorything dosirablo m Lames 0 1 Cloak Misses and Children's Jaekots. Cloth and Km Capos. i Collarottes, jLufVs and Boas 0 J We Have and Will be Very Glad to Show Them ji j At Any Time. ------ OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS GOODNESS GRANTS. 5 V n F, HALLETT Doalor in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Sterling Silverware, Silver Novelties, Cut Glassware, Ladies and Gents' Umbrellas infold and Silver Mountings. Opera Glasses. Gold Pens with Pearl lloldors, etc., etc. No charge for ongraving at Eyes Examined Free E. HALLETTS Fnnko Opera House Block, 1143 0 street. 1036 O Street iVftcr Removal Sale. AXXVfVCUX JL1UUV7U.U.IJ jdXj TRUNKS, VALISES Eleant Li of Pocket For bummer Tourists and others Books,CardOases,Leather old trunks in exchange for nbw ones. Belts and Novelties. Repairing a specialty. Wirick's Trunk Factory, 1217 O St. BALDWIN BROS. HARDWARE CO I2IO O Siroot, HANDLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves Cutlery, Bicycles, Skates and Sharpeners. Stoves and Cooking Utensils. Guns for Rent. NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT 00 143 nDrfch 13bh sbreab, Oliver Theatre Block. Pants made to order $l $5 and upwards. Nobby Suits $20, upwards uruuua uy yuru lor uwa wear. anat ior cnuuren'd Wear. All coo Is ami work first ulnaa Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and See Us